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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. Where is the Wise account registered. If it is in Australia it is quite easy to open a case against them online using AFCA. I have had many problems with missing transfers over the years. Once I had a lost transfer with OFX. For weeks they put all the blame on the banks. However within a day or two of opening an AFCA case against them all of a sudden they found the missing money money and sent it straight to me. I'm sure other countries would have similar protections. Even Thailand has a department for this. You just need to do it in the country that your address is in. Now I just do bank to bank to transfers. I don't mind paying a little bit extra to cut out the middle man and have more protection with SWIFT records etc.
  2. Says late June / early July here https://thailand.prd.go.th/en/content/category/detail/id/48/iid/293120
  3. Even after the last upgrade still nowhere to sit and eat food. You'd think they could put an eating area in somewhere so people don't have to sit at the gate eating there meals. Normally burgers, a crappy sandwich or cup noodles. They can really improve in this area. And stop treating croissants like bread while you're at it 😠
  4. I used to follow him a lot a few years ago but seems he was cancelled by the establishment on most major platforms and I lost him. Where is he active online now? I'd like to follow him
  5. I find the psychology of this issue fascinating. The way Thais think of motorbikes on the road and the way foriegners think seems to be different. For me motorcycles should be able to use a road in basically the same way as cars as is the case in every other country I have been to. They use tunnels and can use the right lane on a road without getting tooted at or breaking a law. From what I have noticed the Thai view is this is dangerous and motorcycles shouldn't be in these places. I think this is due to Thais knowing within themselves that lots of Thais are seemingly unable to control themselves. Speeding, tailgating and a "get out of my way, i'm coming through" attitude is the norm. The people who think tunnels in Thailand are safe for motorbikes haven't realised this yet in my opinion. I asked the staff why I am not allowed to use a certain road to work to work a few years ago. Motorcycles are not let through a boom gate and have to go around a very quiet road. The answer "because people cannot control their speed". Perhaps if the police enforced speeding, tailgating and dangerous driving then the tunnels would be safe. Instead they enforce the rules on tunnels because dangerous driving is the norm and unchecked. My opinion
  6. He looks invincible. Bring him to Soi 6
  7. "Love" is it? Attempts to sell organs to pay money for the rights to Her poo ying. For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part. Who meanwhile says nothing and remains indifferent as he attempts to sell organs and jump off a bridge. That's someone you can count on in tough times when you're broke and in need of care. 😆 Madness
  8. Yeh doesn't really add up. Looks like broken bones and possible death but to be sure you think you would go up a level or two. Looks like a drunk bewildered man messing around in a abandoned project. Maybe he was up there before the photo was taken. Who knows.
  9. Hard to pass any comment on this when the incident allegedly happened before the video started and there's no report. It looks like he is just sitting there with his hand holding the side of the seat. The lady in front is sitting forward. "wild eyes" - as the guy looks around preparing to disembark is a stretch as well. Anyway grab the pitchforks, it's social media.
  10. 19th hole! That's a new one. Sounds like quite the golf course
  11. I saw a thread yesterday - How to deal with my friends who think Thailand is just a country of hookers with the usual age old debate below. It's exactly this kind of thing that perpetuates the stereotype. Not doing themselves any favours are they.
  12. Are the cops allowed to finger you?
  13. Thanks Sheryl and Retarius. I've had this for a couple of years with no issues and also heard they don't really need to be removed unless they cause issues. It is just starting to look a bit weird.
  14. A small Lipoma about an inch in diameter on shoulder. Had an ultrasound on it at Phuket Bangkok Hospital which was about 10,000 baht or something which confirmed it was Lipoma. A benign lump of fat. They then quoted me 28,000 baht to remove it. Messaged Kathu Dermatology that I had heard about in another thread here. They seemed to want to avoid detailing fees. Just saying "laser start at 3000 per lump" or something. Which obviously does not apply and raised some red flags. Messaged Dr. Pat clinic with photos - Consultation starts 500-1500 and they cannot give estimate. Despite them saying in google reviews "the price for everything will be informed to you before making an appointment or having the consultation". Messaged Nikorn Clinic (คลินิกหมอนิกร จ.ภูเก็ต) in town. Quoted about 3500 which I imagine is the normal price as it should be. The issue is they only open 6pm - 7.30pm and had a queue of about 12 Thais waiting at the door each time I went. Found a place Aspire Clinic - Quoted a clear 10,000 baht. Walked into another Thai clinic in town and showed them - "Oh nooo mister you go hospital better na" Anyone have any other contacts or places to try with reasonable prices?
  15. I had to find the footage of this wild beast with sharp teeth that sent people fleeing and retreating from it's powerful jaws Behold the deadly predator
  16. Meeting desperate Russsian strangers at night to buy crypto. What could possibly go wrong.
  17. As others casually stood by feeding it dog food
  18. Can't help but notice the source of our news articles often missing recently. Seems as though the articles are getting run through chatgpt with a vaguely related pic slapped on.
  19. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on potential solutions or best practices for addressing conflicts in a constructive manner.
  20. Maybe it's her plan all along? "If I can just roll him to the bus then that's my som tam for the year paid"
  21. "Fled" to Bangkok, or left a review, thought nothing of it and continued his travels in Bangkok.
  22. "NATIONAL OUTRAGE" again! Because someone had a piss. Meanwhile, yesterdays news of British expat run over and killed. How did it go again? Cops don't care. Cameras "not working". Van/taxi driver no alchohol test. Nobody gives a F. But hey kiddo, don't p*ss near our temple
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