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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. It's not a new thing. It's really weird. Like they think they are the only country in the world that eats chilli. So many times I have ordered Thai food spicy only to get prik chi faa instead of the small chillies. Or get no chilli at all. Or get an entirely different dish. Or another one is to put little or no chilli and then when you ask they give you a shaker of chilli powder which changes the dish entirely. It's really weird. Another one is the pork blood (nam dtok) in noodles. Ordering noodles from a thai guy with a cart once in Pattaya me and wife both trying to get 2 bowls of nam dtok noodles. He refused to do it for me saying farang mai chob.
  2. I would say after the story of the Satthahip (or?) Chonburi election being rigged by the electoral commission just a few weeks ago that they have no integrity to be investigating anyone.
  3. I have noticed a purple sticker on a lot of their vans saying "car app". No idea what it is but had me wondering if they have somehow got someone to make them a crappy version of grab with pricing better suited to their needs. Tried to find out online but can't.
  4. These Neanderthals are on the way out and they know it. I think Move Forward won all of Phuket and seem to have plans to change these idiots as well. During covid it became clear that they literally have no other skills or way to make money in life. Except for sitting around all day being losers and ripping people off. I'd love to see them all vanish.
  5. The guy is obviously a loser but 40k for a out of place mirror is ridiculous. 500฿ - somchai messes about with screwdriver for 10 minutes. 39,500฿ - repair little Thai mans imaginary balls and fragile ego. Oh and 10k for the chaps down at the station.
  6. All in a rush? No. I can see why you think that but not all. I think "extreme" would be better description of what you have noticed but that's still a gross generalisation. Either extremely in a rush and just can't stand still or stop at a red light. Extremely fast. Driving annoyingly extremely slow. Extreme reactions to minor things. Extremely apathetic. Extremely overboard with rules, regulations, admin. Extremely rude. Extremely polite. Extremely greedy. Like every population there's different types of people.
  7. I managed to find the transcript: "Excuse me kind sir. It seems that your driving almost caused an accident. No biggy, I just walked over to check everything is ok and find out why you braked so suddenly"?
  8. They just have no idea these people. So weird. Next they will be rolling tanks down the road
  9. Did you offer them a cheeseburger too? Pay your rent
  10. You're supposed to have a will in any country where you hold significant assets in that country. A person can have multiple wills in multiple countries but this should be noted in your assistance will at least. As someone mentioned you can nominate the beneficiary direct with super. However from memory of you already have a will the line that you need to put in there is 100% to "legal personal representative". This means that the super will be distributed according to your will. Annoyingly this automatically lapses every 3 or 4 years and you have to resubmit it to keep it up to date. For me personally it's a huge ballache as my large Thai address doesn't fit in the form and they reject it more often than not. My provider insists it must be done by mail. Also consider that if you're paying hundreds in insurance on your super that you're unlikely to be actually covered by that insurance living overseas. I cancelled mine.
  11. I would like to purchase one of your 8 legged horses for my 2 horsepower brewery start up
  12. Have you tried switching to buffalo power
  13. Anyone know where i can buy a horse for my beer company
  14. This is only part of the story. Reported elsewhere that the cat replied "cheers bro, I'll just chill here".
  15. Orange boys are getting phased out. Just delaying the inevitable. All these orange guys will just become bolt anyway the only difference for them is they will become accountable for their actions. Boo hoo
  16. I've always thought Satthahips military airport was quite secure WHEN I WALK THROUGH IT
  17. I rode past one of these overturned utes in thalang a couple of months ago. Perfectly straight road. Perfect sunny weather. Speed limit of 100. Confused looking guys standing nearby. No reason in the universe for being able to flip a vehicle onto its roof. You really gotta be a special person to pull this off.
  18. And the outcome of the electoral commissions findings. The same electoral commission in the news a day or 2 ago for allegedly rigging chonburi or satthahips results.
  19. How to deal with scam callers in Thailand... Scam caller= Wadee kaa bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Me= huh? What r u talking about. Scam caller= mung bla bla bla "Click" 555
  20. The thing about phuea thai is they were only doing well because they were the original first and only populous party. Then these guys came along with the better, clearer policies and new ideas. I really hope they pull it off. Winning this is half the battle. Next they have to run over a minefield avoiding everything the military and royalists throw at them. To get to his chair. Then they have to put their money where their mouth is and do what they promised. I don't imagine they can do much worse than the previous junta though. Future is bright.
  21. Thanks i guess that may be the reason. As in other countries or mine at least you typically don't have hundreds of 125cc bikes in underpasses. Logic has been found
  22. I completely agree and i normally preach the same. If you try to understand things you will go crazy. Best not to bother. However, after living here ten years the temptation to find the logic in these things has been bugging me. As it may be me that is missing something that is plain to see
  23. 2 things Firstly - Underpasses. For example the ones on the big bypass road running all down the center of Phuket. No motorbikes allowed. No No No! Very bad! Cannot! What do people think about this? Anyone have a rational explanation of why in other countries it is fine to ride a bike through an underpass but in Thailand it is illegal. I used to ignore it sometimes to avoid the 3 minute red lights above and because I can't see any reason in my brain whatsoever. I got pulled up about 6 months ago. Copper waiting at the exit of one of them. He was saying in Thai "many many people die" riding through underpasses. Even hearing the words come out of his mouth I just cannot imagine many many people dying all the time in them or them being significantly more dangerous than the already ultra dangerous roads everywhere else. Anybody have the solution to this puzzle? For me the biggest thing going through my mind with underpasses is don't overtake and be extra careful and maybe the thing will collapse on my head. Second - The distinction everywhere between "big bikes" and the rest. I can understand how for licencing this can be relevant as they have more power and take more skill to ride. The separate car parking. I think comes down to the hierarchical culture in Thailand where every part of society there needs to be an option for "I'm better than you". Think the VIP area in buses, boats, banks, cinemas, pi + nong, parking, seating. The list goes on. I'm kind of answering my own question here but would like to hear peoples thoughts and opinions. There is a road near my workplace that cars are allowed to drive down. Scooters are not allowed. However, if you're on a crappy CBR 250 then you're allowed to pass. Is there any logic to be found here?
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