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Posts posted by PCA

  1. Good morning,

    I intend to go to Phuket by bus this evening (first time). So far I checked on google departures are from Southern Bus Terminal in Bang Ramat. My question is whether it requires a ticket reservation or is it sufficient to just go there 1 hour or so ahead of scheduled departure?

    Furtheron how is the trip organized, are there any stops or is there any meal and drinks provided if not?

    PS: I know it's not an exciting topic but hey, I called 3 different tour operators and they were just so impolite and rude while insisting to take care of everything without answering my question.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Currency trading is something I started learning earlier last year and ventured into live trading about 6 months ago. Essentially its not really fun so to speak and I look on it as a means to diversify my investments and it has certainly proven worthwhile to me although I have not got closee to quitting my day job.

    As you correctly pointed out you are new to this so I would say that you need to 1) keep your expectations/ goals real (for me 5% per month) 2) Look on solid and helpful websites for unbiased underpinning knowledge (I used babypips) 3) Once you have this underpinning knowledge you will be in a much better position to really target your questioning and also further your reading.

    I know you may think my answer does not directly answer your question but believe me you need to get a foundation first and then ask your questions on a targetted forum.

    I would not follow the advice of someone who thinks a 5% return per month is a realistic expectation.

    Well thanks for your valid input Dick, have you any knowledge on the subject or just another barstool fool. I inlike you was trying to give the OP an on topic response. 5% is indeed realistic, although sound risk management with a trading plan is necessary. So now back to your barstool.

    I don't need to be an expert on the matter to know that a 5% per month return on any kind of financial trading is utopic.

    Especially with amateur currency trading, which is basically a scam made up by brokers targetting naive and greedy individuals.

    95% lose money, the rest are basically the lucky ones.

    The "gurus" claiming such returns in your forums are either lying attention whores or people who want to sell their magic strategies for a hefty price.

    right is that the industry is completely rigged, also right is that you have no real idea about it (not an expert). Wrong is that 5% a month is utopic. Insulting is to call me a lying attention whore (mods??). People who want to sell strategies for a hefty price are countless, they are not traders but sales people (mostly crooks as you smelled correctly) who don't have the guts to execute it by themselves or do not trust enough into their own systems.

    You should just not comment in my opinion because you sound like a typical loser.



  3. For a starter, young man, just go online and use Google to answer your inquiries. It appears you are lacking in basic education and far removed from Forex or any other form of currency trading. Your question is not on point and you don't have a clue what currency trading is, Keep your money in your pocket and get an education in some field of endeavor.Best of luck.

    Only partly I can agree, he is young and doesn't know much. He is interested in something and has nothing much to lose anyway so that's an excellent starting point to start a business like that. More trouble would be if he has already built up something and intends to put it at risk in order to make life easier.

  4. Currency trading is something I started learning earlier last year and ventured into live trading about 6 months ago. Essentially its not really fun so to speak and I look on it as a means to diversify my investments and it has certainly proven worthwhile to me although I have not got closee to quitting my day job.

    As you correctly pointed out you are new to this so I would say that you need to 1) keep your expectations/ goals real (for me 5% per month) 2) Look on solid and helpful websites for unbiased underpinning knowledge (I used babypips) 3) Once you have this underpinning knowledge you will be in a much better position to really target your questioning and also further your reading.

    I know you may think my answer does not directly answer your question but believe me you need to get a foundation first and then ask your questions on a targetted forum.

    I would not follow the advice of someone who thinks a 5% return per month is a realistic expectation.

    It is definitely doable but not after having scratched on the floor. Learning before earning just like every other profession.

  5. Tell us about it,Share your info...may be someone in future would not suffer if you share

    ok, I am a Hedge Fund manager but I don't need new clientsmfr_closed1.gif

    IF I said I currently have 1M baht to fund with you what would you do?

    1. Transfer it via WU to Siam Paragon?

    2, Invest it wisely, in somewhere you know?

    Genuine Q.

    -mel wink.png

    I don't know how to answer this question because I don't know what you expect in returns and in which time frame and under which conditions you are interested to get paid. I am not an Investor, investing is too much of a yawn for me. I am specialised in short to medium term trading covering many markets and strategies. Investing is a time issue, trading is a thrill where time as a statistic does not exist, timing does though - my field is there.

    If you want to do something with your Mill I can tell you when and what to do but you gotta do it yourself and will learn something along in order to do it completely by yourself the next time. Chose an investment type and I get you support in case I have enough time at hand.

  6. If the money is sent using the western union money in minutes service the cash can literally be collected at any bank branch offering western union in minutes.

    yes I know that but my question was pointing to time (right now) and location if someone knows. Silom area preferred, any other place in Bkk also considered.

    Thanks again,


  7. I don't see a system in your posting and 1 point in the ES is 50$. If you want to automate your trades you need to have excellent internet connection with as little latency as possible. Furtheron the ES on high volume is mostly very fast and noisy and a 1 point stop is definitely not going to work, then add spread, slippage and commission ...

    Don't want to discourage you but you appear to have not much experience. Nevertheless only by trying you can find out what works.

  8. join the club as i said gold silver is insurance not investment gold is a useless lump of rock but if their is a total financial meltdown then youll be happy you have some if it crashes medium term (1-5 years) it can only be IMO because world has found a way to solve its massive debt problem and then ill be happy insurance policy did not need to pay off. Ill leave trading to those with better nerves than me and increase my PM % up to 25% as and when things get worse. Bought another pidly 10 onz today.

    I think you should give up on this thought better sooner than later. Silver is an industrial metal and nothing more. It should be somewhere between 10 and 15 and soon enough will be.

    Gold I reckon will shake out the weak boys and you probably can assume who those are beside yourself. 1500 as a bottom picking trendline and buying into it is a very big trap. 1000 is another story if we go there before year end but as I said in this case all of you will not discuss in this thread anymore. :)

  9. Oh where am I? I feel like Alice in Wonderland. Normally I just hang out at the CM forum, and maybe the ladies forum if it's a slow day in CM. I figured the mods would move this inquiry to some forum dedicated to those in the expat community who love to argue about economic policy (and maybe politics). I wasn't disappointed.

    So, now that I'm here. Do any of you (I'm tempted to say idiots but won't) have anything more substantial to cite as as source for your info besides the vague references I used to Int'l Herald Tribune articles that I mentioned. In other words, do you have any data or opinion from someone with some creditability?

    In other words, guys, show me why I need to continue to hang around on this forum or I'm going elsewhere for my economic and financial info.

    lady what would you like to know and what do you have to offer in reverse? I know it shouldd't get intimate on the first date but feel free to PM me :D

  10. flying does it concern you that there seems to be a growing chorus crying

    " it's a bubble "?

    Not really because the various anal-ist have been calling gold a bubble for

    years now. As always I will continue to use my eye & ears to see & hear what is

    actually occurring...Not what the various cheerleaders claim.

    My original reasons for going into gold remain intact. If those reasons start to show

    actually signs of repair then I would start to at least regain my initial investment.

    (Which has tripled since 2008) But we have seen no lasting repair to the many broken systems.

    That the markets trade on silly news of course will have its daily effect. But long term what has

    been repaired? What has gotten worse?

    Due to the corrupt paper gold markets I do expect volatility & said well over a year ago that I fully expect to see days

    where gold will rise or drop more than $100 a day. I am physical only so do not trade in & out for short swings. Premiums & availability

    would not make that a profitable or intelligent trade. But I do swap metal for metal & will again

    if the gold/silver ratio returns to above 60/1

    Not that I am a chartists but

    Looking at a 5 yr chart it may be a little toppy but nothing extreme


    Looking at a 30 day it does look like it has a strong spot at $1750

    Again not a chartist but if it were to break below that then I might be a little concerned

    But again it would have to be accompanied by a real reasons greater than paper gold being manipulated

    via COMEX option expiration & CME margin hikes.


    good approach for now flying, buying dangerous and selling short deadly. Holding if in is the best current recipy. But sorry to tell the but it's a bubble nevertheless. A bubble which can go another 50% from here as easy as burst next week.

  11. Down for the week because of a stopped out Gold trade with very wide stop which promptly reversed but thats life !!

    11 out of 14 trades to the good, so average high and no complaints.

    US finished the week strongly despite lacklustre performance from Bernencke so sentiment for recovery is there.

    Expect strong Indicie performance on the back of any good news next week.

    All Indicies opened strongly as expected but not sure where the good news exactly is but will take it nonetheless.

    Have opened week with 60 pip locked into Dax profit with stop right up to 10 points trailing.

    Fell back and closed at plus 60.

    Await US market direction for possible further trade.

    had you been long over the weekend or did you short the opening or how did you lock in 60 points today chivas?

  12. Watching NZDUSD for long entry and a possible sell on Cable.

    Still hold EURGBP long from earlier. Have taken 14 pips profit and stop remains. Covered with profit.

    you got filled EUR/GBP @ 88.20 Paulo?

    Yes , and have closed most of the order and stop is now at 8840

    can you clarify what time you got filled because by coincidence I had also an order parked there and was not picked up even with institutional data feed. If you got filled than only because your broker took you in the B-book and I guess you trade retail or you entered already before midnight thai time last night.


  13. If this monthly saving is money you don't need access to in the medium term, then I recommend the Sin Mattaya monthly fixed saving a/c. Its a fixed account that requires monthly feeding - you determine how much to put in from the beginning, and then each month put in the same amount. It comes in terms of 2, 3, 4 and 5 years and is currently paying 3.5% for the 3 year option. The account has a maximum deposit amount ceiling of 600,000bt - if you were depositing 25,000 per month, then the 2 year option suits you best (24x25,000). The returns are not taxed. There are certain penalties if you cease depositing to the account, but also some grace periods that give a month or two of flexibility. You can fund this account with a standing instruction from your savings account, or alternatively do it using internet banking. I set one of these up last month and use the recurring transfer on internet banking to fund it.

    Can you give me any more info on this A?

    Thanks guys for your contributions. Reading with interest, keep em coming.


    don't pick up that advise, what you are currently doing is the best option available for your risk appetite: conservative savings book in thailand nominated in thai baht. Do not get into any fixed contracts!

  14. Cable trade reversed of the TL , Booked two positions and will hold 1 position long. stop 5995

    EU same ol. waiting, always aware of friday evening.

    Perhaps time for a beer.

    Not a normal Friday, window dressing yesterday and Independence Day in the US on Monday. Might go ping pong all day leaving you frustrated in the end. Better to take money off the table and enjoy a long weekend well at least for me.

    Good trades.

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