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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I have a cambodian girlfriend and am constantly getting bitten and am always covered in small bruises - she tells me its a sign of affection but sometimes its hurts like ###### - have felt like punching her in the head a few times but can see its just one of her ways of affection.

    anybody else have a woman that bites?

    Thai and Lao nibblers are rare, but all Khmer and southern Viet girls seem to want to bite their initials into your stomach. Must be something in the water. :o

    Rod Can you send me some of that water?? Or is it only in Vietnam? :D

  2. hmmm Brit.....dont know as I have never been attracted to a Thai or Farang woman........I am no lesbian :D

    IamMaic....kids arent so bad....they just cramp your lifestyle and suck every quid you have :D Whatever you do has to be according to the tyke's schedule.......including sex :D

    She wants them and you dont?? Dont you guys discuss this before "jumping in"?

    Yes i love children but not for a while yet need to have some time with the wife first before "JUMPING IN" what's wrong with being a lesbian?? :o (kidding) very nice to have a ringside seat at one of those shows :D

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