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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I am pissed off, that a former teacher of my fiancee did complain to her 'that she's living together with a farang' (and therefore no good girl...) :D

    My girlfriend is not a bargirl (but a student), so this comment bothered her very much, and she was crying...

    Usually I would kick the ass of everybody, who does like this woman did with my fiancee... :o

    But in this case I can't. But still I want to tell her in a polite (Thai) way that she is an *sshole...

    So, what is a good way to do it? How would you guys do it? :D

    I would ignore her but that's me and it sounds like it is hard for you.

    Maybe the teacher is jealous, when my mom married my dad (mom is thai) and (dad is farang) she got jealous looks from the other women she knew. My Mom and Dad met while the vietnam war was going on.

    You would just make a small problem much bigger if you tell how you feel about this teacher, You know all about your GF Why worry about what others say!!


  2. But I was asked last Christmas...:

    "Pat you're living in malaysia now right?"

    "No, Bangkok"

    "Can you speak Taiwanese?"

    "No, it's Thailand"

    "Oh right, so when you going back to Singapore?"

    I get that some times in the states

    Are you chinese?? No

    Japanese?? No

    Korean?? No

    well where do u come from?? Thailand

    ohhhhh your taiwanese!!!! :o

    never fails maybe once every three, four months i get someone to ask me this

  3. So.... I was talking to the GF about Mai Charoenpura..... this is what she said...

    ... Yes she very pretty, but before she vey fat... she pay doctor big money to make her not fat and sexy.... now she stay with many man, only one night boom boom, not love just boom boom.... she can go dancing and have any man she want... :o

    totster  :D

    Like i said before i have a VCD concert of hers and you can tell she was fat before because the doc didn't fix her @$$ it's very big well i can see the fact she can get anyone she wants Look at Her!!!!

    I am a relatively new fan of hers Can you ask your GF totster how long Mai Charoenpura has been in the entertainment business? Thanks. :D

  4. I have the DvD version(US) of "Legend of Suriyothai" I like the movie very much but my version is only a little over 2 hours long Is it true the Original Thai Version was Close to 4 hours long?? Have I missed something important that they don't show in the US Version of the film.

  5. I do the same with my wife jeff1 thai/english spoken at the same time in the beginning or our relationship i had to write english on a peice of paper and she answered the same then i sent her to english class she has gotten much better now

    plus it helps her father speaks english also. he learned from the GI's that were stationed in udorn thani during the vietnam war he knows english slang words also

  6. I have a question to ask when i was in Thailand last my wife accidently hit me in the chin it was not a hard blow but after that she waied me and then closed her eyes was she expecting me to hit her back?? :o Of course i didn't do it but made me think about it for a while after reading this thread the memory came back to me and i thought i would ask.

  7. So don't get involved if it's someone you don't know?? but it's OK if you know the person :o

    See when i was in Thailand last I met my wife's friend and her husband Later on My wife told me he had another wife, Because of how I am I was mad inside but didn't show it.

    Her friend's husband drank alot and he wanted to get me drunk so we could go out to a bar or whatever I told him no What wrong many pretty thai women in Thailand!!! I said i already have a pretty woman (my wife) :D

    We left not too long after he asked me I'm supposed to go with him and leave my wife just like he is going to leave his also No <deleted> Way!!!

  8. She just called and says she does miss me and is considering a re-try.

    I told her that we should think about it first and that she should only come down and join me when I am settled in and have a decent wage and she can find work also and won't be bored.

    (I'm leaving Hua Hin next week)

    She's not that bad Polly, she's just very difficult at times and she needs to think about what she really wants.

    Are you serious scamp?? and if you are it's great news are you going back to bangkok?

  9. Her ex bf put some @tasty@ photos of her on the net waay back.

    She's a hottie I agree!

    Mai Charoenpura?? :D She is my avatar

    Oh, I thought that was your wife! :o

    Yes, she is Suai Mahk... :D

    Please don't get me started on the wife thing :D My wife knows i like her and she likes her also She joke with me "I go Tell her you like her, Maybe she like you also" She joked with me :D

  10. I have to get married first before I can get a Mia Noi... :D

    I wonder how thai women feel about this last time i was in Thailand watched some crazy Thai movie it showed the man getting married but to two women at once!!! :o

    I guess the way i was raised and saw my dad only had my mom that i would never want a mia noi

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