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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. My house....shoes off!!! Even my 2 yr old daughter knows to take her shoes off when she gets into the house. I myself was born in the US but still do things the asian way. My bf now is in the habit of taking his shoes off. And even ask ppl who visits, to take them off as well.

    But why on earth would anyone wear dirty smelly shoes into bed? That's just ridicules.

    I am in the US Army and they have a regulation Do not wear Shoes to bed But supposedly it's a health issue thing Your feet need to breathe espacially being on your feet all day.

    I myself don't see the reason why to have shoes on while your in bed :o

  2. All the men on my soi beat their wives, Its just part of the culture.

        My wife didnt want to marry me after she saw me hitting a heavy bag.

        She said "You kill me 100%"  I said dont worry - me no box wife.

    My wife asked me once "you box me when you get angry" I didn't know what she was saying until her father told me i said to her and her father No I may get angry but not to the point of hitting someone My wife ran over and hugged me :D

    It's sad that men or women have to resort to violence to get heir point across Yes I say women because I live in the states and I've seen big men beat by women of course with a stick or handbag at the time.

    My wife's friend who is a mia noi she is beaten at least once a week according to my wife, She pays for everything The apartment they have and even the first wife's house well part of it. She says she loves her husband :o

    I have a question for the farang women who answered not sure how many answered but I ask this If you have a Thai Husband Would you let him hit you? Also directed to the men Would you let your wife hit you?

  3. Ahhh Thai flyer I think he put himself into that situation he agreed to go to iraq no one forced him to. True?

    True, so knowing the situation why did he go? or if he was already there why didnt he leave after the Paul Johnson beheading? ........Answers simple, greed. ......and now he is facing the ultimate price, dont get me wrong i am sympathetic to his plight, but why dont these guys learn? We've had this thread before with Mr. Johnson and no doubt we will have it again with the next expat..........it just seems such a waste of life that could be avoided.

    I understand why he went also but can't these men arm themselves?? i heard the three men had security for their apartment where was that man the time they were captured....hmmmm

  4. Her ex bf put some @tasty@ photos of her on the net waay back.

    She's a hottie I agree!

    Mai Charoenpura?? :o She is my avatar

    Yes her! I have a few cd's ,met her in Koh Samui about 7 years ago.

    Was going to ask about the Internet photos , but the wife intervened!


    ps Looked nothing like your avatar though...

    My Avatar is from some thai fashion magazine n As well as a Singer she's also an actress and model I was first exposed to her watching "legend of suriyothai" she was a bitch in that movie :D I watched the documentary on the DVD it showed she was a popular singer in Thailand



  5. mayaII-Mai_Charoenpura-20_img0202.jpg

    A full size piccy of Mai , it's her voice I like , honest!!

    I like her voice also Honest My wife bought me her VCD concert Mai:In Memories Wow you were lucky enough to meet her!!! My wife tells me she has a broken heart she had alot of boyfriends?? i can see why many men would be after her

  6. Give it a rest or ask Harry TO COMMENT.Or look into Harrys threads lots of comments there about Bg mabye moderators should point the way.AT START OF GENERAL COMMENTS SECTION ."This way to BG Thread" or do a search for BG.

    Its getting boooooring.

    I have to agree It is getting boring and Bizz where did u get your avatar?? I watched the whole thing once but forgot where i saw it. Yours is cut it shows more on the website i seen

  7. Regardless doesn't change the fact the poor sod is in a hairy situation.

    Who put him in the hairy situation? How many more beheadings will it take before these guys get the he.ll out of there? The guys a 62 yr old engineer, one would think he wouldnt need the cash so why go? I only hope other expats working there think twice now..........but i doubt they will. Thoughts are with his family.

    Ahhh Thai flyer I think he put himself into that situation he agreed to go to iraq no one forced him to. True?

  8. I myself like Mai Charoenpura Just seeing who the majority like and why? Mai is a good singer and performer My wife just sent me a concert of hers and she's also sexy as ###### !!!

    Thanks for all replys

    (Trying to get everyone out of bargirl world maybe hopefully) :o

  9. Thanks for the answers i'll check out that website but the thing is should i get the work done in Bangkok?? When i go to thailand next i will be in udorn thani most of my time. I got a cleaning when i was there last time and the dentist did a very good job. My top row of teeth don't look too bad but i do need to have the loose tooth looked at when i'm in LOS. I cannot bite into food very well been eating soups and yogurt recently.

  10. My Wife's best friend she is a mia noi Her husband has his first wife in nong khai his second wife pays for everything their apartment and his first's wifes apartment.

    I met the man Thai her husband, I didn't like him when I first met him I found out later he wanted to add my wife (of course before i married her) to his harem.

    She said no, Thank Goodness

    I didn't like him because i found out from my wife he hits her friend at least a few times a week, Thing i am worried about it my wife has not heard from her in quite some time. They use to work together.

    I myself would not want a mia noi not because of the headaches but i only want my wife, she is happy with my decision also. plus i can't bear to hurt my wife anyway.

  11. Tony Blair has ordered the fearsome SAS and MI6 hit squads to rescue kidnapped Brit Ken Bigley "at all costs".

    Utter tripe from the tripe meister DJ PRAT.

    But I'm sure he will say it was an attempt at humour ( I hope)


    That would be the worst possible response.

    I guess you dreamt this?

    Was it Carter that did that, with catostrophic results?

    DJ Pat, think before you post :o

    The reason the mission that carter approved failed because the helicopters were not fitted with filters to get the sand out from the engines engines overheated and then the helicopters crashed into one another

    The first official mission for the US Army Delta Force along with a battalion of US Army Rangers. I think the mission would have succeded

  12. That's it, I'm out of here, unless some new stuff comes to light on this tale. Chin up Scamp, throw out the flip flops, sell her necklace, and get hunting again.

    Probably the best advice :D Many fish out in the sea scamp just make sure your bait tatses' good :o

  13. There are very good dentists almost everywhere these days. I go to Bangkok Nursing home Hospital which has a good clinic and is not too expensive........especially compared to the US. It is in Soi Convent off Silom Road almost opposite the Patpong Market area. At the SathornRoad end......5 min walk from Sala Daeng BTS.

    There is a dental hospital in BKK too.....I dont have any detials onit. There are also other places advertising putting in posts, crowns and so on.........almost anything u want....especially cosmetic work !

    I am 35 i have my teeth on my top row one tooth is behind another do i require braces to fix this problem? would you do this at my age?? I have not taken good care of my teeth over the years for the fact that it is so expensive in the US

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