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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Same old Same old, what is it with all these BG threads...

    I'm going to have to go mental and have a mass locking spree on any thread with the word BG in it... the admins might not like it but it will sure as h**l make things more interesting <sigh>

    My suggestion - 2 things :

    1. Make a seperate Bargirl sub-forum.

    2. Enable the members to turn off the view of selected sub-forums. No the normal view will not show stuff you don't want to see.

    The result, people who are bored with the B/G threads won't see them. and the rest can have their tawdry discussions.

    What do you think Admin ???

    Good try Mattnich but I personally don't think it will happen :o

  2. If i was single and i was in thailand and felt like having a ladies company with me and i didn't want to go to a regular nightclub and pick up a girl from there. I don't think i would lose respect for myself.

    I respect them regardless that they are a bargirl she is still a human being human being's deserve respect

    The thing with me i would end up talking her ear off all night and not having sex. Of course not everyone will believe that :o

  3. On My next trip I may have to see a dentist going to a dentisit in the US is somewhat expensive I have a loose tooth on the bottom set of teeth do i need a partial of can they put one fake tooth in it's place?? Thanks for all replys

  4. hi'

    well ... if they knoew where he is, why didn't they do something yet?

    if they don't know ... it looks like a very risky stuff :D

    if they really go ... wishing them good luck :o

    they might end with more problems, hostage killed and some more casualties :D

    wishing that he's still alive ...


    I myself being in the US military We have a silent code "No man gets Left Behind" Or woman for that matter, If they do it go to rescue him I wish them striaght aim into the heads of the people holding him and i hope they don't kill him before this happens You have to take risks sometimes. :D

  5. Well if you can't beat them, join them eh???  :D

    It's not the fixation but it's the wonderment of why Bargirls?  Why not office girls, restaurant girls, other thai girls????

    Maybe because bargirls have far more oppurtunity to practice and speak English than the average Thai office/restaurant/etc. girl ? :D

    Ohhh admit it Narachon it's easy sex that's all it boils down to :o

  6. Well According to a friend of mine she's married to a farang she has no problems living in the US But she does not like the winters they live in minneasota that's about it. When my wife finally gets here to the states i'll let you know better how a thai feels about living abroad

    My mom is thai and she likes it very much but she had a hard life in thailand so the US is like heaven to her.

  7. The thing is the threadstarter (Hairy Palm) has no first hand experience in bargirls  that's why so many threads from him  He's trying to gain experience until the day he gets nerve to walk into a bar

    Hes gunna have to get on a plane first...

    Uh oh is he going to start threads on how to get on a plane now?? :o

  8. With all the threads about bargirls I would really like to know in all fairness, what is the difference between being attracted to a BARGIRL and a THAI GIRL, aren't they really the same person?

    Or is it just pure convenience that pulls you in?

    Do you know any bargirls?? ShopGurl. I wish some were on this forum would like to hear what they have to say about things.

  9. It's pure conveience for some people sure walk into a bar bar fine a girl and that's it for some guys it takes patience and will with a regular Thai Girl. :D Some men don't like that or don't want that.

    But according to some posters Thai women are the devil in disguise :o please be gentle when responding to that folks :D

  10. I myself   I think it's crazy to fly 18 or 19 hours to have sex!!   but guys do it.

    .....But I'd fly 22 hours to eat cheap, but good Gang Sub Pa Rod! :D

    Sorry, bad joke..... :D

    Yes, I admit I like reading some of the Bar Girl Threads, but I admit after awhile, they all do begin to sound the same - gets pretty boring.... I mean, how many times can one do a "Should I fall in love / marry a Bargirl" type Thread? :o

    Anyway, as in most things in life, It's usually much better to experience things firsthand than just reading about it! :D:D

    The thing is the threadstarter (Hairy Palm) has no first hand experience in bargirls that's why so many threads from him He's trying to gain experience until the day he gets nerve to walk into a bar

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