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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. have heard the same Thai men like to butterfly not all but many, But can you blame them I read somewhere Thailand has the most beautiful women of all the asian countries. smile.gif Like kids in a candy store
    Sounds like you're getting yourself excited for a holiday over here without the wife? Not quite so angry any more with farang sex tourists, perhaps?

    Am I coming across as if i want a holiday away from the wife?? :o

  2. 1-3 ladies....Good bloke.

    4-6  ladies....Ladies Man

    So Stroll In Thailand it's ok to be these? But not a Womaniser? :D:D

    I don't know, I was just trying to get back to reality. My daughter made a dismissive remark about one of my friends for being a 'dchao dtchu" (I was just corrected), not in the statistical sense, but being flirtatious with almost every skirt in sight.

    Stroll am i coming across as if i want a holiday without my wife?? :o:D

  3. If what she used to earn in the past is anything to go by then maybe from her POV I have saved 93,000 bht by being with her for 31 nights?

    Just kidding.

    BTW: She says she had been single over a year when we met.

    Scamp How long were you single before you met Ning? :o

  4. Is being a retired marine that important in the overall scheme of things ?

    They probably tell him U Rahhh to get him away from them We just had a news report in the states that the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes this was mainly in Korea but going to be military wide whereever they go So those members better keep an look out even more don't know who may be watching now.

    General McArthur had a mia noi. Was that a lot different ?

    Really Doc? :o

  5. "the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes"

    There won't be any Service members left. World peace at last...

    As for the pseudo cops, the 'suicides' in Pattaya make sense now, I won't say  I'll donate some used Tesco shopping bags because it would be the wrong thing to say.

    Well that's what i seen on the news but are they going to implement what they say probably been saying this for years and didn't the US military start the trend(Bars and Bargirls) that is in thailand now during the vietnam war? :o

  6. have heard the same Thai men like to butterfly not all but many, But can you blame them I read somewhere Thailand has the most beautiful women of all the asian countries. smile.gif Like kids in a candy store
    Sounds like you're getting yourself excited for a holiday over here without the wife? Not quite so angry any more with farang sex tourists, perhaps?

    Stroll I been to Thailand plenty of times to jump into that candy store and have some to my hearts content but I never did I am not angry at sex tourists hey whatever floats your boat. Plus I do love my wife Stroll. :o I am a calm person now remember :D

  7. Is being a retired marine that important in the overall scheme of things ?

    They probably tell him U Rahhh to get him away from them We just had a news report in the states that the US Military is going to come down hard on Service members that use prostitutes this was mainly in Korea but going to be military wide whereever they go So those members better keep an look out even more don't know who may be watching now.

  8. That guy Nigel got what he deserved    I've seen those freaking websites and the way he treats the girls   no wonder he got that treatment   long time coming in my opinion   maybe the camera man will be next   :o

    He's british also   That's an example of a brit?   I hope not  Please  I really hope not.   :D

    A dumb statement , I'm sure you can figure out the answer to that rhetorical outburst?

    Why is it a dumb statement?? Have you seen the websites he is on I understand they are catering to people that go to thailand but maybe Mr nigel pissed someone off he shouldn't have we don't even know if this has happend or not. I just hope Brits are not like him the ones in Thailand i mean.

  9. I don't know scamp not heard anything, maybe that's what the animals want that captured him put him on TV for there advantage and see the what happens.

    I was talking to a man that works in electronics and he said that they have GPS tracking devices small enough to go into someone's tooth and they are available now But i'm sure expensive as ###### But if this technology is available now then why not use it for your employees in harm's way?

    Possible pick up by the Military if they were to rescue this man. They will know his location

  10. But why is it ok then to call a man a "Stud"  if he's slept with many many women?  I may be wrong but the guy friends I have don't call any man with that staus anything else  :o

    Amongst the boys in the pub he might be called a 'stud', but would you introduce such a guy to one of your women friends looking for a partner?

    -I wouldn't.

    Of course not stroll unless that's what she was looking for but any other women no. But i just can't undertsand why men are called this and a woman is a slut? what if the man likes freaky things in sex? He's still a stud?

  11. Well then I guess my husband must be a really tolerant person to have put up with me for 16 years (married for 15). :D

    The "problem" farang women have with respect in marriage is that they expect it too. I do many things for my husband (I wash his clothes etc) but the funny thing here is he does many things for me too. Marriage isn't a one way street boys and until you realize that it involves give and take (and not just take) you will never have a successful relationship with a farang woman. And, to be honest, having seen the changes in Thailand over the past 15 years, you may have problems in your relationship with Thai women too.

    See, I'll tell you a little secret. Everyone wants to be treated with respect, not just you guys :o

    This is true and I respect my wife totally There is nothing i wouldn't do for her, But women in the states do expect you to respect them, But some women in the states expect more than that and are not allowing for that give and take.

    I think this is why more and more men are marrying outside of the US and I am not saying only to Thai women They have seen an increase of women from russia and south america I saw a TV show on it Phillipines was on it and also Thailand.

    Yes everyone does want to be treated with respect Once you stop treating each other this way then the marriage is over In my opinion.

  12. Let us review the facts about American woman…………….

     Fattest in the world.

     The highest maintenance.

     Highest rate of divorce.

     Most likely to cheat.

     Highest payout provided a divorce.

     Most likely to hate men.

     Most likely to nag, bitch, moan, complain.

     Most likely to have unrealistic expectations.

     Highly emotional about small things.

    i agree :o but what of the women that come from another country and then become americanized I think this is even worse, My Mom's Friend She is Thai Her husband was a career military man Well in the beginning of their relationship She would do everything for him Shine his boots/shoes iron his clothes wash his clothes They had lived off base during this time. Well when they moved unto base the other women told her you don't need to do this Shine his boots That's his job Iron his clothes they have drycleaning on base Wash his clothes They have Washing machines, She still didn't do any of what they suggested. Even told them this is my husband, Their answer well your husband dosen't need a slave.

    I am married now and my wife does this same thing for me But i didn't ask she just does it except for the shining of my shoes This is the one difference between american and Thai women Thai women respect their husband

  13. I have taken my Mum and Dad and many other relatives to Wat Phra Kieow, Wat Po, a tour up the river to Nontaburi is nice. The older ones seem to like Jim Thompsons house. A trip to Meaung Boran and the croc farm in Samut Prakan was very very good, if you have a car, if not rent one from Highway-800B.

    A trip to Ayudya on the boat is also a great day trip.

    The teak palace near Dusit Zoo is also very nice.

    Hua Hin is good.

    Don't take them to Pattaya.

    JJ(Chatuchak) market .

    Pat Pong night market.


    Floating market if they like getting up earl

    He pretty much has it down pat :o because I did the same thing when i was last in thailand

  14. :o  Sounds right to me, all the Thai girls I have spoken to, mostly bar girls, have said they left their husbands because they were butterflies and did not take good care moneywise. Therefore, it's understandable, Thai men must get frustrated, knowing they cannot compete with farangs on the money front. no one would like it if their wive went of with someone just for money. Let's face it, do you think Thai women would look twice at farangs if we had none,

      Is there such a thing as crime of passion in Thailand? Can Thais get a lighter sentence if they kill a farang, who they think has stolen their wife?

    A worrying thought for some. :D

    There is another thing that you didn't include simbo The Farang can take her away from thailand to a much better life. And then if she wants she has the oppurtunity to advance her life. Go to School, also she can help her family members. Mother and Father can come to the new country if they want.

    I have heard the same Thai men like to butterfly not all but many, But can you blame them I read somewhere Thailand has the most beautiful women of all the asian countries. :D Like kids in a candy store

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