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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I had a disturbing talk with my gf last night in regards to the recent violence against foreigners. She told me that there was an article published in a Thai magazine (she couldn’t recall the name) in April or May that was about Thai women preferring foreign men and no longer wanting to be with Thai men. The lyrics to a few look thung songs have also illustrated the sad plight of the Thai man whose wife leaves him for a foreigner (the lyricists excuse was that it was “for money”). A recent TV talk show featured a Thai woman who left her abusive husband for an Englishman and had to endure being stalked and threatened by the ex-husband until the police intervened (with the payoff to do so apparently).

    As far as I know the policeman implicated in the murder of the British tourists in Kanchanaburi is still “at large” (i.e. in police protection). The killer of the people found in Khao Yai has not yet been caught.

    I was told last night that “Naughty Nigel,” infamous local porn star featured on various Asian sex websites, was knifed on Tuesday night—sliced upwards from his groin to his chest—in Klong Toei. Who knows what the motive for that was, eh?

    When will this violence stop against foreigners? Is it “us” or are we just scapegoats and easy targets for drunk, frustrated Thai men who have no other outlet for their anger? Is killing a farang, according to the law and the people who live under its “rule,” like killing an animal; no one will be punished for murdering a lower, expendable life, right? The lack of personal responsibility and self-awareness is grossly lacking. It’s like some amoral free-for-all fueled by poverty, ignorance, nationalism, and bigotry--but then blamed on "Western Culture." The appearance of a tolerant, happy-go-lucky Thai society is fading to show the seething cauldron beneath it. How do these people who beat or kill foreigners feel when their deed is done? Kill a farang and you’ll be the local hero??

    My gf’s mother is frightened for us whenever we go upcountry (which is rarely). She thinks that I’ll be murdered and my gf raped and murdered! Why? Because I’m a foreigner with a Thai woman!

    Ok, much like anywhere else, granted, but most of “us” would’ve thought otherwise considering the image Thailand has always projected and the feeling I get from Thai people I’m close to.

    I’m certain that expats who have been here for 10-20 years would say that this anti-foreigner violence goes in waves, but is it worse now than ever before?

    Looking back at this thread I wonder if I should even post it…I hope it doesn’t make me appear to be an “ungrateful, disrespectful farang who doesn’t understand Thai culture and should leave if he doesn’t like what he experiences.” It’s just that this violence reminds me of the mindlessness of violence in the West (but there at least if you're caught you'll be severly punished). I was hoping this place wouldn’t be heading in that same direction. In four years living here this is the first time I’ve been afraid for my (and my gf”s) life.

    I had a Talk with my wife the other day and I asked about her friend she is a mia noi to a thai man, Second wife or girlfriend i think is the meaning of the thai. well she has not heard from her in quite some time and she told me in the past that her husband had "boxing her" Hit her. She is a lovely girl and in all actuality i got upset but didn't let my wife know I told my wife i never "Boxing you' she said i know because you farang man :o Actually i am half thai and half farang.

    Maybe because Thai women know Thai men all to well Most I have seen drink and smoke and some i've seen gamble very much. I grew up in the states and of course we have the same here No doubt But There are some farang men that want a monogamous relationship including myself i am not saying I am perfect. But I do just want my wife I only think of her and just want to be with her I want to have a familiy soon also.

    I have seen many personal websites for thai women looking for farang husbands actually seen one that showed results I mean the two people eventually getting married. I ask myself what are these girls paying for their ad to be on a website Of course some may not be legit. Just my thoughts. :D

  2. Counting numbers is not the point, another useless statistic.

    It is the attitude of the individuals and of society which make somebody a 'slut' or a 'sleaze'. And attitudes change over time and depend on circumstances. I.e. the perception in central Pattaya now would be different from that in an Irish village 50 years ago.

    But why is it ok then to call a man a "Stud" if he's slept with many many women? I may be wrong but the guy friends I have don't call any man with that staus anything else :o

  3. What's the big deal so she don't want to work at a 7 11  but sounds to me she wouldn't think twice about going to the old racket again  100000 baht to 5000 baht  a month 

    dosen't sound good scamp


    She's thought about it several times since she quit in July 2003 but has decided it isn't worth it - otherwise I'm sure she'd be doing it now, especially now of all times.

    I live in the states scamp I was watching a talk show and the man on the program had a family he had a geat job making tons of money then he got laid off he was only looking for the money job and didn't even consider getting a job to pay the bills, at least now the bills have doubled and probably even tripled by now and he still does not have a job his family is suffering in my opinion, hey i don't have the greatest job actually i have two jobs

    well i don't know how many times your gf has thought about it doing that job again, i was just saying twice. but say she works at 7-11 she is still making money?? true? I would rather make some money at a job i don't like too well than sit at home making no money.

    My wife who is Thai is now waiting for her visa being issued to her She has an interview on Nov 2 All she talks about is getting a job in the US She has been not working for a year now. I could not stand just sitting at home doing nothing , even if i was rich i would still probably work.

  4. How many women does a man have to have before he is a sleaze? Although men don't think so, it matters to women too. A decent woman would not contemplate a man who has been a brothel creeper. And before all the insults fly at me. I have not said anything worse than the previous posters (albeit reversed).

    I agree with polly a man that has slept with many women is a stud!!!! and a women is a slut also it is a person inner self if they do have the strentgh to handle themselves in a proper manner also if you love someone you don't care how many people that person has slept with this thread is stupid

  5. That guy Nigel got what he deserved I've seen those freaking websites and the way he treats the girls no wonder he got that treatment long time coming in my opinion maybe the camera man will be next :o

    He's british also That's an example of a brit? I hope not Please I really hope not. :D

  6. :D use them like the meat they are ? think what you say, I'll bet the majority of members wifes were pros before they married them, IF they were honest. I;m sick of this holier than thou attitude. What a load of <deleted>! :o

    well mr two timer what are you using them for then?? Intellectual conversation? you said yourself you can't handle being with a girl for long, Also some of us have wives that were not bargirls. please don't say a majority of the members have former pros as wives. maybe best said some members have former pros as wives.

  7. To me it's always been a game for the ladies - wife spent HOURS just designing her sims look

    Real blokes only play games with guns, cars & footballs in them.... just imagine a game with all 3!!!!

    Am I right or am I right :D

    Ya Football players driving cars on a foot ball field shooting at each other :o She Spent hours designing their looks?? Wow Not for me You know there's an x-rated version of the Sims but it's called something else Figures someone would make something like that

  8. I don't like talk about politics on forum, especially in topic about dog's name. In my opinion always ruler of World can say who is bigger murderer, because always winners write the history. Now the most powerful conutry is USA - in official history good and clean politic. But in the truth Bush&Blair&Kwasniewski murder people in Iraq and Putin in Tchetchenya - of course it's other kind of murders, because international press accept that. But as I said - it's not a place to discuss about politic :o So I will not answer any other posts (but I can talk about that in the priv).

    I like 'Shut up!" - the best idea I've ever seen :D

    yikes vit and thanks for the explanation but he's so sute to be named those two names bin laden and hussein

    i like shut up also i also like farang

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