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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. One  reviewer  gave a  good line about the  highlights of Jackie's hollywood  movies...  Rush Hour... a loud  mouthed  black dude. Shangai Noon-....A  loud  mouthed  white  dude, and The Tuxedo .......Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts  :o

    I liked the Rush Hour films, Chris Tucker was ok.

    But this film is a real return to grit for Jackie Chan...thats why i say this may be his last like it.

    Do you blame him he's not a young man anymore The rush hour movies were good, they are making a third one i heard.

  2. beacause Thailand is about so much more than bargirls

    i use to work with a man maybe late 60's or 70's he told me he would go to thailand for his vacation every year, I had just started the job and he had just came back. he was showing pictures of his expliots the rated G version, We had women that worked with us so no naughty pics, he would show the men those.

    when i guess it was my "turn" he showed me them I told him i don't want to see those!! right away what's wrong are you gay?? he asks me i said because i'm half thai!!! you should have seen the look on his face he then put the pictures away.

    Before he left I asked him why he fly's 18 to 20 hours just to have sex?? he said because bargirls are easy give them enough money and they do everything you want. :o is this sad or what?? espacially when some people don't know their is more to Thailand than the bar scene.

  3. Why do some people(mostly guys probably) think that thai women are different from any other women?

    My wife is thai(chinese family,been here for a couple of generations),we've been married almost five years now,been living in Bkk almost two years now,she's exactly like any other woman I've ever met,her friends(female ones) are exactly like any other women...Why would there be a difference?

    Both men and women are either good or bad,same all over the world.

    Thai women and western women are same same, but different. :o

    i agree western women in the states are brave enough to go out with you alone but only after sometime getting to know you.

    Thai women have a friend go along because they feel safer until they get to know you then you can't get rid of them!!!! just kidding :D

    that's one difference and or course many more, but deep down they are women.

    but thai women seem more friendly and western women are very standoffish at first.

  4. I don't think that this is irrational hate.  The reason that I would like to see this man die is that I think that he probably has AIDS or other diseases and is spreading it with having sex with so many women while not wearing a condom.  And I know many people do that everyday but that is not the only reason.  The main reason is that he is so disrespectful and cruel towards the girls that he has sex with.  I don't mind porn and I look at it from time to time but the stuff I have seen on his website stuck in my head because it just seemed so wrong.  Even if most of the girls he has sex with are bargirls or street prostitutes I find that they look very unhappy and he takes advantage of them.  Limbo when you say that this male model is my rival I don't think so.  I know that I could have girls in the way that he does but I choose not to.  I think about these girls as if they were my girlfriend or daughter and it makes me feel very bad and makes me feel like I want to kill this guy.

    Jake I think you're right. I take a look at porn from time to time but was really put off by Nigel's stuff. It just looks very degrading for all concerned. There is an element of this in all porn of course, but I think there are noteworthy differences. The girls here have no smiles at all (false or genuine for that matter) and even the photos have a cruel harshness about them.

    I don't think I'd want to kill him. I feel pity for him instead. And for the girls.

    I know this Nigel tangent is off thread but it seems to have captured the mood of the group.

    Some people feel this way including myself because I have not been exposed to that kind of life the bargirl arena so to speak, Espacially when your married to a regular thai girl it's hard to see pictures of girls treated like this.

    I saw a "Free Movie" from one of his websites the thing that surprised me was he seemed loving to the girl at first, then you know they got it on after a while. Then towards the end he seemed too rough on her.

    She didn't stay long ran into the bathroom to clean off. This man may have aids who knows?? who even knows if this violence came to him. He could still be safe and alive as we write our forum.

    I can't say why the increase in violence towards farangs I hope it is not a lived long thing and hope it stops soon.

  5. I live near the ancient Capital.

    My advice, try to book a tour. There is alot to see, and having someone tell you it all will add to the experience.

    If you stay overnight, remember it is as expensive as Bangkok. Why I am not sure, there are also alot of Japanese there, which tends to drive up the price a bit. If you want a cheaper place to stay, go the 45km to Suphanburi and stay there, its higher quality accom at a similar or lower price.

    Going on the boat is fun and will be a memorable experience.

    Take your time and lots of photo's. I think most of the big attractions are well worth looking at. You need to "immerse" yourself a bit into the scene there.

    Another piece of advice, try to read some historyof the fall of the ancient capital, before you go, Asia Books will sell you one. Then you can read about daily life and have people talk about the practical use of the buildings etc.

    Good Luck and enjoy.

    Ps if you stay there, I would suggest you then traverse due east to Kanchanaburi and you can see the River Kwai ( prnounced KW-air kw-ai in Thai means buffalo and is not polite) and then you can go back to Bangers via Nackom Pratom and see the huge temple there. Then down the Road to Bunk Khae to see The mall and have lunch and a Taxi back to town.

    Also up there is the Rose Garden and the crocodile farm.

    BUT finally, you may be well served going to Samut Prakhan, its basically where Sukhumvit road ends, about 25km up the road. There is a crocodile farm and Muang Boran, its a huge park that has reasonable sized replica's of a whole lot of Temples and buildings of interest very well worth a visit.


    Is it true "Queen Suriyothai" Is buried there? hard to say buried since Thai's cremaet bodies Thanks.

  6. IamMaiC,

    May I ask what agency did you use? And where did you depart from?

    Central Florida travel and i departed from New york I picked up my uncle in new york he wanted to go back to thailand, if it wasn't for this i would have left from florida I had to fly from florida to new york then we flew to chicago got on japan airlines to tokyo and then to bangkok :o

  7. I just recently sent my wife some money I was sending cashier's checks but it took a long time to verify everything from the states so i started sending money 20 dollar bills but she then told me that she was not getting much for those bank notes I just recently sent her 50 dollar bills but she wanted 100 dollar bills so the higher the bank note the more money you get. She'll probably aske for 1000 next :o

  8. The dude is an ugy dirt bag who thinks he's Rico Suave. He would have treated her like a prisoner or worse ! Was really glad to hear she smartened up !

    I was watching an episode of "real TV" here in the states and it showed the courtroom video somewhere in california, well their were some sheriff's deputies in the room then you here gunshots, many many gunshots.

    The host of the program then goes into the story of what's going on, It was the breakup(divorce) of a american man and a filipino girl. they had come into the courthouse to start the proceedings for the divorce.

    They The man and the woman had married a year earlier, after a short courtship maybe a month I think. But the family could see problems and was wondering if they should let their daughter marry this man. She could have a better life they thought.

    When they finally came to the states the problems began luckily she had an aunt that lived nearby that she could go to for help The girl told her aunt that her husband wanted sex many times a day. She wasn't even a bargirl, She didn't like living like this He also wanted her to cook and clean everything and she was not aloud out of the house unless he went with her. He wanted a slave :o

    On the show they finally showed a picture of him and her, He was slim but not very handsome, she on the other hand was very beautiful, They showed a video of them getting married He said "I Love you" many times to her. and she said the same.

    Until that fateful day that was shown at the beginning of the program, The host later said he emptied an entire clip of bullets into her!!!! then he shot her aunt who survived and then killed himself. Very Sad. I know i'm off topic but i needed to say this

  9. Only way you will know that is to be in a bargirl's shoes and live their life for a while.

    As opposed to being a smug farang poking fun at them on an internet forum?

    I agree. ( IamMaic, i am not referring to you, i know that you are not one of the idiots that continually dwell on Bargirl topics )

    This forum is sinking into the same abyss that all Thai related forums end up in.

    I can remember George saying that a better quality of post was in order for Thai Visa, hahaha..............George was that a joke?

    I will post a new Bargirl thread everyday till i am banned, then i will get a new name and start again , and again , and again till bargirl threads are completely ignored.

    Harry Palmer, judging by the ammount of posts you make, you do not have much of a social life, try getting one.

    You know with all the threads HP has started about bargirls I am beginning to wonder if he has ever been with a bargirl?? he tries to get opinions on this and that has he the nerve to talk to one or even enter a bar??

    I never been with a bargirl I never even been to a bar in thailand I am not going to fly 18 to 19 hours and go to thailand and spend time in a bar!!!! I could do that in the US. Sure I've seen them and yeah the girls are beautiful something out there for every man.

    I chose to start a relationship with a regular thai girl and when i talk to her about bargirls she feels bad for the girls but she does understand why they do that kind of work and I do also.

  10. I fear Thai Women are rapidly changing with the times, My Mom who is thai grew up in a different time where custom and respect was a big part of her life. You can find a thai woman still with this type attitude but I think it is getting harder and harder.

    But since I am married to a thai woman she is the most caring and loving person I have ever met you can find this in any country of course but thier defiantely is a difference in Thai women :o

  11. In my honest Opinion I think the opposite I think they are strong people like someone told me after a few PM's to each other the bar scene in thailand is totally different than some other places The girls talk to you and make you feel comfortable it's up to both parties if they want to go with each other.

    Thier circumstance are unfortunate living in poor areas where their is not much to work or even do!!! So they hear they can make much money then they can help there families but at what cost though. Who knows in the end

    I wish we had some Bargirls on this forum I mean Bargirls working now not former BG's We can see how they really feel. After reading Scamp's thread on his GF Ning She seems to have a strong personality, This is an opinion of mine My answer I really don't know the truth Only way you will know that is to be in a bargirl's shoes and live their life for a while.

  12. I've never had a problem yet myself. In fact, I like it when they wear a towel...it's like unwrapping a present on Christmas morning.  :D

    ha ha ha... yep that's it... spot on..!! :o:D

    totster :D

    that is a good one even when they wear a sarong I think that's sexier than a towel. but clothes and towels espacially in thailand might have a smell due to the humidity. :D

  13. Sometimes Thais are also referred to as falangs if they are only half Thai or even if they are just Thais from abroad.    You'll typically only hear this if you're friends with groups that are Thais and "inter" Thais.   


    I am half thai and half farang I asked my father in law in thailand if i was a Farang he said no The things is I live in the states I asked if my Dad was Farang he said yes :o he also lives in the US So I am Thai?? and my dad is farang :D

  14. Mr. IamMaiC,

    I respect you for openly admitting that you 'look dirty pictures'.

    Do you like to see only the male models killed or also the women?

    In the first case you might suffer of a strange kind of 'penis envy', which might be a sign that you were a lesbian in your former life (or going to be one in your next life).

    I don't want anyone hurt The men or the women But Nigel goes through women like a duck goes through water, The scary part if this I didn't relise how many woman are working as bargirls Man it's crazy I don't suffer any kind of envy for any man I don't blame this guy for what he did for work Hey whatever he wants it's his life But I guess he pissed off someone and they took revenge on him who knows if it's true and who knows if he got cut because he slept with all these girls.

    Well to anyone whos is interested this is Naughty Nigel and this is the only decent pic i could find I mean Him not engaging in sex but with the smile on his face in this pic it wont be long that thai girl is also smiling. :o


  15. Scamp That's his name   I have seen the site(well one of many)  and like i said i hope he don't represent all brits in Thailand.    He looks like an old man  maybe early or late 50's  with so many young girls  Sad.

    How can you even think that some sad old pornstar represents all Brits in Thailand?

    A laughable statement , fit for a ten year old at best , even more so that you can find any fault in it on reflection.

    Here's a poser for you , does Michael Jackson represent all the black people in USA?

    A question of similar imbecilic notions , I will read your , usually decent , posts with a more sceptical eye in future.


    Gave me a laugh though I suppose ! :o

    that's all i said i hope he is not a representative of brits in Thailand Becasue i know brits are better that him

    OK i will say this I just hope brits don't act like he does even if they visit bargirls is that better?

    Micheal Jackson is not black or have you not seen him resently ? :D





    Please spare us this Dan, I have some respect, yes, but please!

    What the ###### is wrong with expressing some PRIDE? :o

    Your right Ajarn Marines do deserve to be called that Hardest service to be in of all of the US Armed Forces. I like their uniforms :D

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