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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. President Bush didn't accept the bitch slap either  :D 


    :o Coffee!!! :D

    i would like to know the reaction in iran when we invaded iraq Oh <deleted> must have been the saying from their leader People here in the states think that's where we are going next if Pres Bush is elected again.

    all i have to say it's been a long time coming 9/11 made it come alot faster terrorism been here for many years and the world was sleeping and just let it happen well no more and i say good riddance to it.

  2. Answer the question.  You're bored with one of the most important events in recent world history that was the start of a 'war that will not end in our lifetimes?"

    The war started long before 9/11. Only there wasn't much fighting back. If this war was to continue to be fought on a defense posture. 9/11 would have been know in history as the "Bitch Slap Heard 'Round the World". Sorry, I can't accept bitch slaps.

    :o Coffee!!! :D

    who can accept that?? I remember that day like it was yesterday and i remember the taliban coming on TV saying Osama Bin Laden is not in our country if he wasn't why come on TV and say it???

    President Bush didn't accept the bitch slap either :D But Mr. Kerry is he's thinking of bringing all troops home his first year in office That would be a BIG mistake.

  3. When your girls's family grabbed you to get you out of there you didn't want to go!!!! Cmon who do u think you are?? A big mob also of people your lucky to be still alive You should thank you GF and her family for what they did, I agree with Dj Pat some thai people think Farangs have come and taken thing that don't belong to them.

    Some try to change the way thai people live and how they should think Thailand has never been colonised one fact that they are proud of. The people in that village don't want to know you seems like it to me You better watch your back.

  4. I was working in Libya at the time of 9/11 and at the NOC clinic (National Oil Company) in Tripoli the Palestinian ward staff were dancing in the corridors, shouting and laughing.


    Their not laughing anymore :o

  5. My bargirl is often mistaken for my girlfriend. :o

    Is this true I mean If you see a Farang and Thai together they are a customer to her Who thinks of this more Farangs or Thais?? What about a Farang woman and a Thai man?? That means he's a barboy??

    Maybe it's just a dream to some I think Farangs :D

  6. Ning says that there are only TWO good looking black people, one being Beyonce - who is probably the only black female celebrity I have never found atractive (yeah that's right, I used to like Whoopi as a kid) and the other is Tiger Woods who she claims is half African American and HALF THAI?!!!

    She's shitting me, surely - is she??? Maybe she's right, I don't know.

    Anyway, they are okay in her book because they are both filthy rich, the fact that they have lots of talent (well, okay - Tiger does) is of little or no importance.

    She went on to say that apart from Tiger and Beyonce, all black people look dirty.

    I went on to say that she was still a very young and silly girl and as a footnote added that everyone in my life who had ever wronged me, hurt me or ripped me off was white.

    BTW: I also agree with Michael Moore that Oprah Winfrey would make a great president of the United tates but I don't fancy her.

    I use to work security where he(Tiger) lives and meet his mom she of course arrived in a limo, She was actually very nice to me when she arrived Yes she is from Issan Her husband was with the US Military during the vietnam war.

    His real name is eldrick Tiger is a nickname and close up you can see he is asian not black features at all just black skin He was returning hone one day and I said Sawadee to him his eyes got wide and he said your thai?? I said yes I was born there He said Great but didn't talk much after that.

    He is really nice and been getting a beating here in the states since he's not playing as well as he use to, but every talented person has to fall from the perch sometime in their life. He was number one in golf for five years not sure if he is two now but that's what i last heard

  7. My wife's sister she is sick and laid up in the hospital as of right now My wife is their tending to her. Anyone know of a sickness going on in that area? Or just common flu or cold? She's been in the hospital for about 2 weeks now So any reply's would be appreciated. Thanks

    I'm in the states and really concerned if anyone knows anything about it thanks.

  8. Good to hear your still around :D I have friends that live up there i have been trying to call but no answer What about Ft. Walton Beach? How has that faired Same as everywhere else. I was scared about this one Hurricane Charley and Farances not too bad But Ivan Funny thing what was left made it's way back to florida. I've been watching the news New hurricane"s out in the atalantic but so far the news has been saying no worries as of now :o

  9. Hehe, first time I saw it I was alone in the house, 3 a.m., headphones on full blast.

    Never got the hair to stand up all the way down to my feet before... Had chills in waves for few minutes as well. Turned the light on!

    Yeah Penz It did last longer than a thought it would I realized you warned us and all the thing was i was actually looking for differences in the two pics(DUH!!!) and forgot about your warning :o Then it was like OKayyyyyyyyyy!!!!! I had chills down my back for what felt like hours I also couln't get that face out of my head

  10. In fact, I would gladly have a beer with everyone on this thread. I enjoyed and got something from everyone's comments.



    that's a dangerous proposition kat can i invite my wife's family???? :o

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