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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Mr Francois read this and the US is the devil huh??

    Voice from a Thai girl

    United States



    Full List of Diary


    Date: 16 September 2001

    Sawasdee Kha,

    I got a forwarded email from friend about the comments made by Gordon Sinclair, the “most respected” Canadian television commentator:

    "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.

    Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.

    When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

    When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

    The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars! into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

    When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

    I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

    Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

    Also please enjoy your freedom that the US help you have Ok during the second world war


  2. I voted for bush I am glad i did and i will vote for him agian and also every republican on the ticket I am tired of the democrats I don't care if someone calls me stupid or not I have a right to vote this way also I fought for this right in iraq. I hope when the iraqi people get there chance to vote they excercise that right also.

  3. I am hopefully very soon re-locating to Chiaig Mai and although not absolutely necessary would like to find some work.

    What kind of jobs can I try for other than teaching and what would they pay

    It would be interesting to hear what others do or if they started a business what they did.


    How about an internet cafe?? for starters while your looking for something :o

  4. Just wondering what members GF, BF, Husbands and Wives look like

    My Lovely wife.  :o

    Lovely indeed ... sorry I have lots of people pictures but don't like to post faces without permission or approval (although the pix of our house are up in the albums section). I will send you a pic via pm if you want to see.

    Sure If you want Thanks :D

  5. Oh you'll open a can of worms with this!!

    Harry Palmer will be scouring the net for the prettiest Asian he can find and proceed to boast of his fine young thing.. :D

    And she'll be a lady boy to boot!

    i already did that in the original version of this thread a few days ago...

    can't for the life of me understand why ppl. would post actual pictures of their loved ones in a public forum... :D

    i guess it's just that i've just been hanging around the ajarn forum for too long & know what the wags over there would do with such material... :o

    Yeah but the pics have no names attached Harry Unless they want to. But I wouldn't :D

  6. I have the special editon on tape and they added scenes to it and supposedly cleaned up the old print of the Movies In some scenes when the ships are flying you can see a transperant square following it I wonder it they have fixed that because most diffenately you will see it on the DVD Anyone going to get the DVD's of the Original Movies?

  7. I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

    These would be whom ....????

    .... all of the military absentee ballots that Algore didn't want to be counted ... ????

    ..... because that count would have hurt more than helped .... ???

    Now Spee, the disenfranchised votes go beyond military absentee ballots, and I think you know this.

    Black voters were expunged from the rolls that should not have been by that drag queen lady secretary of state and chair of the Republican Party, the recount was stopped by a breackneck court order, many were unreadable, inequitable technology between republican and democrat precints, the irrepressible chads, and many that were misdirected to the wrong voting areas in black areas. This election DISENFRANCHISED people, which is against the Civil Rights Act. Hence, it was an ILLEGAL election that wasn't decided by votes, or the electoral college, but by all of daddy's friends on the Supreme Court.

    Did you see on the news that this election It is the most young people to ever to register to vote in any election! I am voting for who I want everyone has a choice I just hope they don't put the wrong man in (kerry) It would be a shock if nader won!!!! :o

  8. you can buy a DVD9 copy of farenheit 911 ( or was that the 11/9 :D ) from panthip or fortune for 180 baht.

    it is a movie that is worth watching. I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

    I have not seen those other documentries....um...pearl harbour, saving private ryan, blackhawk down, desert storm...etc etc


    i went to the theatre and gave it it's fair share of my time until i got up to the part on iraq showing everyone smiling yeah right :o

  9. If you go ahead with the application and decide to tell a couple of "white" lies then make sure they are watertight. All it takes is a few pertinent questions from the visa officer to expose them. Once an applicant is shown to be lying he/she will definitely not get the visa and for a non-family visit application there is no right of appeal.

    Selling your house is not in itself evidence that you intend to accompany your g/f back to Thailand. From the visa officer's perspective you may be selling it solely in order to buy another one. Furthermore, if they want to be really cynical they might suggest that you have only put it on the market for the purposes of getting your g/f a visa and that as soon as she gets one you'll withdraw it from sale. Additionally, even if the visa officer accepts that you're selling your house for the purpose of going to Thailand that is no proof that your g/f will go with you.

    Sorry to be so negative, but for those whose circumstances are similar to your g/f's it is very difficult to get a visit visa.


    Maybe a good idea to have some time that they have known each other?? Is six months good or a year?


    Thai women are loyal and respect their husbands more than western women

    Family is very strong in Thai culture

    Thai women appreciate the support given by their husbands whereas western women take it for granted.

    This is why many marriages fail There is a time to talk and a time to listen There is also patience and trying to not lose your temper in a disagreement That was my problem with my former GF's

    When I met my wife there is a calmness to Thai's "Mai Pen Rai" Attitude?? I guess spending time with my wife it rubbed off on me, I had a short fuse before let little things bother me Simple things that a little time and effort could fix.

    Now I am alot calmer and don't let little things bother me as much as i use to

    I can see my wife is very loyal and I am blessed for that I am a Loyal man also Dont' like the games of paying around on someone. Like the old addage "Treat others just as you would like to be Treated" :o

    Lot of wisdom in your post, IamMaiC ...

    Marriage is all about partnership and trust. My wonderful wife and I have worked that out over 34 years and look forward to many more, including a retirement in Thailand. I so look forward to giving her the opportunity to live among her family and in her country after she followed me all over the world and bore me two wonderful kids. I owe her something after all that sacrifice on her part.

    BTW -- this was first marriage for both of us and it really took!

    I have seen my parent's 30 yr marriage have it's up's and down's I seen my dad do the things a father should not do. I learned from that and I will try not to do the same. I saw them argue countless times and about the same thing pretty much. I don't think I could yell at my wife like that.

    She does not seem the type to want to argue so that is also another calming factor for me. :D I know Marriage is not perfect and it will have tests along the way It is how you handle those times that makes the marriage work.

    I look forward to having children, I would like a little girl believe it or not Usually stereotypes say men want to have a boy. I guess I do but not at first I just want the baby to be healthy if it is a boy or a girl :D also my wife to be safe during that time.

    BTW- This is my first marriage also maybe i will be as lucky as you are Mr. Red.

  11. i am busy researching the whole thai katoey phenomenon at the moment & hope to have my book on the subject published early next year...

    i do hear tell that katoeys may be procured from the following places: -

    casanova bar at NEP...

    obsessions at NEP...

    KC3 at patpong....

    hanging around lower sukhumvit (after 2am)...

    kings corner at PP (post-ops)...

    oh... &  the list goes on, but you now have a few places in which to begin your quest...  :D


    Hey how come Harry knows these places all too well?? :o

  12. Of course, the risk is that eventually someone will see someone's picture and say- hey, that's MY wife/boyfriend/etc.!  :D  Just kidding.

    She's a lovely lady, MaiC.

    Hey Maybe I should leave my mia noi off huh?? :o Just kidding Thanks teach for the compliment Kob Khun Mak Khrap

    Yes of course but mouse did it before and I was guilty also about running that thread into the ground I think he got kinda upset :D He was doing it for some contest I'm just doing it out of curiosity :D

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