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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Mr Red   Is TeeRak Lounge still in mary esther??    I use to go there alot   Some cute girls   I meet one one night that looked like tia carrere   :o   oh well  thanks

    IamMaiC -- lounge is still there, but I haven't checked if it got damaged in the hurricane. It is fairly close to the water, so ...

    cool thanks when my wife finally gets here from thailand i want to bring her to that area for a holiday Mr red what is the chinese place down the road from there?? it had a bar inside i forgot the name it is going towards Ft walton beach also i use go there alot , had karaoke also and a very very beautiful filipina girl was the hostess :D ya i know it's close to the water the beach is always cheaper than a hotel How did Eglin air force base come through the storm We are expecting another hurricane in the central florida area I hope it goes somewhere else give florida a break already.

  2. I sent in my Fiance Visa in November 2003 I just got approval this month september 2004. I also sent in an application for an immigration visa in june of 2002 i got approval for it in March of 2004 it is no short time anymore sir regardless of what you might hear on this forum. My wife is now taken her medical checkup and she has an interview on Nov 2 2004 US immigration is lousy I worked with a man from argentina and he applied for his green card seven years ago and nothing has been sent to him as of yet I told him he needs to call and find out if not then you might have problems. I don't know if it sped up the process or not but in 2003 i wrote to my local congressman to see what the problem was, I married a Thai woman back in 1990 and she was in the states within 6 months. I was wondering why this time it was taking so long My opinion on this is the abuse by other many country's citizens and also many US citizens during the 90's that the process is much much longer now. I live in the state of florida

  3. Well since my lady is 25 years younger than me I guess you would put mre in the likem young group. But since she is 34 with kids I don't think shes considered a baby in Thai culture. Anyway we are having a good time doing quite well together.

    Why do they consider themselves old if 30 and up in age?? My wife says she is "old girl" all the time I am 35 we are not spring chickens but not old at all.

  4. MR GS

    are you going for the longest ever topic on the forum?

    can not see anything else new in the topic that has not been asked and said before :o

    Hey CTG, It's back by popular demand, it wasn't me.

    P.S. I'll be holding auditions for a replacement girlfriend on Oct 20th at the Sienna Room, Hilton Hotel, Hua Hin.

    If you're interested please bring references from at least one ex boyfriend. :D

    GS OK I send some your way?? One is not lazy and she wants to get out of udon thani. she said something about working in a hotel. :D

  5. You can be 50 and be a very fun person to be with and you can be 18 and a complete bore.

    OMG....did you know my ex bf? :D

    Average age of my ex bfs: 36.5 years old

    Average age difference: 11.5 years old

    Current age of bf: TBA (once i acquire another one! :o)

    Hey Shopgurl Gentlemen Scamp is holding auditions for a replacement GF at the sienna room hilton hotel in hua hin on Oct 20th. :D

  6. I started this thread just before I took the overnight plane from Bangkok to London. In those 12 hours, the 2nd American has apparently been executed.

    I've just logged on from an internet cafe in London, and read the compete thread. What a bunch of tossers there are on this forum whose only interest seems to be in playing backroom politics.

    My thread was about the sadness of this situation, and especially concerned with the fact that these guys have Thai wives waiting for them back in LoS.

    I have little interest in politics, and the ramblings on this thread wil change nothing, but let's have some compassion for their wives/girlfriends, who have lost/will lose a husband and breadwinner.

    well it is sad sir but no one forced them to go there true? I feel for their families now just like i did for thanom johnson. but that's all you can do i have said a prayer privately for them :o

  7. Thank you for giving us an idea of the mind-setting of a USA National Reserve week-end soldier, its widths and limitations.

    Where did you learn to write?

    Sir i was in the regular army before becoming a week end soldier Some weekend soldiers have already died in afghanistan and iraq I am still a soldier so it's only for a weekend and two weeks in the summer Some people can't even do that. have you ever had the nerve to put on a uniform?? it's not easy believe me even after you make it through basic training and are allowed to call yourself a soldier, it has it's pit falls and it has it's rewards. I don't care what people think of me now, but i stood tall when i had to have you ever done that?

  8. thailands not in a hurricane zone.

    thats why the buildings wont withstand it and thats why theres no shelters for such an event.

    so what would i do....nothing

    cos it aint gonna happen.


    Lets not forget Typhoon (Hurricane) Gay 1n 1989, a big surprise for Thailand, and extremely devastating. I was in the middle of it...


    You didn't happen to be in Pathiu when Gay made landfall...were you?

    I was there a couple of weeks after the event. Really devastating.

    Yeah, it was amazing. Never had that impact on me when I'd seen it on TV before...

    I was living here...samuihouse1.jpg

    On the beach, northeast corner of the island (I think SBK said she was on Kho Tao, which was closer than Samui a bit and had damage similar in type to Chumpom, where most of the lives were lost) I had the high winds, but my hut was partly blocked by a short rock outcropping into the water next to me. At times, it felt like my breathe was being sucked out, because of the vacuum effect ... There was no warning broadcast by the government until it was too late for many... It was 2 weeks before we could leave the island and travel anywhere. Funny though, everyone except the farangs seemed to take everything in stride... :o

    Did you have ten girls in there?? according to splitlid it is absolutely vital :D

  9. I know it's weird to point this out now...

    I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :o

    You need to lie down if your eyes are swollen honeyen :D

  10. I would tie myself to a metal bar like wot they did in Twister.

    A Heavy Metal bar, I assume? :D

    Ajarn regardless the bar in twister went into the ground that's why they were safe. :D

    Maybe if I had typed, 'Heavy Metal Bar'...? :D

    look at his avatar...think of the music....bar....get it? :o

    OHHHH I get it I need to stop looking at girlie pictures on the internet :D making me get confused so easily :wub:

  11. Guys, stop your mindless personal attacks here.

    Let's hope the British guy, Mr. Bigley, shall be released soon. Of course the Iraqi war was an unjust war but this guy has no fault and does not deserve all this.

    It is never an ideal thing to negotiate with terrorists but think of the pain the guy and his family/friends are going through at the moment.

    Have a heart......stop your selfish egos get in the way.

    And...please stop the militarist crapp, IamMaiC.


    ohhh he didn't deserve this of course then why do he go there to help the iraqi people while helping himself yeah he's going through pain and you don't think i was going through it also he was relatively safe I was shot at everyday I wish i had a nice apartment to reside in while i was in iraq. and i am not stopping my opinion for anyone espacially you :o

    i have a heart a rather large one i am not a military robot but i was proud of what i did and will continue to do if called again if you don't like it fine and it's "militaristic crap" get it right.

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