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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Thanks fo all the info guys. I planned the trip as follows please tell me what you think

    3 nights in bkk to recover from trip

    4 nights Chiang Mai

    4 night Phukett

    4 nights Ko Samui

    3 nights  Pattaya

    3 nights Hua Hin

    3 nights Bkk \we leave on the 22 but at 1am (really the 21st)

    do you think we should add or delete days in any place due to activities?

    Any guidance is appreciated

    BTW my son thinks your idea of renting his own room in Pattaya is a great idea although I am worried he will get into trouble. In the states he and his friends smoke weed ( he says no more, I dont believe him) What I am worried about is that someone will offer and he accepts and gets turned in for drugs. the last thing we need is a son in jail in Thailand.  If someone could post what these dangers are I will give it to him so he knows first hand. You guys are the best!!!

    Just be careful in Bangkok Usually at night and don't wear much jewelry You have a nice holiday and just be careful

    Yeah keep him away from the drugs in thailand because if he has them on him I don't know how long he can be in jail for.

    just tell him wait until he gets home.

  2. For the love of all things all holy and decent: leave the Speedos at home.  Whether you're strolling down the beach or wandering around the city streets, nut-huggers are the most offensive attire known to man.


    Yes, for the sake of all that is holy and sacred, heed this request! There is no need for such emphasis, if you know what I mean???

    Sandals+socks=what were you thinking? Nah it's not that bad but usually better if without. But if you're really a sock-dude, I recommend cool looking loafers.

    yeah no need for speedos in thailand, many years ago i saw some english girls tanning topless in pattaya I don't know if they got into trouble.

    Shopgurl you have some good fashion sense :D

  3. I read somewhere that their was a Princess that was married to an American and not to long ago divorced and went back to Thailand,  Is This True??

    Princess Ubolrat Ratchakanya (a very beautiful 53 years old) was married to Peter Jenson. She divorced, and is back living in Thailand with her daughters.

    I recently saw her on a program about thai zoo's in the states, She's 53 :o She didn't look that old. :D

  4. Love a man in khakis and a cotton shirt, can't go wrong with this combo....as for shoes, preferably nice leather sandals and absolutely the non strappy ones.

    Shorts? A sure no if you're not in the close vicinity of a pool or beach....

    Shopgurl is right My wife always made me wear long pants when we went out even though it was so @#$%^ HOT!!!!

    I asked her to wear shorts in the hotel restaurant she said OK but i could tell she still didn't like it.. :o

  5. Please don't say John kerry is this man!!!!

    and your talking out your arse GS Bush is no why a terrorist I seen terrorists I seen iraqi insurgents holding little children so i wouldn't put a bullet in them

    So our president is the bad man i wonder what mr blair would have done if sept 11 happend in england ohhhhh i forgot you let the likes of batman and robin walk around buckingham palace :o

  6. My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

    This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

    My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive  :o

    Which fanatics are we talking about? The murderous Americans?

    Dropping bombs from a great height, kills many. Lopping off a single head, kills one.

    When I start seeing posts trying to illicit sympathy for Iraqis killed and suffering during the 14 year vendetta by the USA and Britain, I might take these threads seriously.

    Most people dying now; hostages, innocent Iraqis, soldiers... are doing so as a DIRECT result of the actions taken by the US and Britain.

    This isn't a conflict where Iraqis waged war against the west. This is the west attacking an innocent people under the guise of liberating them....

    A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice.

    This thread belongs in the bin.

    Sir I was in iraq for eleven months and I am not a murderer You have someone shooting at you and then what?? I am supposed to sit there, No <deleted> Way!!!!

    I joined the military of my own free will and knew the risks of doing so. But I am not a murderer I resent that comment Have you been to Iraq?? You think the whole country is in chaos Well your wrong!! Most iraqi's want the US and Britian there These insurgents don't want that to happen and are doing everything in their power to change that.

    These contractors went to iraq to work sure it's dangerous for them and they know the risks also, If not then they should not have gone I am sorry for what happend to them but what do you expect from muslim extremists.

    You don't understand anyway so why do i bother to tell you.

  7. :D ###### :D Doesn't surprise me, but I would think the lads would know better by now - thai ladies are a power to be reckoned with when they are scorned. :o

    I would say so and i would sorely miss my member but i try not to upset the little lady too much :D

  8. Yeah, the earth opening up part is something to mull on :D

    Good luck with the weather :D

    well it's been nice so far past couple weeks now and hurricane season is at it's peak now one two more months and then it's over peace until the new season starts. :o:D

    Sir Ajarn I don't control the weather Only Mother Nature reigns in that department.

    Remember always respect your Mother.

  9. Well, an in depth exploration of these issues sits better in a political forum.

    Do atrocities committed by one side justify an equal or worse response?

    It is just going to escalate further, and no, I am afraid I don't have the solution either. But I do believe the more powerful, resourceful and (according to his own understanding) civilised opponent in a conflict has the responsibility to deescalate and not to polarise the conflict further.

    but do you just sit by and let them hit you again and again and again??? We know how these people operate IMHO the gloves are off and that's it now!!!! an eye for an eye. For heaven's sake their killing muslims now their own people!!!

    I'm tired of all these lunatic regimes in the world I was tired of them before 9/11 fear and terror are not the way but they even teach and recruit children to fight in their sadastic jihad. So that means they don't know love at all.

    War is ###### killing human beings is terrible but if one side knows only that then how to you speak to them peacefully???

  10. It happens every year here in the north a few times. I'm from San Francisco, so this ain't nothin... :D

    oh yeah ajarn nothing for you what about the thai people?

    So far, it doesn't seem to be a problem for them, either :o

    Maybe just a problem for you? You could try hiding under the bed or standing in a doorway next time :D

    well i'm in florida we just have to contend with hurricanes and tornadoes i'm leaving the earthquakes to you you seem to have more experience handling these matters :D

    I guess I'd rather go through an earthquake than the weather you guys go through...At least an earthquake only lasts for a few seconds...

    Out of curiousity, when they evacuate places there, where do the people go? I'd guess all the hotels outside the area, but nearby, would fill up quick, so where do the rest of them go for a few days? Are their enough evacuation shelters?

    You go where ever you can get to Most people just rough it out like i did I'm not getting stuck in traffic and suddenly mother nature says "Hello" in a big way. and there are not enough shelters. they fill up fast and what makes a shelter any destruction proof than a house. I can understand people with special needs yeah sure like sick people need to be look after all the time.

    i heard some people went to virginia pennsylvania just far enough out of the way, that's if the storm hits near florida if it goes the way the last one did then the mainland US will be hit. I hate hurricanes I think i'd rather have earthquakes as long as the earth don't open up.


  11. we should tell him what to do  he's getting married after two weeks  and he's 46  cmon  i'm 35 and i know not to get married after 2 wks  for god's sake his son even is smarter than him and he's 18  pulling him unto the airplane to go home!!!!!

    Too long time in one place? Too long time in one job? How to change all habits and be sure it's right way? It's not easy to think what to do in life, change everything, make important decisions if we don't have to do it before.. and we have had normal life for a 20 years. Anyway all ways are correct :o Can go to her several times and have better and better relationship, then be sure and take her to England. Or go to Thailand, stay there - if sth is wrong, find another one :D Just need to be little bit brave and crazy in life :D

    cmon would you marry after 2 weeks???

  12. It happens every year here in the north a few times. I'm from San Francisco, so this ain't nothin... :D

    oh yeah ajarn nothing for you what about the thai people?

    So far, it doesn't seem to be a problem for them, either :o

    Maybe just a problem for you? You could try hiding under the bed or standing in a doorway next time :D

    well i'm in florida we just have to contend with hurricanes and tornadoes i'm leaving the earthquakes to you you seem to have more experience handling these matters :D

  13. Except you won't get rid of it by fighting fire with fire, responding to a 'bitch slap' with burning down the house.

    well mr stroll how do you respond to it then Please enliten us with your answer i have been hearing from so called terrorist experts in the states and i have not heard anythng from them on how to stop this scourge on the world

    300 plus children die in russia what do u do about that talk to these terrorists that want to be heard but don't want to sit and talk about their problems another american beheaded in iraq because they wanted to have women prisoners taken out of the abu gharib prison in iraq? did you see the video that man was sobbing because he knew he was going to die.

    So do we have peace negotiations with these people when all they know is destruction!!! like donald rumsfeld said "if these people want to see allah we can help them out to the best of our abilities"

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