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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. If i was a contractor  I'm carrying a gun with me at all times.

    If I was Mr. Bigley I wished anything to be done what could save my life.

    Just rules, paradigmas, mutual agreements, personal opinions, institutional stubbornness, so called strenght, so called wisdom or logic, are in the way to let Mr. Bigley live his old days in Thailand with his wife and family.

    I know the easiest way is to blame the victim, Mr. IamMaiC. It helps to silence the own conscience. One doesn't have to feel sorry, to feel bad.

    He should have shot himself you say. Because you, as you want us to believe, would have done. Problem solved.

    Go one step further and you might come close to blaming Mr. Bigley himself for being kidnapped.

    Can't we just say that we want Mr. Bigley back alive?

    That we cope with everything that comes later at a later moment?

    But at this moment Mr. Bigley fights for his life. For me nothing else can count on a moment like this.

    We know that torture and rape occurs in the prisons, that's why fanatic Islamic fighters already tried to bomb the women prison. To kill the women by themselves to save their honor. That is the way they think.

    Turn things around Mr. IamMaiC: Think about having a sister or your mother in an prison run by fanatic islamic rebels. And that you would know that they could be tortured or raped at any moment. The moment you light a sigarette another sigarette could be estinguished on the body of your beloved one.

    Wouldn't you consider blackmail an acceptable way to trie to get them out?

    Or would you smuggle in suicide tablets? Another way to get them out.

    And if you were born in Iraq, dear Mr. IamMaiC, how could you be sure that you weren't one of the guys of the other side?

    You sound like a strong person, a fighter for a good course, with no doubts about yourself, loyal to your country fellow men?

    What more does one need to become a good or even fanatic patriot?

    There are no 'if's' to consider. To many people died already. For ideas and concepts. 62 Years old. That's when life starts.

    Sure your gonna plead for your life!!! I would also if i couldn't take my own life but don't u understand that is what these snakes want, to show the man pleading for his life.

    I am not blaming him He knew the risks going to work over there I knew the risks also But i was there as a soldier. I needed the mind set that i might be killed during a battle. I know it's sad to say but if you don't keep it in your head then you will be killed, fear makes sure you don't do something stupid

    I would love to see him freed but what is the cost if that does happen?? another company told to leave iraq because their helping the americans? the iraqi people want a better life some have told me so but even they don't know how to go about it. they have been beaten down for so long some have lost the power of seeing the best possible future for themselves.

    My mother already told me she would also die if she were captured by the animals she would kill herself I live in the states Who knows if we will have another nightmare day like 9/11 but what do u do cower until that day comes!!!

    I wasn't born in iraq actually i was born in thailand. so i can't answer your question of how i would feel if i was on the iraq side. I am a good patriot because i love my country and if god forbid the enemy were to come to the states and start fighting us then they will die for thier cause.

    I feel for the british man how do u know their not holding a machine gun at him so he can make that plea for his life. he knew the risks that's all i'm saying.

  2. And for kwiz117 ... you probably also saw "The day after tomorrow". Great movie, but ... it's a movie .. We don't have hurrricanes (or typhoons) here.

    Thailand only got a slash of Gay, not the full whack.

    I saw a Thai Movie.. It has happened in South of Thailand. My wife too said it was from a true story..

    From the day Ivon started roaming around Florida..I can not sleep here in Thailand.. :o

    No..it's not a joke..what would you really do? What are our options here.. ?

    Kwiz Ahh thailand is quite a distance from florida :D I live in florida and Ivan was the worse I was lucky because no damage to the house but newer constructed houses fair better than the older ones, state of florida has building codes that must be followed.

  3. GS with all the women in Thailand How come you don't find someone else?

    My friend just went recently and I fixed him up with a cousin of my wife. I mean when i was there many girls were asking my wife if i knew someone for them.

    I even had the mother of one come and give me pics of her daughter before i left seeing if i could find someone but it's not easy.

  4. Sir Saddam was the Terrorist of that country No terrorist problem your talking out your A$$ negotiation for me is putting a bullet in their head I have been in some firefights and some of them pick up little kids for shields and I am not terrorist sir I am an Honorable soldier if i am to die during the firefight sure but i am taking as many as those animals with me as i can so not many are left for the soldiers that remain after i have gone.

    I also did not run and hide like they did or run into a crowd of people so we wouldn't shoot at them They did this some even got the crowds worked up so some of them would fight us We had to back down then because then we would be shooting iraqis

    Have you ever been in the military?? I did my part over there and i'm proud of it I didn't whine like some nations military personnel You sign up for the military you should know the risks if not then you better get out.

    I am expected to go to afghanistan soon possibly not sure yet I am not a macho guy and i don't get off on killing people but i ###### well will protect myself Every one on this forum is baggering the US but have you lived here?? We don't have a perfect country no one has but i know at least we have freedom.

  5. Is it Possible to be friends??  GS

    I see no reason why not, unless we end on a huge row.

    She's said she would like us to stay friends and when she gets back from Dublin we can live together in the house I just put a deposit on as friends and shower and sleep together as friends.

    I don't really see what the difference is.

    Friendship is maybe the one thing missing in the relationship, and friendship is the best glue in any relationship.

    Sounds like you are right I think if you two were friends first maybe it would have lasted longer but it's good to hear you can be friends now.

    sounds to me you were just two lonely people and just wanted to have someone there at your side Am I Right or Wrong?

  6. If i was a contractor  I'm carrying a gun with me at all times.  I would end my own life before i was taken with those animals.  :o

    1. You will not go to Iraq for sure.. :D

    2. If Terrorist say they will release..then they will do it like the way they have done in the case of Philippines. They can be trusted than the governments involved in this war..

    BTW, negotiating with Terrorists is not a so bad idea like the way you think.. It's better to do it now than later so we can save thousands of innocent lives..

    BBC: They have executed those two Italian Women..

    Terrorists have won this war already..

    Quoting the Opposition Leader of Australia..who's first son got killed by Terrorists..

    " We should negotiate with terrorists now than later coz I lost one of my sons and I want my other two son's to live.."

    I've been to Iraq with the US Army National Guard Sir Terrorists are animals and cannot be trusted even Iraqi people say the same They want a new life they have been beaten down for so long They want to have and live a good life.

    The Terrorists want control of the country It's simple as that and the clerics are fighting between each other also, You cannot trust these people at all You see they killed the italian women Did they say what they wanted in return so they wouldn't kill them I didn't hear anything about it.

    Yeah OK you go negotiate with them Once you start they will want more and more things and if they are not able to get it then they start taking hostages again.

    To ###### with all of them

  7. DAY 29

    She had always mentioned that she was going to Ireland on Oct 15th and that her dad was coming to Bangkok first and she would go back with him and stay in the family home just outside Dublin with her Irish stepmum and her 6yr old half Thai half Irish step sister, both of whom she speaks of fondly.

    Being as indecisive and scaterbrained as I myself often am, this was sometimes a two week holiday and sometimes a three month holiday in which she would get a job and save up some money to bring back to us.

    The few times we've actually sat down and had a sensible conversation, she has said that we shouldn't get too attatched to each other as it would be difficult to stay apart all that time and that it's a long time in which either of us could meet somebody else.

    She's every right to be realstic, Dublin will be full of handsome, horny young men that would love her at first sight and give her lots of attention and even if her dad wouldn't let her bring a guy home, it's possible that at some point she would be out partying and could meet somebody she ended up sleeping with, just as it is likely that I could meet somebody over here.

    If she was in sensible conversation mode a little more of the time then I would be more upset to see her go but the fact is that we are now just two people living together.

    We no longer say all that romantic tripe and i no longer call her from work but we do still cuddle and we do still care.

    Most of the time she's playing this grumpy 6yr old girl character which used to be cute in smal doses if she hurt herself or couldn't get her own way but she's like this most of the time and she gets in a strop far too easy.

    I don't want and have NEVER wanted a subservient, housekeeper, maid type of girl but it would be nice if she did SOMETHING.

    She's a bigger slob than I am and she's at home all day doing nothing except watching TV and eating and calling me sometimes to tell me she's horny.

    The apartment is full of laundry that needs doing, ash trays that need emptying and dishes that need cleaning and I am happy to share the chores but I need a woman who's gonna HELP ME BECOME A MORE TIDY PERSON.

    When she picks me up from work she gets in a strop if I want to check my e-mail and when we get home she wants to playfight and I want to relax, she then can't sleep until 3 or 4 am because she's been sleeping all day while I've been working.

    My boss has even said he doesn't think she's right for me, although I know he's concerned that my personal life may affect my work during high season.

    Last night we saw One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and to my surprise she enjoyed by favourite film of all time - I thought it would be too boring for her, that was a nice surprise.

    She also talked about buying Splitlid a present for his birthday (yes, our Splitlid) which was very nice. When I asked wy she simply replied, "Because he's your friend" and she's looking forward to meeting Erco and his wife at the weekend.

    This morning I woke up freezing as I do most mornings and I switched off the air con. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, had a shower, got on the bike and came down here.

    She'll remain sleeping until at least 2pm and if I'm very lucky, she may even iron the shirt I washed last night.

    One thing I will say - I always knew her heart was in the right place and that was something I defended from the moment I started this post and although I may have been wrong about her beng 'the one' I was not wrong about her and to this day she has never reminded me of a bargirl, only of a chldish, stroppy, acutely insecure, attention seeking, untidy, smetimes selfish but very lovable girl who's too young to realise that life isn't as easy as it looks and who doesn't really know what she wants deep down.

    Is it Possible to be friends?? GS

  8. thailands not in a hurricane zone.

    thats why the buildings wont withstand it and thats why theres no shelters for such an event.

    so what would i do....nothing

    cos it aint gonna happen.


    Lets not forget Typhoon (Hurricane) Gay 1n 1989, a big surprise for Thailand, and extremely devestating. I was in the middle of it...

    I thought Typhoons were in that part of the world they spin opposite way of a hurricane right ajarn??

  9. The minister of justice of the temporary government of Iraq wants to free the two ladies, simply because they are found not guilty of criminal acts.

    Everybody saves face: the kidnappers because some women are freed, the US-people because the decision to free them was taken before the kidnapping, the temporary government by showing at least some authority, and for Mr. Bigley it would mean to live on, to save his life.

    The women would have been released now anyhow. Now the US-army wants to keep them imprisoned, to avoid even the impression that the decision to free them, which was taken weeks before the kidnapping, might have been connected to the kidnapping.

    Don't ask me to explain the logics in this.

    The people who don't want to save Mr. Bigley are going to be just as guilty as the people who will hold the deadly weapon.

    Is there any difference between causing some'ones death by not acting or acting?

    Isn't non-acting a choice of action as well?

    Poodle Blair, don't offer another of your country fellow men just to serve the criminal ignorance and stupidity of your allies!

    Answer me this even though you bargain with these animals what's not stopping them from killing him anyway?? You give up the two women OK and whatever Women are in the prisons. And then they kill him, They killed the americans regardless if the women were freed or not.

    These guys took the risk going to Iraq If i was a contractor I'm carrying a gun with me at all times. I would end my own life before i was taken with those animals. :o

  10. It is sad that it will not continue but i think it was doomed from the start but i don't know how :o just a gut feeling I hope a good friendship comes out of it but it's hard for people that have been intimate to stay friends not saying it cannot be done but it's hard.

  11. I live in florida and had the Prince visit a nearby Wat last summer The Wat was charging well they called it donations $500 US Dollars to see him.

    That is tragic. Many people would not be able to afford that. I am sure the Prince would have liked to see many of his people, and amny of the less afluent Thais would like to have seen him. Disgracefull for a wat to do this; shame on the Long Por. :o

    I went by there because I hade never seen the Wat before There were hundreds of people outside on the grounds Can't say how many people inside,


    this is the wat in florida

  12. We're still together and will probably continue to be until October 15th, after which the likelyhood is that we will remain good friends.

    I'm very fond of her but having lived with her for a month (It's a month today actually) I think she's too young (and untidy) to be serious relationship material.

    I can't type much now but what would make a great post for fans of this soap opera to read is the time we went to Ranong together for my visa run and she stuck by me and supported me even though I screwed up and had to pay a three day overstay, resulting in 9hrs of severe hunger on the bus back, and only a roll of toilet tissue and half a bottle of lukewarm water to stop our stomach acids from eating their lining.

    That would be a good post for when I'm not in a 2bt a minute internet cafe (there's TV dedication for you) - will write soon.

    Have to go now, gotta nip home and give Ning the bike if she's woken up yet but it's only 5pm - a little early for her. :o

    Ohh well Can u be Friends?? will it work GS?

  13. we should tell him what to do   he's getting married after two weeks  and he's 46   cmon  i'm 35 and i know not to get married after 2 wks   for god's sake his son even is smarter than him and he's 18   pulling him unto the airplane to go home!!!!!

    Too long time in one place? Too long time in one job? How to change all habits and be sure it's right way? It's not easy to think what to do in life, change everything, make important decisions if we don't have to do it before.. and we have had normal life for a 20 years. Anyway all ways are correct :o Can go to her several times and have better and better relationship, then be sure and take her to England. Or go to Thailand, stay there - if sth is wrong, find another one :D Just need to be little bit brave and crazy in life :D

    cmon would you marry after 2 weeks???

    No :D

    Thank you!!!! :D

  14. Thanks everyone.

    There's no such thing as bad advice I think. I am taking it all in.

    I don't think anyone who offered help is right or wrong, we all have a perspective on issues in life.

    I think I need to work out whether Pattaya really is Paradise, or whether it has simply made me realise what a shallow aimless and lonely routine I have fallen into here. A long term marriage breaks up, a 16 year job becomes a meaningless chore, and a 46 year old tubby guy begins to live a lonely life, then suddenly pow  :o a gorgeous girl thinks he's the bogs dollocks. Tempting. I certainly look at things here very differently now. I will take my time, change a few things back here, and return to Pattaya in November or January and see if the grass still seems greener.

    Seems though I have two options (1) I build up a relationship with her over several visits in order for her to get a visa to come here or (2) I try to find work out there (difficult?) and drop everything here and take the risk

    God gave man a brain and a dick. Sadly he didn't give man enough blood to run them both together.

    Thats really helpful thank you.

    It's the truth

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