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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Crazy, whatever, but perhaps a comforting thought would be that no matter what you do, others will have sunk even lower in Pattaya. :-)

    Not really sure what Simbo is looking for here.. some guys saying "What, are you nuts?!" ? Fortunately it's not up to me or anyone else to tell you how to live your life, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn... this is pretty skewed on several levels. Even ignorning the obvious point of shacking up with a bargirl/prostitute, there's the thing that you're basically pimping her out during the day, then after [insert some graphic scene here involving hairy oil workers and your future significant other] that, she'll jump into your bed at home.. hmm..

    Seriously, this was a troll-post, right? :D Fooled me.

    i guess he got me also Mr. C :o

  2. I forgot to tell you that I do like your profile.

    I wished more people would have that much information.

    well i thought it would help since i did put it there i wonder how many people bother to look? my best profile is my left side i think


    you agree or did i just scare everyone :o

  3. If you had followed many other posts more intensively, you would have know that LC is Thai!

    You are too busy with posting-posting-posting and posting.

    You are one of the guys that got me bored with the forum lately.

    well excuse me i got you bored oh sorrryyyyy am i supposed to know she is thai? that's why i was asking sir i lost my all seeing eyeglobe recently :o

  4. What I want is for the electorate to have an awareness of what can be, not be kept in ignorance by crappy TV and low standard educators. Then it should be up to a politically aware elactorate to decide on their own destiny.

    is there a way to help in this area? to help these people see the "light" so to speak

    Knowledge is power

    this thread is about certian places closing at midnight I live in the states and I don't go out that much anymore sure when i was younger you had to have five guys pull me out of a bar unless i had a sleeping bag with me :o

    Is a big majority of farangs upset that this is happening? i also saw a thread about places closing at 2 am is that a bad time also what time were places open to before 4am 5am?

  5. Your joke didn't make any sense. I actually had a much much better response. I told a mod and he kept shaking his head. So, I decided against it. And just to return a favour that you suggested me to take a holiday, mine to you is you need to stop posting just for the sake of it. I've always been on holiday. Even in the office. Unfortunately, I haven't been sacked yet.
    And whyever not? Hairy is a soapdodger :D

    Now that's an insult Doc. I still have my standard. :D

    maybe your right :D i do need some sleep, thanks for pointing that out and by the way are you thai? :o

  6. I say it again, as I've said it many times - the Thai Government wants tourists - yes.

    But it does not want the independent tourist. It wants the package-tour Asian tourist. They put big bucks into the tour companies and major hotels. The down-side is that they do very little for the rest of the economy. They spend little outside their pre-planned tour route. So the floating market, Rose Garden, hotels around Silom, hotels north of Ao Patong, Fantasea, so on get plenty, the local som tam vendors get nil.

    But the tourists are controllable, take their photos of the Royal Palace, various Wats, Ao Phang Na and go home happy. Next year another lot.

    Us independent operators are not controllable, tend to spend money where it benefits the less-well-off, rather than Tocsin and his cronies, get better value for our money and have the audacity to LIVE here! That means we can influence a few local voters to look at a real democratic process (if there is such a thing) and not blindly vote for the guy with the deepest pockets.

    Enough of us doing that and we may eventually make a difference.

    So you come to thailand to make things go your way? Am I right or wrong?

  7. Looks like "Toxin" has finally ended Thailand as the "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll" capital of Asia.

    It is down to the 6th place that people want to visit and will probably soon be off-the-map.

    I guess the old addage is true, nothing lasts forever.

    Maybe he wants the thailand of old back again My father in law wishes this would happen he has seen many people run into the ground because of what's been going on for years espacially the thai people

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