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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. Correct, they are inundating the world 🌎 with EVs.
  2. The Thai solution will be more litter police and more 2,000 fines for dropping a paperclip on Sukhumvit.
  3. What is the name of the restaurant, asking for a friend?
  4. You want some real Chinese EV action 🎬? tV9OatPBZDsGnd0d.mp4 upL_tPH9ID5Jm7zS.mp4
  5. Just the same way it is also a good idea 💡 to FactCheck EV propaganda. There are deceiving information floating around in both camps. Thanks @josephbloggs for the FactCheck, although my version was funnier 😊. Back to the US embassy and their 3 big Americans as shared by SeñorLA. It that also fake 😒 news?
  6. DC answer would be like .. 25f7qrWM7z8ALi5c.mp4
  7. Hello 👋 DC. Are these three Big Americans in the room with us now? Ford, yes, GM long gone and Chrysler first went to Fiat and are now just a part of Stellantis.
  8. I didn't see it in the news section, so to the joy of our EV friends, I will share it here. We have a little fire 🔥 at the Map Ta Phut tank terminal. An8l1zSTulQ0JpTesZSNRMzrysZpH_XNdeoLh8AWDWit9qLZx6MZ8ykRGAIXuM0bm4-m7qmJpSK1cIpJx9ug-jau.mp4
  9. Did you get a new passport Rick? I got the exact same message, 3 times, after I renewed my passport. At the end, I had to do it in person.
  10. Maine lobster 🦞 😋.
  11. Trolling 🧌 is just ridiculous and such a waste of people's time. That said, ICEV can still match EVs in weight/horsepower ratio, so as a open minded consumer it is a difficult choice when shopping for a new car. It is important we keep the debate open.
  12. I just want to drive 🚗... 😊 😃. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/ea32RvJRuLwuCFwe/?mibextid=xCPwDs
  13. Not all EV owners are equal, Seal owners are above everyone else 🙄 😉. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/SbsKFnySv2yvRVbY/?mibextid=xCPwDs
  14. Small Cat, based on the engine.
  15. VERY, VERY well spotted 🏆 🥇 🏅. That is exactly 💯 % what happened. The Grab motorcycle clipped the Seal on the rear-right hand side. They later pulled over and took a couple of pictures with the insurance agent and went on their way. Happy days.
  16. Another Seal flapping helpless around in the middle of traffic while the owner is enjoying a bit of sunshine 🌞 next to the car. Anyone care to venture a guess as to what happened? 20240505_145321.mp4
  17. BYD Seal accident. Everyone walked away 👍 👍. Female driver 😔 😟. Does it qualify 🤔 as an EV fire 🔥?
  18. Ehm, that is a 400% increase. No need to dwell in trivial math details, when it is harvest season on the cherry picking farm.
  19. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-austria-australia-salzburg-airport-counter-337704614289
  20. It is probably just a rounding error for the Bz4x. 3 zeros in a row sound odd. Maybe a 1,000? BMW did well in April at 111 registrations. Mercedes is really struggling to join the party 🥳.
  21. Not that it really matters, but do you know why there is a small discrepancy in the numbers? Autolife and car250 both quote 38,022 for total registrations, while DLT had 39,697 in the sheet you shared. For EV car250 quote 3997 and autolife 4088. EV registrations for April 2024 3997 https://www.car250.com/th-2024-04-11-3.html Total registrations for April 2024 38,022 https://www.car250.com/th-2024-04-11.html
  22. That is correct and more precisely of the Burn 🔥 Your Driveway species.
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