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Everything posted by ExpatOilWorker

  1. That is a good start, now we just have to fill in the blank spot.
  2. Are you saying that you have heard about all EV fires in Thailand? If so please share.
  3. We do have the denominator in the fire/billion miles, but that was the easy part. Statistically we should have had 3 fires 🔥 by now, but I don't think Thailand has an agency tracking EV fires, so your guess is as good as mine.
  4. It would be easier and cheaper just to raise Bangkok by a meter or two, by injecting water deep underground.
  5. Texan Nightmare 👻 👽 😱. ...or according to my wife fried assorted vegetables aka a vegan dish.
  6. With @JBChiangRai gone full Colonel Walter E. Kurtz and started a chicken farm with Freddy in 'Nam, I will use 6,000 miles/year for average EV mileage in Thailand 🇹🇭. At that rate, we just passed 600,000,000 miles. Congratulations 🎊.
  7. Toyota is the king of the chart.
  8. Yeah, that little problem needs to be sorted out. 5o5IhnsbFCfG7X0F.mp4
  9. The calculation is of course hugely sensitive to estimated annual milage. If we can get consensus on a different number, I will happily 😊 change it. In more mature markets, statistical data shows that EVs drive 60-75% of the annual ICE milage. Assuming your numbers are mostly for ICE vehicles, how about 500 miles/month or 6,000 miles/year for EVs in Thailand?
  10. I go to many play groups with my kids. Soon we will have the authorities bust through the door wearing full body armor and detain me for being a parent!
  11. = 500,000,000 miles, as of today at noon.
  12. It is a calculated value, with a certain degree of uncertainty of course, but your number is way off. I used 8,000 km/year for EV average milage or 414 miles/month. Bear with me for the mix of units, but there is a good reason for that. Using the autolife registration numbers, each vehicle then gets full milage for the month of registrations. An EV registered in January 2022 have done (28 month + 16.5 days) x 414 miles. A February 2022 registrations gets 27 montsh and so forth. Vehicles registered in 2020 and 2021 starts from mid year, as I don't have monthly registrations data. Vehicles registered prior to 2020 are not included, again because I don't have the data.
  13. Congratulations 🎊 to all EV owners in Thailand 🇹🇭. As of today, May 17th, 2024 at noon, the 115,411 registrated EVs in Thailand have collectively done 500,000,000 miles. 1/2 billion miles driven! 🥳 🎉 🪅 🎊 .
  14. Does the source of the funds make a difference, if International School fees for own child is transferred from abroad directly to the (Thai) schools account? From a tax point of view, would it be better to use A or B, or it makes no difference? A. Long term savings account with funds dating back before January 1, 2024 B. Overseas salary account with funds mostly from 2024.
  15. Just track every phone number in the area in the previous 48 hours would probably identify the murder or murders.
  16. ..in Hôi An with a ho named Ann ❤️ 😍.
  17. Interesting read and more related to (Chinese) EVs. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2024/05/china-tariffs-electric-vehicles-trade-war/678385/
  18. Fried chicken 🍗 today. Diesel and gasoline are in contango!
  19. Pan seared cod with sautè spinach and mashed potatoes 🥔.
  20. 1.2 million views! SeñorLA is a celebrity 🌟. What's with the Northwest Airline coffee ☕️ cup? Meanwhile at the ICE recruitment center.
  21. I got the DeWalt DCD798D1 with an extra battery 🔋 pack. I really like the color, grib, body shape and hammer drill function. Still, it will be hard to let go of the old ICE, but fuel consumption, oil change and maintenance does add up. 434438745_334813846260997_8852506413330345142_n.mp4
  22. The unthinkable is finally happening, I am trading one of our ICE in and going full electric ⚡️. This is not about a major change in attitude and being an early adaptor was never important to me, but the time is right, the future is now and I found the right model that suits my needs. Although I will now be in a similar situation to @Pib, let there be no doubt the Bimmer is safe and will reign supreme on the highway. An upfront thanks to members of this forum for providing an abundance of information on the subject and steering me in the right direction. May the electrons start flowing.
  23. Aston Martin beats us both anyway...
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