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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. I know of a chap that installed one of these poles at his house in the UK, enabling his wife to continue her 'job' back home. He used to invite his mates round and have a few beers whilst enjoying the entertainment. This is no joke. It is a few years back now but this is absolutely true.

    The chap in question must have had a great deal of respect for his wife.

  2. HI

    I'm trying to plan a holiday for my Thai wife next year.I wish firstly to take her to see some friends in Germany for a month,then onto Holland for a fortnight,then finally to the UK,whereupon after showing her the sights,I shall do approximately 3 months work,before returning with her to Thailand.

    If i get a holiday visa for Gernany for my wife,will that also entitle her to visit Holland under the schengen agreement or does this apply only to EU citizens?

    I understand i would then need a separate visitors visa for her to visit the UK.

    My question is would i need to apply for the Uk visitors visa from Bangkok before making the initial trip to Germany or would i apply for it from either the British embassy in Germany or Holland?

    I'm a Briitish citizen from birth.

    Many thanks.

  3. Firstly let me say RIP to the 20 human beings who tragically lost their lives.May God bless them.Also I can only truly hope that all the others injured in this terrible bombing are able to make a full and swift recovery both physically and mentally,but I doubt it.

    Terrorism can never be justified no matter what grievances the bomber(s) held.As proved time and time again in so many other conflicts,the only way to solve an issue is for all parties, from all sides to get together and talk talk talk in the hope that eventually common ground may be sought.

    Terrorism is so easy to achieve,but it's only for the cowards of this world.I'm afraid to say that history will always continue to repeat itself,as people will always fail to learn the lessons of the past,and that is a cast iron guarantee.

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