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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. personally I think the violence between the israelies and the Palestinians will continue as long as Israel continues to expand its borders .

    More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

    Bottom line though, this is a problem with BOTH sides as NEITHER side has the political will to really make peace. Those who think it's only about one side or the other are part of the problem.

    There is a total lack of trust, on both sides, and with very good reasons, on both sides.

    So blathering on about demonizing Israel accomplishes basically less than nothing.

    Israelis hear this and tune it out as well they should as so many people blathering like that have the WORSE of intentions for the future of the Israeli state.

    More like it will continue as long as the "palestinians" don't accept the existence of the state of ISRAEL and continue with their irrational agenda of river to the sea Arabs with the Jews gone (dead or fled).

    That is a blatant lie! The Palestinians have long ago accepted the state of Israel. Arafat did so in 1993

    September 9, 1993
    Yitzhak Rabin
    Prime Minister of Israel
    Mr. Prime Minister,
    The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:
    The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."

    And the offer has been repeated many times since.

    The whole Arab world (Hamas included) and Iran have agreed to recognize Israel in its 67 borders ...a permanent, secure internationally recognized peace agreement, exchange of ambassadors, trade, tourism, the works. The deal has been on the table since 2002, and repeated in 2007. Read about it here..
    Haniyeh: Hamas Willing to Accept Palestinian State With 1967 Borders
    Hamas leader in Gaza addressed group of European MPs who sailed to Strip to protest Israel's blockade.
    Hamas’ Meshal Agrees for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders
    The ball has always been in Israel's court. They hold all the power.

    Good on you Dexterm,excellent post.

  2. This report will only dissuade any potential retiree's frrom coming here,with the same genuine ideas of Mr Rance .The amount of income lost to the Thai economy as a result of this report is immeasurable.Why can't the Thai authorities see the wider picture,and the effect this will have on their country?

    If only this report had ended with a fair and satisfactory conclusion,it would have boosted confidence worldwide,but alas I feel the poor guy is just banging his head up against a brick wall.

  3. A never ending story.This conflict will never be resolved so long as the U.S refuses to wrap the knuckles of one of their most staunchest allies.They don't think twice when putting their nose into other countries affairs, when of course it suits them, which is most of the time,,but when it comes to dealing with Israel that's a big no no.They talk and talk about their yearning for a 2 state solution but this is merely words that sound comforting to people naive enough to listen and believe.I truly hold no grudge against American citizens or any other citizen of the world for that matter.,There are good and bad people everywhere.I also hold no objection to the U.S being the policeman of the world,but if that's the role they want then at least be seen to perform it in a fair manner.Or am i being naive?.

    My thoughts are with the totally oppressed stateless people of Palestine,who must feel so frustrated by the occupation of their land by the Israeli's who continue to erect settlements on Palestinian land,without a care in the world.The Palestinians in their frustration throw petrol bombs,while Israel sit on the most sophisticated nuclear bombs.David and Goliath springs to mind but who ended up winning that conflict?

    Unfortunately I don't see this ending in my lifetime or for as long as the Jewish lobby command such a powerful voice in the states.

    Lastly i wonder what course of action the U.S government would take if Cuba was to just help themselves to the tiniest portion of the southern tip of Florida?

  4. Pattaya spends zero the bare minimum on infrastructure, so it's hardly a surprise that it floods every year, some years worse than others. coffee1.gif

    Pattaya is a cash rich city, with all the income it gets from tourism, and no doubt it's well funded from the Central Govt. in BKK. Where is all the money going, well we all know the answer to that one thumbsup.gif

    Yes where indeed?With all the money that city generates,it still looks shabby and the roads and pavements are a total mess.Other provinces that generate far less money are in a much better state.So obviously someone has their fingers in the till.

  5. Big bikes i find are expensive here by comparison to the US or Europe,there's massive amounts of tax levied on them.unless of course you buy a Jap bike that's made in Thailand.One bike i like and it's got decent reviews,not sure if it's made in Thailand but the new price seems almost on a par with the UK is the Kawasaki er650f. I've found Kawa do make stonking engines,and very reliable with a bit of character too,unlike the classy but oh so predictable Honda.

    Anyway whatever you decide,i wish you all the best in searching for a bike,That's half the fun.Good luck and stay safe.

  6. Please forgive my ignorance,the answer to my question must be located somewhere in this forum but i can't for the life of me find it,so some answers would be appreciated.I know it's a bit of a trivial question,but here we go

    what are the ranking orders and different membership names,and how many postings constitute each new rank.

    i.e Newbies = x amount of postings until he/she gets to the next member level etc

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