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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. My Pcx is very smooth and comfortable,with a classy predictable Honda feel.I am simply not and never been a fan of the combined braking system though.The one thing for sure is out of all the top 4 Jap makers,the Honda will always hold it's value the most.Haven't had a chance to view in person the n-max but I do like the look of the exciter,does good top speed and has a really nice large rear tyre.All the best very with your purchase whatever you decide and stay safe.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news , I wish him a speedy recovery . Motorcycle are so dangerous " Death On 2 Wheels " !

    I can ride very spirited thoroughbred horses , but cannot ride a motorcycle !

    It's not the motorcycle in itself which is dangerous,it's either the actions of the rider or the numbskull car drivers whose blatant disregard and idiotic actions towards the biker that is dangerous....I feel very sorry for this young man.Get well soon.

  3. Get yourself a kindle and be done with it .I've had mine years,what a fantastic bit of kit.Holds up to 3,500 books,you'd need to live in a mansion to store that many.The savings also are immense, 99% of the books I download are free.Cannot praise this device high enough and available from just £59.99.


  4. I ask myself that same question every time whenever i have to return to the cold, wet and depressing weather of the UK even if it's for a short while.I never moan about the weather here even in April.When i feel myself getting too hot i just spend my days in the shade at my local waterfall and think of my freezing bones being in the UK.Soon puts things into perspective.

  5. I get charged 200 baht for depositing large amount into my own account, at different bank location. I don't understand that one either.

    they charge based on what province your money is being deposited / withdrawn from. Meaning if you deposit in province X and your branch is in province Y they will charge you for that. That is my understanding at least.

    That is also my experience,and done it many times but i always get charged 45 baht from x to y.

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