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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. I am currently in Thailand and applying for a settlement visa for my wife.My situation differs from yours insomuch as I cannot show earnings of 18,600.I always have a permanent job i can go to when i return to the UK,whereby I am capable of easily reaching the required earnings,but am never able to achieve this as i'm always here with my wife.I am however lucky enough to show savings in excess of the required amount,so I hope this will suffice.

    The UK always loves to be the champion of human rights,and I would have thought one of the most basic of human rights would be to be allowed to reside in your country,with the man that you love,but no,all they're worried about is that you're going to return to the UK and sponge off the benefits system.

    I feel very sorry for you sweetheart, as you're only alternative is to follow the advice of the above poster and return alone to the UK and find a job that pays 18,600 or more and gather 6 months payslips,then apply from the UK.What a terrible position you find yourself in,having to work for 6 months alone, and 6,000 miles away,while your heart aches for the man you love.I sincerely wish you all the very best for the future and genuinely hope things work out for you in the end.

  2. "Many Thais are facing risks of unemployment due to the slowdowns in global and domestic economies...

    No, they are facing risk of unemployment because their (lack of) education and training does not prepare them to compete in the modern marketplace.

    Once again they place the blame on everything and everyone but themselves. The mainstream Thai education system is little more than basic brainwashing, teaching students to blindly follow through memorizing patriotic songs and slogans, while ignoring teaching the skills that other nations' school systems stress in order for their students to be competitive in today's hi tech world.

    Never a truer word spoken, The Thai day of judgment is fast approaching!

    Yes it certainly is,and then how will they be able to pay for their nice houses and cars etc all on finance.Not wishing to be the doctor of doom,but when the pack of cards start toppling,it could be devastating,with a lot of people losing face, and we all know how much the proud Thai's love losing face,don't we?

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  3. I think you're best approach would be to sort it out from Canada on the basis of 5 years separation.If you should return to Thailand to try and divorce him,it will be plain sailing so long as he agrees,but what if you arrive here and he doesn't?

    It seems from all his drunken texts,he still harbours feelings for you.Remember the old saying drunks and children tell the truth.

    So to conclude,if you're not in too much of a hurry,get the divorce granted from Canada.

    I wish you all the best.

  4. 10 yrs ago i would have agreed , and did live in thailand twice for a few yrs , since then i have watched the greed, corruption , violence and lawlessness increase , along with the infestation of the "new" visitors i no longer have the desire to live here , thailand is/was "sold out" long ago and now looks at tourists as cash cows only , ....the thai youth have no respect and no idea where their country would be without foreign investment and tourists and will eventually have to lie in the bed they made for themselves , xenophobia and insular thinking will continue to help sink thailand to the bottom . Every thai i know that has been to the UK with the exception of 1 , wanted to stay , I was at a party last week with around 15 thai girls, none of them wanted to go back to live in LOS , but then they were not in London , even i could'nt live there !

    Have to totally agree with you.Thailand thinks us farangs owe it our lives,while most other 3rd world countries would be more than grateful to let us reside there without a ton of obstacles.

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