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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. Hi

    The answer to your question is no,but please spare a couple of minutes to read on.

    A friend of mine who had to return to the UK for treatment in a London hospital,due to liver damage,was asked by the doctor treating his condition what he drank whilst living in Thailand.He replied sang som and lao khao.They also asked had he brought to the UK any of his favourite tipple,to which he replied yes.They asked his Mother to bring it to the hospital for testing.They carried out tests on both, and both were found to contain untold impurities.They obviously told him to stop drinking altogether,but said if you cannot stop only drink branded named spirit.Please be warned.I implore you not to touch this rubbish and dont even buy it for a friend to consume,as you would be doing them no favours whatsoever.My Thai wife of 14 years lost her husband at the age of 34 due to lao khao leaving her struggling to bring up 2 kids aged 3 and 1.

    My friend however battled his addiction and i'm happy to report,is now living back in Thailand and hasn't touched a drop of alcohol in 4 years.God bless him.

  2. Hi all

    I currently hold a non immigrant (o) multiple entry visa based on marriage to my Thai wife.The visa is valid from 10 December 2014 and expires on 9th December this year.I returned back to the UK in April this year and will return again to Thailand on 5th October.I understand that upon arrival I will be given 3 months entry that will take me up until January 2016.I then wish to obtain a retirement visa.I have held the equivalent of more than 800,000 baht in British pounds in my Siam commercial foreign deposit account for more than 3 months.

    My question is do i have to apply for my retirement visa before the expiry of my non immigrant visa i.e December 9th or can i apply when, or just before the entry stamp expires in January 2016?Also what documentation other than a letter from my bank confirming the deposit of more than the equivalent of 800,000 baht and the fact that it's been deposited for more than 3 months is required?

    Many thanks.

  3. Send the sterling over and change it as you need it.

    i was hoping for an informed analysis of the likely prospects for the baht/sterling exchange rate over the next couple of months

    i suppose its anyone guess in reality

    This is what i've done.I've opened a foreign deposit a/c in pounds sterling.This allows you to keep your money in pounds or whatever countries currency your from.I can continue to send pounds into my pound a/c while keeping an eye on the baht..As you say it's anyones guess,but i think when the USA ends its quantative easing program,forecast to be at the end of this year,the baht will plunge.The USA has already started reducing it by $10 billion a month,from $85 to $75 billion a month,and already the pounds moving in a nice upward direction,so my feeling is when they finally end it,it will be bingo for the pound.

    If that fails to happen i've lost nothing as I still have my pounds,and so basically hedging my bets.

    • Like 1
  4. There's nothing foolish about those things whatsoever. All bank accounts are insured and property (condo's), as long as they are bought wisely, are easy to dispose of at equal value of better - I speak from over ten years experience here of owning/selling condo's and operating a range of bank accounts..

    Advice from a man who told everyone to sell all their UK holdings and bring the money over here at 44bht/GBP (cos it wouldn't get better).

    8 months later and 54bht/GBP ........ those who took CMs advice lost 25% of everything they owned.

    And when the USA,instead of reducing their quantative easing program,ends it completely,forecast to be at the end of this year,we'll see the baht go right down the swanee.So have patience and wait,and pay a lot less for your condo.

  5. Most strange.I in the past have experienced exactly the same problems with leo beer the bottled type.I switched to cans of leo and that remedied the situation.The cans seem to contain less gas than the bottled type.If you drink the bottled type try the cans and see if this works.I wish you and your backside all the best.

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  6. Obviously you don't expect fast-moving vehicles in this area and with my back against this motorcyclist.

    1) Try to anticipate and expect anything in this country(I understand that's easier said than done)

    2) Always try to walk in the direction of on-coming traffic if at all possible.

    3) I would say you'd be extremely lucky if the bike had of stopped in a land of ''mai pen rai''


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  7. Right. I cannot appear in court to face anarchy charges because I am busy in the streets stirring up anarchy.

    Bloody right as well.I wish these so called politicians,would grow up and start working for the good of their country,instead the good of their own ego's and pockets.

  8. If you have a Uk or US ebay account,or know of someone there who does,look on there as there are literally hundreds for sale at the right price, and have it sent over marked as gift in the customs declaration.That's what i did and am very pleased with my kindle,plus it's more than just an e-book reader.I also purchased 11,000 e-books on ebay for a mere 3 pounds.The kindle has a capacity to hold 3,500 books,what a great little device,not to mention all the space you'll save.

  9. Although i can only have great sympathy for the parents of this innocent little child,God bless her.Thai's need to treasure their children more as they are unique human beings.It's of little use closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

    Yes I believe the perpetrator has now been apprehended,a 32 year old man(if you can call him that).

    He needs to publicly be strung up by the <deleted>,before a castration ceremony takes place.

    RIP little angel.

  10. I'm not a teacher,but have just had a friend return to the UK a very despondent man.Before he left he told me that the Thai's are just not interested in learning.He was teaching 18 year olds and instead of learning were more intent on playing with their mobile phones,which in my opinion should be banned from the classroom.

    He also said he managed while here, to get a bit,but not enough work teaching Japanese and Koreans,who apparently listened attentively and showed a great willingness to learn.Here again in my opinion,lies the difference between the 3 countries.2 are top countries,while Thailand is well down in the learning stakes,so it's with little wonder that we see a post on Thai visa today,the link i've provided below.


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