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Everything posted by bluebluewater

  1. I would hardly call that "extraordinary" video. It looks just like regular everyday video to me.
  2. I've had both a brokerage and checking acct for years. I would not change a thing. I've traveled extensively with nary a problem and all ATM fees returned. Go for it!
  3. Thai men? I just find them to be the most uninteresting creatures . . .
  4. Depending on the airline you only get 25Kg per person in checked bags and everything you might need here is already here. If you feel you MUST take a bunch of food stuffs back then you are going to have to declare it and US Customs is going to thoroughly exam all of it and anything else in your bags. Good luck!
  5. 4K USD is forty $100 dollar bills. Forty sheets of paper. You can't keep up with that? Really?
  6. It may be ONLY a caterpillar but I have never seen that kind before. I too, would be curious . . . .
  7. Though not directed at me . . . " if i recall you're a bit of a stallion, right? ". Yes, I am. You are right. Not just a "bit" but the full-blown thing. A wild untamed thing. Never enough. " Ride me BIG. " That's my creedo.
  8. I had a friend who got bit by a cat in Hua Hin and ended up flying back to England to get the treatment he needed and save the leg!
  9. By golly - that will teach him! He won't be doing that again . . .
  10. I have never heard of the police here using fingerprints for any crime much less one that has not happened. I assume that is what is meant by "taking them to the lab for printing". It does not surprise me that they were not interested.
  11. Where I live it is often the pharmacists' mother or grandmother who is behind the counter while the pharmacist is out working at the hospital. This is going to put a lot of the grannies out of work!
  12. What is that in the very first picture that shows the handicap marking? Is that a monkey at the top of the photo?
  13. I am also requesting a photo . . . .
  14. Where is it possible to see an aerial view of the flooding throughout the BKK area? Perhaps something updated on a daily basis?
  15. Unless you have lived in Thailand for some time PRIOR to this upcoming move I would leave most, if not all, of that other stuff behind for the time being. All that you think that you might want again another day could go into a storage unit until you get your situation sorted. Yes indeed, you will have to pay some storage charges and it might (probably) require that one day you will need to go back to undertake the process of shipping to Thailand. I think you will find that there is very little that you now own that, deep down, you will really want or need here. Indeed, I think you might find it refreshing to be without all that baggage. I sure did. Cheers!
  16. I was in a bar last night and got called an a$$hole by a guy I did not know. I put it down to him being a bad judge of character.
  17. The first Thai massage I got in Thailand was 20 years ago. I was green as grass. It was up on the third floor of the Future Park mall. Rows of mats and open air viewing by all. The crowd could not wait to see what the white guy was going to do and, believe me, they got their money's worth. They told me to strip down then gave me a pair of shorts that tied at the waist that three of me could have got in to. Their next move was to take my right ankle and tuck it up behind my right ear and then proceeded for the next hour to beat the <deleted> out of me using knuckles and elbows. Pure torture. I was sweating like a pig and cramping at every move. I have never again had a Thai massage. When I got done I felt like had gone 10 rounds with the champ. It's actually funny to look back on now. Oil yes, Thai massage no.
  18. Really and truly? You can't sort this out? Are you a child?
  19. Aye - I'm much the same. I be crazy for pu$$$YY . . . .
  20. Until I can fly in under the same situation that there was 10 years ago I will not make any plans to visit. I kinda think that will never be the case. So be it . . . . .
  21. Gracious! These folks certainly have a hard-on for the F-35. Their only problem is that no sale from the US has been allowed and I don't think there is any talk of it either. I would be amazed if such a thing would happen any time soon.
  22. 500 Baht a month for lunch . . . . . ? 5 days of work a week = 20 days = 25 baht a day for lunch = peanuts 6 days of work a week = 24 days = 21 baht a day for lunch = "you not nice"
  23. I did it for years. It was not hard for ME to do. I owned my motorcycle, rented an apartment, day in and day out ate Thai food 'cause I like it. At least four (if not five) nights a week I was out and about, playing in pool leagues, watching the footy, etc. If I wanted a massage I got it. I live simply and modestly. I lived the same way back in my own country. I very much enjoy myself and do not feel like I wanted for anything.
  24. ^^ then why even mention it?
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