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Everything posted by bannork

  1. Living like dogs. Don't use the toilets, conscripts. Go outside and fertilize/ pollute the garden
  2. Putin's cheerleaders are starting to worry about defeat and possible consequences for them.
  3. I've heard of Pussy Riot, now it's wives riot
  4. Public buses in Russia seem to be underfunded.
  5. As a teen I remember truckers' cafes in the UK in the early 70s consisting of fried up breakfasts of bacon, eggs , tomatoes and toast with steaming cups of tea. Is it still the same?
  6. A wonderful voice and talent for melody.
  7. Kevin was a naughty boy trying to persuade the well off grannies to part with their money but he was only joking, he cared for the vulnerable in society. Yet he himself ended up as one of the vulnerable. It shouldn't have come to that. Too much booze? I saw him live in Bristol in the 80s. He didn't look well, overweight and tired. Whatever, he wrote songs from the heart..
  8. Long Live Ukraine https://fb.watch/h6AVP23fW1/
  9. The western Balkan nations and Ukraine want to join the EU. Even Le Pen's daughter and the right wing current Italian leader have no intention of leaving the world's largest free trading bloc. If anything, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has reminded Europeans how essential it is they are united. Both NATO and the EU benefit from this.
  10. Imo the living doll has been cheesy ever since he left The Shadows
  11. Yes, deaths in the village are a common occurrence, logical really as the village is where most old folks are. They used to say you couldn't work the day someone died but that rule seems to be overlooked these days. A couple of days ago, the brother -in-law told me Sai, who had three cows in a shed two houses down across the road from us, had passed away. The village headman had announced it that morning. Sai was in his mid 60s, slim, he had looked healthy, 'Just goes to show,' I thought gloomily, 'Someone looks fine the night before and the next morning, they're dead. We never know when our time is up.' Riding the motorbike back to the village for breakfast, I expected to see the usual tent and chairs already in place outside his house to welcome the relatives, mourners and drinkers. But there was nothing, rather Sai himself was cleaning out his cattle shed as usual! Thais have ghosts that exist in the day, some believe the dead person doesn't realise for three days that they're dead. I thought of challenging Sai. 'Come on, the game is up. No need to clean the shed, better to move on up, there's probably lao khao on tap 24 hours a day where you're going.' But he looked very real, and being a somewhat stern man who might take umbrage at questions about his reality, I decided to ask the greengrocer instead 'Sai? Yes, he died last night. But not the Sai with cows, rather the Sai whose daughter runs a grocery store in the next soi.' The brother-in-law has never been good at surnames.
  12. Sadly the UK is the sad loser these days with the longest recession on record about to begin https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/03/bank-of-england-uk-faces-longest-ever-recession.html
  13. Yes, the misguided 37% of the electorate who voted for Brexit, not a majority of the electorate, note. Anyway, some current news as to London losing its position as top financial centre in Europe. Brexit a contributing factor https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63623502
  14. Draws can often be very exciting as everyone knows just one goal will decide it. It's the quality of play that determines the entertainment value of a game and the beauty of football is all you need is a ball. No need to put on helmets or shoulder pads.
  15. UK car industry in decline since Brexit.
  16. The government's Office for Budget Responsibility sticks to its original forecast of a slash of 4% off the UK GDP due to Brexit . https://www.ft.com/content/7a209a34-7d95-47aa-91b0-bf02d4214764
  17. The ???? won't be crowing this morning. Back to the usual dreary side and back passing that England excel at. The overpaid and overhyped mediocrities will soon be on a flight back.
  18. Owl, have you heard of Leigh Gallagher? He's a very keen fisherman in Kampaeng Phet. https://www.facebook.com/leigh.gallagher.332?mibextid=ZbWKwL Sad to see Wales lose 2-0 but glad to see the Iranian protesters of their murderous regime won. England at 2.00 am? Nah, too early but I'll set the alarm for three to watch the second half, then have an early breakfast and head to the farm for some watering. We've been unlucky, I had to go to Udon today expansive puddles in Na Kha and Nong Mel but nothing in Ban Dung
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