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Everything posted by bannork

  1. I was in Connemara in 74, how I wish I'd headed down to Cork for this.
  2. Rory ready for Friday night.. oh, never mind Thursday will do..
  3. Surrender boys, don't be cannon fodder for a psychopath.
  4. The delusionary ramblings continue. Now it's jihad, holy war. Insanity.
  5. Lads, what's happened to the post match video interviews with the managers that used to feature in the reviews of PL games just played on BBC Football Premier League? Have they all shifted exclusively to Match of the Day?
  6. Mick could be one of the loose sphincter brigade.
  7. Both the UK public and the financial markets won't forgive the Tories if chaos persists, and rightly so. The idiots caused enough trouble with Brexit, condemning the UK to third country status, a loss of 4% of GDP and a collapse in investment. Not much talk about sovereignty these days, gone with the wind like Liz Truss
  8. Saving face is not only an Asian trait. ' I would have won, you know. Lots of MPs backing me, even the Red Wall ones who voted no confidence in me 6 weeks ago. They know their constituents still love me, they can't warm to that fake northerner with his green card and tax dodging wife. But I'll stand aside for the country's sake (sounds good). The fact I know slod all about the economy and even said fluck business.......er, I didn't mean that. Let the man with a different loaf of bread for each family member take over, and come election time I'll reappear, rebranded, a conversion on the truck jammed road to Dover. Bin Brexit! We're coming home, back to our biggest trading partner and cultural cousins. Singapore on The Thames has been trashed, Paris, London, Frankfurt, together we stand against the Russian bear and the rising power of China. I got Brexit done, I can get it undone. Vote for Boris in 2024 to put the Great back into Britain!
  9. Sorry about that Owl. Being a public holiday I would have thought the school would be closed.
  10. What a groove rhythm wise, coupled with wonderful playing from the brass section.
  11. I doubt Mildred will be going to school tomorrow Owl. It's a public holiday, a day in lieu for today, the anniversary of Rama 5's death. Party time all over Issan at present, the end of Buddhist Lent and the rainy season, so annual village merit making ceremonies/ parties and ทอดกฐิน giving robes to monks. Going back a few years our village would have morlam concerts most weeks at one house or another to make merit. But frequent fights between youths meant the sexes had to be separated when dancing. Finally, even that failed and the nightly concerts were banned. Now they seem to happen in the day
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