Owl, I wonder if your missus follows this website? Run by the son of a comfortably off family in Ban Dung, he helps all those people who fall through the cracks and are never reached by the Social Welfare department.
This story, for instance, about a woman, mentally impaired, walking along a road at night.
There was another story last night about a woman in our village.
A nice woman, she lived with her partner, a Laotian, aged 35, who had lived here all his life. The police don't bother these people providing they stay in their province, he had no Thai ID card.
Anyway, as my daughter and I turned into the road towards our village, we saw it was blocked by an accident, a motorbike and the ice truck. It was obvious the motorbike had cut right across the truck which has right of way. I know and see this truck driver every day, he's easy going and never speeds, you can't in villages if you want business and to be liked .
Anyway, it was the Laotian and our villager, she was okay but he was rushed to Udon where she was told an operation to relieve the bleeding on his brain would cost 100,000 baht. He had no cover so he died.
The website I refer to above went to Udon to bring back his coffin and his distraught partner. She said she herself had no living relatives and was now alone.
Poor woman, she's always shown signs of bi-polar, this could tip her over the edge