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Everything posted by bannork

  1. He's already making sounds, I distinctly heard him say ff (obviously Floyd) then per per per ( clearly Poles Apart). The boy has good taste!
  2. My week old grandson loves to be held and rocked to classic rock and country guitar. He gurgles, hiccups and farts in appreciation. Today it was Tom Rush
  3. Yes Joe will be too old and doddery, mistaking names and places but at least he's not a narcissistic, lying, emotionally handicapped loony like Donald. Looking at Chucky, the evil doll full of malice and devoid of humour, the resemblance to Donald is striking. Is Chucky Donald's secret 'love Child'? I
  4. Go on Donald! Run as an independent against De Sanctimonious, and let the 82 year old Biden romp, or rather hobble across the finishing line. If Joe runs again, he'll be 86 by the end! Surely the Dems have some younger blood?
  5. Aw, the big pussy. Whatever happened to this man?
  6. Aw shucks, I was so looking forward to shouting Slava Ukraini as he got out of his car.
  7. A big chance for Thaksin to increase his popularity here.
  8. 'There ain't half been some clever barstards' Ian Drury 1991
  9. 'Ukraine as a state should not exist,'
  10. Another great song by them. What a voice!
  11. I'm wondering what his prison number will be.
  12. ' We haven't got any friends apart from the Republicans,' lament RT
  13. More info about the three Russian linea
  14. Meanwhile, those in the asylum call for nuclear war
  15. Hey, The Daily Mail is unwavering in its portrayal of the truth lol
  16. Owl, I wonder if your missus follows this website? Run by the son of a comfortably off family in Ban Dung, he helps all those people who fall through the cracks and are never reached by the Social Welfare department. https://www.facebook.com/100046227534746/posts/650331243184454/ This story, for instance, about a woman, mentally impaired, walking along a road at night. There was another story last night about a woman in our village. A nice woman, she lived with her partner, a Laotian, aged 35, who had lived here all his life. The police don't bother these people providing they stay in their province, he had no Thai ID card. Anyway, as my daughter and I turned into the road towards our village, we saw it was blocked by an accident, a motorbike and the ice truck. It was obvious the motorbike had cut right across the truck which has right of way. I know and see this truck driver every day, he's easy going and never speeds, you can't in villages if you want business and to be liked . Anyway, it was the Laotian and our villager, she was okay but he was rushed to Udon where she was told an operation to relieve the bleeding on his brain would cost 100,000 baht. He had no cover so he died. The website I refer to above went to Udon to bring back his coffin and his distraught partner. She said she herself had no living relatives and was now alone. Poor woman, she's always shown signs of bi-polar, this could tip her over the edge
  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11361499/Russia-setting-second-line-troops-line-SHOOT-fleeing-combat.html
  18. Is it me or does the audience look bored stuff listening to this drivel?
  19. Take this with a pinch of salt or something stronger but I read recently that the Russians have three lines. The second line is ordered to shoot the front line if they retreat, the third line similarly to shoot the second if they withdraw!
  20. 'Send the young to die, it's much cheaper, no need to support widows and children.' When will the cannon fodder revolt?
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