Happy Birthday to the thread, Owl. You've done a great job keeping it going, the variety of material: village life, the farm, Thai family and neighbours, gadgets, home inventions, <deleted> football teams, there's something in there for almost everyone.
Thinking about Thai family, my late wife's older sister is amazing. She's bringing up four grandchildren as well as helping her husband every day in the fields, whether it's taking care of the cows, planting/ harvesting rice, growing vegetables, she hardly has any time of her own yet there's always a smile on her face
I take my hat off to her.
Thinking about animals, the ubiquitous presence of chickens upcountry and their constant search for food makes you realise how walking and scratching the ground is instinctive to them. How people can keep battery hens cooped up, only able to turn their heads in a cage is beyond me. They may argue it's the only way to provide chickens for the masses, you can hardly have chickens roaming free range all over the cities, but it's imposed suffering and as such is inexcusable.