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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Kuwaits; come on now, they ARE high rollers, everyone of them is guaranteed RICH. "They thought this is a desert They thought this is a desert " Well, I've been to Soi 9 & Beach Rd in Jomtien; in all fairness, it is at least a desert lookalike in many ways.
  2. YOU could have stopped reading the article at anytime, a response of your nature wasn't warranted. " Editor’s note: The following is a submission by the American Legion Post TH02 in Pattaya Thailand. It focuses specifically on a US military combat veteran, however, gives a lot of insight behind the scenes into what happens in general when a foreign national passes away in Thailand. This is part one of four that we will post over the next week or so. -Adam Judd, Chief Editor, The Pattaya News English" There will be THREE more parts; you probably don't want to click on those.
  3. I think it would be safer if they expand the Emergency Decree in light of this
  4. Lucy Liu from Alley McBell. The first one I noticed in that fashion was Perry Mason's secretary.
  5. Extremely popular after hurricanes in Florida, and often 'free' from the government.
  6. I smell a conspiracy to trade the spy Trump to Russia for that ganga basketballer is in the works. I may have this wrong, but strange things happen. ????
  7. I did have SSA & Retirement sent direct to Bangkok Bank. Two transactions that was charged $5 bucks each; then .0025 baht per baht to move the money to my Regional Bangkok Bank account here in Pattaya. Then free movement(online or ATM) of monies once it got to the 'main' home account. So I was charged $10 bucks and about .0025 times #0,000bt (225baht), no reimbursement. Now I do use an ATM Debit card that reimburses me the 220*3(660bt) at the end of the month. I average 3 ATM/Debit card withdrawals a month, that I then place mostly into the Bangkok Bank or Kasikorn accounts and use their ATM network as needed.
  8. Yep, you are correct. I on the other hand see the quality of bus, a bit extra is worth the bit better.
  9. Four or so more years ago I researched which Thai banks would allow the most at the ATM. Kungsri was one of the four that would allow 30,000 baht. I had a Kungsri close (also close to a Green Bank ,Kasi) that I had an account with) . So since then I ATM the Kungsri and go insert into my K-bank, then take out as I need or even go online and pay bills.
  10. Casual Racism is different than 'Learned experience' prejudice. I got conscripted in 1969 when I was merely prejudiced; came out 24 months later, having being reprogramed by black conscripts to be a racist as soon as I got some power. Never got the power to be racist so have to be satisfied to have learned justified prejudices from close contact with blacks..
  11. The Gold (Kungsri?) bank lets me take out a maximum of 30,000 baht and adds 220 baht for their charge. That is the total; 30,220 that is taken from my home account.
  12. Posted 20 hours ago Why? Are you suggesting foreigners are superior to Thais? Or are you promoting the inferiority of Thais to white people? It's not funny- it's just a tired, clichéd racist trope. 'White people' ; I didn't get that part. If a Thai flunks probably you will too? Why you'd bother to challenge the use of a "tired, cliched racist trope" is also a tired cliched racist trope. You made yourself feel better but changed absolutely no body's outlook on life.
  13. Except it well could be the Americans serving up a brown envelope for what they want NIMBY. That's an abbreviation or something; not calling you a name. Someone is hedging their bets.
  14. So far, since the last rate increase, the baht has risen in value against the FED. Was 36 to the $ ; now not so much. Less than two weeks and it costs me $25 buck more for my 30,220 transaction to get bahts out of the USA account.
  15. Who has the 'Klout' these days ? That's the shot caller. Evan an 8 year PM has enough Klout then he keeps the job. Rewrite the constitution, re-interprete the constitution, have another overhaul of the government, ... Where does the Klout lie ?
  16. Where do I find out more about those fights with Japan ?
  17. Foreigners can only rent, I'm told. ????
  18. I expect that bucket will end up in some high up BIB home bar trophy case or on EBAY. He could of saved for months to buy that bottle to celebrate his birthday. What do you grab as you run for your life? He's probably going for a sure thing, a girl he may get something out of but the Hong Thong he for sure can get a good night out of.
  19. "In Thailand, confirmed deaths from COVID-19 total 31,529." So is that over and above the usual number of yearly deaths in Thailand?
  20. I don't want to see people starving when they could be eating, even if it is soi dogs. Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, frogs, etc... many of them never chewed off a little girls face.
  21. "Police said they conducted a sting after becoming aware of sales through www.siamliq.com. No tax had been paid on the liquor." Yesterday you could access that website; prices didn't seem low to me.
  22. I checked the prices on that website; seem about same as Thai price to me.
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