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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. $10. I'd get over it. Did you complain about how low the fares were before? Because they were.
  2. I'm glad you asked. I talked to a lot of people it was so easy for me there , it doesn't happen in Thailand because I go to heavy tourist areas less and less. Every night in Hoi An (4) you are sitting extremely close to other tables and also waiting in line at some good restaurants ( this was the end of tet) then having a beer outside later at night so in Hoi An probably 27-30 people. In one night two tables were right next to mine and my friends and there were 14 of us talking for about 30 min we all overlapped. Later in the nights as mentioned maybe another 3 or 4 people. In Danang my friend and I sat next to a table of four. Also went to a tourist place outside of Danang Bana Hills and the topic came up again while having wine at this somewhat famous wine place. Saigon is full of tourists going all over Asia and the Main Street there is extremely easy to plop yourself down and chat with other travelers most nights ( I went out two) spoke to 15/17 easily. Went to a gym twice and it's just easy to have conversations there as well. Nearly everyone was a traveling foreigner. So I'd say about 60. Mostly all were spending a lot of time in Vietnam and more than 60% all going to Cambodia or Just came from there. Several mentioned they were only at the airport changing planes in Bangkok. A few had been a long time back and weren't going , most just said they were not going to Thailand. Nomads seem to spend time in Singapore and KL came up several times before or after Vietnam / Cambodia.
  3. They are in Vietnam spending tons of money everywhere! The digital nomads and pure backpackers often look the same now and seem to get on quite well. Vietnam is busting with tourists and the majority I met are skipping Thailand. It's really too bad.
  4. Does that really personally bother you? Sounds a bit coward ish to give almost exact location to a general forum. Why not just tattle tale on him yourself?
  5. I highly recommend YouTube to watch old Saturday Night Live skits with Debbie Downer. You will def relate to her.
  6. I remember meeting so many nice folks just after the Tsunsmi in Bangkok giving blood at the Red Cross. I was in Phuket 6 days earlier.
  7. In a FIRST trip where probably 90% of posters were able to do before the internet was even popular? I'd say google should be his friend and even to find this forum he already had used it. Most on here seem to never leave their village. Anyways Pattaya in mid April experiences an awesome wet season. Spend 10 days there!
  8. To arrive in Thailand? My guess is you are 99% wrong!
  9. Cherry picked articles come to mind. There are so many nice foreign folks doing some great things here in Thailand. I think those stories would still get some good clicks here.
  10. The BACC is the best free thing to do in Bangkok. Great open multi level space with changing exhibitions as well.
  11. Drugs are rampant in Malaysia. Do you know any 20 or 30 somethings there? People buying one e tablet for 1000 baht should be arrested for stupidity.
  12. Oh so he even posts on here in your mind.
  13. It would not have been a problem. You should have entered just before METV expired. Super easy then to use the full 60 days AND even extend that 30 days. Also as mentioned why on earth the first time they asked you why were you here so long you should have politely said for more traveling while SHOWING them the copy of your return home in less than 30 days. They should NOT have asked YOU that. I bet you have a stubborn streak in you.
  14. Get global entry. I walk up to machine and put in passport and finger prints get my piece of paper with my pic taken on it hand it to a guy about 5 meters away and collect my bags. Have done it more than a dozen times. I've gotten a " welcome home " from the guy in Boston a few times but not in NYC 😂
  15. I hope you don't think I meant the Taxi driver!!! I meant the passengers.
  16. Not sure why they would need Germany as a sample. Far better REAL results in many states in USA already. Even if you take one very small state like Massachusetts they had 1.56 Billion $$ in recreational sales in 2023 another $200+ million in medical sales. It's taxed and the state and each town get tons of $$ for all sorts of programs. My town gets new snow plows, police cars, donations to schools, veterans and people in the town down on their luck and some affordable housing donated from the dispensary as well. I don't think you can find a better model than Massachusetts. Prices are way down for the consumer as well. Extremely rare to ever smell marijuana smoke in or near a dispensary here.
  17. What they don't address is their darling " children " access METH far easier and less expensive to get. They seem to be blind to this. Also why on earth would they implement this during the absolute height of high season? It's not just westerners buying in these dispensaries, I hear Malay, Chinese and Korean spoken all the time.
  18. They would certainly use their GPS on phone and know the correct way to get from airport to anywhere.
  19. Go to Fitness First weight training 3x a week. Walk on average of 8K steps a day. Swim about 25 laps in 20 meter pool 2/3 times a week. Occasional bike ride.
  20. What does that have anything to do with the very short OP's question??? Also there is not a Thailand consulate in Singapore. There is an embassy.
  21. Still a good time if you missed the last high. Definitely 100k + by the New Year.
  22. Just came back from Vietnam same experience entering Danang and exiting Saigon. Very quick and soo many tourists are going now and just about everyone I spoke to was " skipping Thailand" the Vietnamese are getting more proficient in English , the large entertainment areas and just everywhere in general are quite clean. You can actually find garbage cans too! I saw almost no homeless people. The locals just seem to REALLY want tourists and prices are just fantastic for hotels , food , beer and touring around. I can't wait to go back next year.
  23. Here's one more line: I lived and worked in Japan for 2 years Tokyo and Sapporo.
  24. What desert is near New York?
  25. If you sit down and there is a menu in your hand you tip
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