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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. I'm pretty sure you have to send it to ONE exact office. Your home state address would dictate this. For example all New England states go through the NYC consulate on the drop down on e visa application. You don't want to pick the wrong one.
  2. Silom Songkran is a completely water downed version of for sure 2015 to 2019 Songrans. Silom Rd is open to traffic on both sides this afternoon with people on sidewalks just not having the old fun. The side sois are practically empty. I don't see this Songkran being the big money maker another thread suggests. Maybe 2024 will be bigger.
  3. So Phuket had a HUGE water splashing Songkran in April 2020??? Fake news!!
  4. Are you now claiming to be a moderator? Judges and DA's on a regular basis not only receive threats but are even visited by at their homes and even met with physical harm. It's very common. Pop over to law.com I'm sure you know that sight. Here's a quote from it: 'Chilling Effect': NY Court System Head Warns of Rising Threats Against Judges Acting Chief Administrative Judge Tamiko Amaker said that incidents have increased 40% from 2020 to 2022. February 08, 2023 at 02:25 PM Just in NY alone..
  5. No and no. I have no idea where you are trying to even slightly read my mind.
  6. As far as I know and I don't think a link is necessary, how popular was Twitter and truth social 10/20 years ago? It's quite common recently for many Judges to receive multiple threats on many different types of cases. Surely you see this in the news as well. My statements are not arguing the facts here either. My point is how common this is ESPECIALLY in recent years. Your other buddy didn't understand my post either it seems.
  7. Have there been any ( even the last 20 years) Manhatten DA's or Judges that didn't have threats against them??
  8. Seems like some of the political geniuses who constantly spewed that Trump could never be President back in 2015/2016 on this forum may want to take a break at being experts on who may or may not win in 2024.
  9. But you responded to someone who said " stamped" then you ADDED more to his post to make YOU look correct! Got it now?
  10. I love how all the regular ones on here who had sooo much to say about this when it happened regarding how harmless it was have all been silent. Even CNN has reported ( some ) of this story.
  11. I just walk a block from a busy area at night and dont ever use a waiting taxi. They always use meter no problem.
  12. There is no way 76% of Republicans want trump as president. The wording must have been written in a way to get such a fake result. Many Independents, Republicans and Democrats would vote for Desantis if he says he will run. Or even other prospects.
  13. It's a great beach but having at least the one restaurant that was there three weeks ago when I went is really nice. They have drinks and food , it's set back off the beach and a great place to chill. They did have sun chairs for free if you spent 300 baht or more on the side of the restaurant. Not having water and cold drinks there is actually a stupid move. It can be quite hot and sunny mid afternoon and the shady areas fill up with people. No sun chairs on the beach should be mandatory. They are just simply gross on a nice beach. Taking a long tail boat from Patong pier is a great experience and good for pictures.
  14. You can't really make this stuff up! " The new app starting April 7 will show different layers of wetness!" What will Pattaya look like on this app?
  15. You are comparing two completely different things. Making hotel charges in one country while being in another is done daily by many people.
  16. ?? None of my post has anything to do with your link that I didn't look at. I have no idea who the Marjorie is. I assume she is not very famous. I guess you may not like her. I stand by my post as it's written.
  17. The gun walked into the school and killed people? Well the vid will be out soon and prove you wrong. It's interesting how some major news networks just won't comment on SOME of the killers background but if this killers background was different it would be plastered all over their articles. CNN is quickly losing its tens of fans if it keeps up such agendas.
  18. No. Connecticut private school system. Great rant btw. You seem angry. It's " called" what you said above by some who are pushing an agenda. The law is not called that especially because there is so much more to it then gay stuff as I hope you know. Some of the the law makes a lot of sense and some doesn't IMHO. Talk about childish!!
  19. Now do you have a link to your claim above that there is actually a law in Florida that is called " Don't say gay "? Or have critics and/or the media given it that name?
  20. There's much more to Phuket than just Patong but just be naive and keep on posting BS.
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