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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. It's too late. High season is here. A huge percentage of travelers coming especially for 31 days or more already have their tickets and visa already. Or they have chosen to go elsewhere for the winter by now. They don't understand that people plan months ahead to come here. They are complete fools.
  2. Well things have changed around here. I was suspended for using the term " drama queen" a few years ago. Guess who were behind that?
  3. I agree. It is especially true of habitual posters. I have only blocked one poster in over 12 years but he posts so much that I constantly still see his posts when others quote him. He posts non stop every day so why can't I (we) just never see even the " quoted " posts?
  4. Honestly the " fill in the blank"...phobic posters need to be seriously moderated. Some ( especially one) poster can barely make a comment without spewing something " phobic". Not meant to be an attack on you because I never read a post of yours before but making points with ...phobic are weak and lack any thought or creativity. Nuff said. On a side note very sorry to hear about Ubon Joe's passing ( on this thread) had to be one of the most patient people I've never met. RIP
  5. So who cares what he says. I bet people in your country say worse. Has nothing to do with Istanbul being a great city.
  6. It's a great place to visit and maybe it's better since 2007 actually. Not bad getting 28 lira to the dollar! But I'm sure Turkish air will have better fares than Thai. Looking forward to my three day stopover on the way to BKK in two weeks.
  7. There are agents just to do 30 day Tourist visa extensions? For the 1900 fee and 3-400 baht more?
  8. Someone should make a Facebook page of how absolutely stupid the process is to get a Thai 60 day visa. It's almost comical how any 15 year old could make a better website than these morons have been using since corona. They NEVER make a change so people who want a 60 day visa only can easily apply and how stupid it is that they ask for SEVERAL things that are not needed at all and if you don't upload something you can't move forward and pay. Why in the world do you need to make silly signs that say not needed etc. They seem to not like to loose face so maybe Facebook can out them to their insane stupidity. Yet on the other hand they want tourists desperately. PS I don't have FB.
  9. Oh jeez. What a nothing burger. This is the big bad tourist op??
  10. They have to make a simple 60 day tourist visa actually simple. Not what they have had for awhile now. What ever happened to the 90 day visa exempt scheme that would attract long term Europeans, Americans , Australians etc?? It's too late for that anyways for this high season. They keep acting like a trickle of Chinese mainly on packages will save tourism.
  11. No it does not. Where in the moldy world do you live??
  12. I turn the heat down to 54F , leave the gas water heater in vacation mode, close and lock all windows and doors. Turn off and unplug all appliances and leave on a few night lights with sensors. My heating bill is about $30-35Usd and electric about $9/month when away. Leave for 5 1/2 months. This is in New England. I don't understand the " mold " part of your post whatsoever.
  13. That is some very strange home owners insurance policy. I would definitely get a normal one.
  14. You "Might " have a point?? I mean really why would anyone bother debating you after saying that.
  15. I mentioned 700-1000 baht per gram. read your own post you said "Thai teens included" they are NOT using prikpot or any dispensary most likely. The same crap Thai weed they smoked 10 years ago they are smoking now and there's no increase. Just HYPE from uneducated politicians!
  16. Read your post. You said " Thai teens included". They are not " included" in almost any prikpot sales for reasons you even mentioned. The 150 baht a gram stuff is not good. I have tried as many others. Thai teens could get Thai weed cheap years ago and now. There is not this HUGE FAKE increase anywhere. It's rare to even see a Thai in any dispensary as well. This is like the same hype these soccer moms in Boston's suburbs were spewing about before Massachusetts made recreational weed legal. Now all these rich towns have dispensaries and the towns themselves get all kinds of tax dollars and incentives like expanded school programs, police cars , snow plows , money to help people addicted to opioids etc and they all LOVE it now. I see them shopping at the dispensaries too lol. Most of Thailands politicians want to keep a blind eye out about Yabba/ methamphetamines / E / other opioids that have ruined families and try to target pot only which ruins no families.
  17. Oh. The Thai teens are all using prikpot and you know this? The 150 baht per gram is good stuff? I've heard quite different. Then they have it delivered to their house? Ok sounds like that happens almost NEVER! These would be the SAME teens who could buy regular Thai weed anytime in their life but now use Prikpot? Hmmm I beg to differ.
  18. With so many shops selling weed 700 to 1000 baht per gram there are very few teens even in Bangkok that can afford it. I bet their " sample" study to even come up with this nonsense is non existent. Millions and millions of Baht have been made since they legalized weed. It will never be illegal again because many higher ups in Thai society and police all have interest in it. Just the usual hot air.
  19. Just do the METV at first. What's the big deal about taking 2 small trips out of country anywhere for a couple days after each 90 day stay? You can also plan your 2 visits to immigration ahead of time and do weekday visits not after a holiday and if you travel ( or want to travel ) around Thailand you can just stay in a hotel that does the TM 30 for you the night before your visit to immigration. All the other options seem almost silly. If you " tire" from doing that after a couple years ( poor dear) then look at some of the other confusing options! No one really knows what other ( easier ) options may come along. Have you tried the METV yet? I did it for the first 5 years in a row when it was offered for 6-7 months stays. So easy! You seem to know already how to get up to 9 months out of it. Good luck.
  20. Really? How many deaths from sushi do you know about in Thailand?
  21. You have the right to enter if you believe property is abandoned and in emergency situations like a tenant below says there is a leak coming from your unit. Also for an inspection.
  22. Why don't you try going back in 2023? Huge number of major run down, filthy, dangerous neighborhoods getting worse by the month. A lot of things were much better in 2019 in most places. Of course.
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