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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Yes muscle roid rage guys and meth heads have a long history of laying on the floor unrestrained Lou. But you love to be different. Cheers
  2. You know a lot of guys are naturally muscular by working out and diet and by the report this guy was most likely on one drug at 3am. Good old alcohol. Why all the presumptions?
  3. Because AFTER you left a deposit because you wanted the apartment you then continued your search and found another one. I've seen this practice many many times in my life and I simply just can't understand people like you. From most owners you would have gotten zip back!
  4. The point you are grossly missing is that this isn't news. It never is and never should be. 75 day overstay lol!
  5. Darn. $100 bucks on a dinner for two 25 years ago?? You def are not a cheap Charlie. But come on. Those were some nice fancy maybe NYC restaurants or you can drink a lot during dinner!
  6. I bring Visine from the States with me here. It "gets the red out" as they say ????. I certainly don't stumble around on pot. It's just not that intoxicating like a lot of booze.
  7. I just flew Air Asia from Kuala Lumpur to BKK March 5. No one asked to see an onward ticket. I had no visa to enter Thailand this time.
  8. I'm nowhere near a cheap Charlie but if you tip 20% or more in Thailand you are INSANE Eddy or KOOKY Kuhn LA. even coming from the states I find 20% or more tip for average service to be something I simply won't pay anymore. You know the price of a meal has go up substantially in the USA and 15% of a meal for two that cost say $70 a few years ago and 15% of that same meal costing $100 now gives the server more $$. Now some are advocating for 25% tips lol. Let the freaking restaurants pay them more per hour. They will still want 20% plus.
  9. Take the Taxi. Especially if a long flight. You'll have to wait for a train at first. Then walk a bit in the heat through Paya Thai then wait for a sky train , then wait for another sky train at Siam, then walk to hotel from Saphan Tak station to hotel. Air condition Taxi door to door both about the same time. You can relax in Taxi and think about your next post!! If your first girlfriend or BF here asks about money on the first date please don't give any and don't post about it. That's all!
  10. He he. Good for you! Took on a request for a pic and followed through immensely! If the top ten over posters were required to do this they would all go into hiding behind their keyboards I bet. Would be great to have new fresh posters without all the same old comments again and again and again.
  11. They should HAVE to be able to find Washington state on a map and several other basic math, science, geography and English grammar questions BEFORE any kind of sex class. Probably over 80% would not be able to do this. THAT is what is sick about WOKE agendas.
  12. I think you might mean 95% in Phuket. That figure is quite exaggerated as well. I was just there and had a 1/2 dozen foot and Thai massages and none were awful. In Bangkok I find most quite good but often go to three or four places I like the most.
  13. Obviously a Tic Tok FANATIC!!
  14. How is it hanging out on the private beaches in Monaco HALF the year from late October to late April??? They are in Phuket and other hot spots buddy. Get real.
  15. I love 7/11 here in Thailand/ Japan and Asia in general. I live 2 blocks away from one 1/2 the year in Massachusetts and probably step foot in it twice a year. Prices are simply ridiculously high compared to a supermarket.
  16. Just got back from eight days in Phuket and that place is packed with tourists. The airport as well. Mostly Russians and Ukrainians who I have to say are very well behaved, well dressed ( well we all wear beach wear at the beach of course) and are spending a lot of baht. Many restaurants and hotels are hiring young people from Myanmar who often tell me they don't speak Thai when I order food or ask a question lol. Both Karon and Patong were super busy. Many other foreigners there as well. The one thing I noticed both in Bangkok and Phuket is that the Russians don't seem to be that interested in buying weed compared to others. Lots of nice families too.
  17. I don't believe you see "a lot " of car crashes with your own eyes that involve alcohol. How many have you seen? How would you know if a crash you " saw" involved alcohol? I don't see stoned people as you mentioned but the " car crashes" you see I think are a bit exaggerated. I drive all over Thailand and the few fender benders I've seen could easily NOT involve alcohol.
  18. Probably good to define " social injustices" don't you agree? Many definitions of this.
  19. That's your comment on this ? GAL
  20. What are your " dream " degrees that most of these students should be getting? I could just imagine.
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