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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. If kids get too naughty, dad has to put down his food - this is what happened. Sometimes a strong hand is required to lead. And I personally favor this over a paper democracy and childs' play (like we had in the past years). I don't see uncertainty or a crossroads - quite the contrary; the boat is getting back on course ! I just hope that the world police will not (at some point) decide that Thailand needs to be "liberated"...

  2. Democracy died along with JFK long time ago... worldwide! Anyone who believes that the "privilege" of being able to choose between cancer and black death every four years means that he's living in a democracy is a blind and deaf fool !

    Thailand of today is as far away from democracy as a sand grain in the desert to Antarctica and a thousand news editorials won't change that !

  3. If one enters potentially dangerous areas, one should be prepared, more cautious and sensitive... Bet to 50% it's his own fault as he most likely insulted the LB with f words and worse. Being manhandled by a "lady" surely is a new experience for him, the great invincible American man - great! What a whimp!!!

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  4. Whereas this is a noble gesture, I think this works only in combination with educational TV spots targeting parents and kids alike - best right in the midst of those (was tempted to put "brainless" in here, but didn't) Thai soaps. I very much doubt that many will take the effort to read the poster... Great to see however that at least there is an attempt on doing something about kidnapping and slave labour... A first step... good!

  5. ...aaaand beside of taxes, extra charge, service charge, seat wobblization prevention service charge, hand luggage allowance supercharge, showing you to your seat service charge, "oh, just leave your shoes on, no plomplem" charge, three farts into the seat for free tax, allowed to keep the eyes open during flight charge, 1 paid toilet use get one free charge, sour neck travel insurance charge (mandatory), sandwich and beverage charge, VAT and all, the WiFi service will add another 12.95 USD to your bill, eventually making Air Asia flights more expensive than a first class ticket with Thai Airways, right?


    Written by someone who made the mistake of falling for the cheap initial flight price on the Air Asia booking website to later end up with a price similar to much better ones and walking to and from gate K 856 for several kilomters to the luggage belt...

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