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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. The answer is: Fortuner 4x4 top model with full options! Have my 2nd one now and would never again buy any other car but a fortuner. Tried a Ford Everest for some time and it was horrible!

    CRV - too loud, limited space, benzin engine.

    Ford Everest - one of the worst cars I ever had! Too heavy, underpowered, corners like a 40year old 10 wheeler with a broken axle on an oily road, and I'd say Fords in Thailand in general suck, plus: Resale value of a Ford is a nightmare!

    Pajero 4x4 could be ok - liked what I saw but have never driven one. Resale value is lower than Toyota.

    Isuzu MUX - why drive an Isuzu when you can have a Toyota for exactly the same price?

    The Fortuner has the right mix of engine power, speed, versatility, practicality, looks, handling, features, measurements and loading space. It's an unmatched hybrid mix of family car and work horse. In my opinion the best SUV ever built!

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  2. And where is the 2nd package? smile.png

    Just joking...

    Off in the slammer he goes - anyone involved in the drug trade, regardless if mule, dealer, producer, etc. should face life, since life is what they take away from the naive kids who become addicts because of scum like this.

    No finger pointing, by the way... and no slapping video... I'm disappointed smile.png

  3. Many of the comments here border on racism and many cross the line.  To paint the Chinese in a broad stroke is like repeating the stereotypes of Westerners - when a few western men are arrested, tried and convicted as a pedafile - does that mean that all westerners are pedafiles?  Sure, many Chinese tourists in Thailand are not well-traveled - but I find it more than ironic that expats, who are living in a different counry are complaining about foreigners visiting Thailand.




    No, no, you got it all wrong... 90% of Thais are the grandmasters of racism. Grandmasters, because they (if they feel the need to) are able to water down the essence of a pure, deep-rooted fundamental racist attitude to an extend that it fits nicely into an air duffuser, basically showering you with liquid $#!te while making you believe that you are relaxing in an exclusive spa...


    Handing down lax visa regulations to well-paying, submissive and no questions asking Chinese and Taiwanese tourists, while kicking the expats who have supported this country over the past 20, 30 years in the butt, is just another fine example of the above.

  4. What a sickening display of Thai hypocrisy we have here!


    How about the thanks to the many foreign expats I know who will have problems with the new nationalist visa requirements but have supported countless families in the northeast through their Thai spouses girl- and boyfriends, taught Thai kids proper English and other foreign languages, volunteered for many good causes, are engaged in charities and projects to help children in need, some even founded schooling systems, and all of them pumped a lot of money into the Thai economy by renting, leasing homes, buying motorcycles, cars, boats, furniture, etc. and who have spend most of their money here in Thailand for food, daily supplies, diesel, benzin, gas, prepaid cards, you name it over the past 20 or 30 years?


    The self-centered, nationalist, racist, superficial, leech-alike, greedy "Thainess" sickens me to my stomach more and more by the day!!! The only positive thing that keeps me going here is knowing there's a fair percentage of good Thai people out there who are educated, open-minded and able to see the bigger picture. Without them, this country would be falling apart in lightning speed right now.

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  5. So who is going to be the expert mind reading clairvoyant in this campaign one must ask?

    Thailand needs to realise this is 21st century and as such the Thai's need to understand that this country has to move wiith the rest of the world if it wishes to develop further.

    Those protectionist business practices will throttle Thai business entities and the outdated antquated laws that sit on the statute book and have been reactivated are in the majority of cases detrimental to Thailand in the long term.I do not include the current visa matters in this matter though.

    An updated education scheme which educates as opposed to indoctrinates along with the understanding of work ethics, that course of action will though be some time ere it bears fruit if ever.

    With all due respect though, I would suggest that Stanley Kang takes a long hard look at the realities of conducting business in Thailand along perhaps with a break from his daily toil which indeed seems to have distorted his view on the realities of business activities in Thailand.

    However the most amusing statement is that the Thai 's wish those ''foreigners'' who don't understand Thainess and in the Thai mind present a threat to the Thainess of the country to present the Thai case. whistling.gif

    Very good post, SiamPolee !!! Couldn't have said it better myself. The OP basically says that everyone who refuses to invest, live and work in Thailand without wearing blinders is a threat to Thailand's further development - what a piece of crap that text is, how superficial and narrow-minded must be the person who wrote it...

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