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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. O.P. : "he had everything stolen and no contacts"... rrrright, 7 months overstay, no cash, blabla... and he's a friend of a friend of a friend... I'm sick and tired of this kind of posts. How do people manage to get into situations like this if it's not a combination of pure stupidity, ignorance, superficiality, negligence, and the results of "what goes around, comes around"? If he's a true friend, he'd take care of things himself and not send you to clean up after him. At the end of the day, most likely the "friend" is the guy you see in the mirror every morning and every now and then in the mirror of a pub or shopping center toilet, isn't that so? However best for your "friend" would be to walk like a man and empty handed into the next immigration office and let things take its course - just exactly the same he obviously has done all along anyway (letting things take its course and giving a toss)...

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  2. What a bunch ow w@nI<ers that Aussie family is. They should be ashamed of themselves. "Our order was delivered damaged, we want refund!", is the message here, isn't it? Any thoughts about the fact that the little boy is a living person, someone who needs love and care? I hope the couple will receive punishment in form of a lightning strike that turns them into vegetables for the rest of their lifes.


    Whenever you think you have seen it all....


    Disgusting that a convicted child sex offender gets his 5 minutes on telly. Luckily it backfired which is great!!!

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  3. A big loss for the world and a tragedy beyond belief. Robin always had this sadness inside of him - just jumped right at me whenever I saw one of his movies, even the funny ones. He has given the world so much but still wasn't able to find peace, happiness and contentment for himself - how sad is that? I hope he has found what he was searching for now and that he will get a warm welcome in heaven despite the fact that he took his own life. I will certainly miss him :(


    Rest in Peace, Mrs. Doubtfire, Patch Adams, Peter Pan, Robin - I love you! The world loves you!!!


    Sincerest condolences to family and friends.

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  4. Uuuuhhh, gettn' all soft now? I expected the next step would be to shoot western foreigners in the head execution style on the spot if they dare to ask for a visa on arrival or something while Chinese are waved through the red carpet entrance without even checking their passports or belongings. Obviously hurts losing visitors, doesn't it? hit-the-fan.gif

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  5. I wouldn't be surprised if the visas became more relaxed again in weeks to come given that its detrimental to the livelihood of the Thai people at large. All the big-mouths spouting venomous verbiage has caused more carnage than one can stomach. Time these so-called high posters gave sound advice other than the third-degree to all and sundry.


    Scot - your words in Buddha's ear, buddy - keeping my fingers crossed... unsure.png

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