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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Think this post would have deserved a "must read" icon...

    However, instead of having countless foreign language teachers begging for visas now and basically kicking them out of the country, officials should set their priorities straight and come down hard on those useless, jobless and clueless "Wai Loon" idiots wit their pimped up Finos and put them all in a boot camp and hard labour for a few years as soon as they are arrested for criminal activities. Parents are fined 100.000 THB and up depending on the charges. In a case like this, parents should be sentenced to pay 20k per month to each attacked homeless person for life.

    The convict "Wai Loons" though go to supermax with forced labour. After, let's say 4 years of hard labour fixing roads, cleaning up national parks and trash sites, there will be a psychological evaluation, testing for lack of empathy, chronic bad behavioural patterns and readiness for potential violence... Any "Wai Loon" who fails the test is blacklisted as hopeless case and will remain a forced labourer for another 4 years. If he fails the evaluation again, he shall remain in supermax for the rest of his life.

    HiSo brats should receive 8 years minimum and financial penalties for parents shall start at 500k THB since they would have had better chances to make a good person of their child, but failed. Honestly, I believe there are more bad HiSo brats out there than poor ones. They are just bored and start things like the OP and selling drugs on international school yards, like it happened at the British College in Phuket...

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  2. As much as I appreciate law and order, these measures are applied too hastily without providing legal options in the now all apparent aimless activism and nationalist stance against anything and everyone non-Thai.

    I fear that this one will be remembered in history as the most effective and final nail in Thailand's coffin as a retirement haven for foreigners.

    Thais obviously are unfit to see the larger picture and understand the negative impact this will have. Instead of creating a solid legal foundation for foreigners to live and work here without all the obstacles for employees, such as so and so many Thais HAVE to be employed per foreign worker, etc. they simply kick and scream now like a 3 year old child whose favorite toy is broken, and push not only the small percentage of freeloaders but the money spending early retirees and selfmade men away, who manage to live here on less than the required funds to obtain a retirement visa, most of them having rented houses from Thai people for long term, leased or even bought condos...

    Isn't it all typical Thai? First take their money, make promises or (mostly used and more effective) tell everyone "No plomplem, mitteeeur!" - to then later #$$ck them big time and send them home penniless.

    While I often was one of those trying to stop Thailand bashing in forums in the past, I - by now - am not willing to do this any longer. The true colors of nationalism and racism are shining through right now to an extend that makes me wanna puke.

    The tsunami of a sure to follow collapsing condo market will pull many Thai project owners into the abbyss. Several other markets targeting foreign investors and/or foreign expats will follow. This - if not reversed in time providing legal alternatives - will result in a financial and economic desaster for Thailand beyond imagination.

    Then, when the money is gone, crime rates, burglaries, etc. will skyrocket. In the end, Thais will blame the foreigners for their self-inflicted misery and the non-Thais who remain (due to sufficient funds and legal visas) will be the target of their hatred. So far for "this will also reduce crime"...

    Honestly, I am looking for better alternatives now and might start to sell assets.

    This is a f#$!ng mess! Respectively it will be...

    If there are any influential Thai poeple with brains reading this, you should please wake up and get into gear to stop this madness and request the government / junta to provide legal alternatives instead of blindly taking swings on foreigners NOW!!!!

    • Like 2
  3. The Death penalty for rape - not suitable. For rape and then murder or even attempted murder - there is an argument for it and it has to be a different punishment than rape without murder.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Rape without murder or the attempt of should then at least require full castration to protect future victims. Most of the newborn eunuchs will commit suicide afterwards anyway - would be a win win situation :)

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  4. Time for the dogooders with their pink sunglasses on to shut up for good - that guy should be kept alive for the sole purpose of giving away all accomplices to this atrocity and then all involved should be killed in front of cameras by a firing squad what in my opinion would be very humane.

    The police did not help in searching and finding the poor girl's body by the way, and Thai social media says that the police gave her mom a script to read in front of the cameras in which she had to thank the police for helping with the search... Officers involved in this should be ashamed and deserve a good slapping too.

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  5. "Miss Grand Thailand 2014 and four runners-up today called on the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to introduce capital punishment for rapist murderer and to conduct speedy judicial process to prosecute sex violators."

    Obviously they represent the general public in their outrage after these atrocities occur. However, it would be a lot more impressive if they could come up with measures to help prevent the rape/murders BEFORE these sociopaths commit these horrendous acts.

    And this is actually achieved how? Hhhhm, let me think - aaahhh, yeah!!!! Monitoring internet browsing behaviour of every single person on this planet via the implanted micro chip. As soon as one punches "rape", "school girl babes" or "bondage" into the google image search... "BOOOOM!!!" the chip goes off and kills him instantly, or in a more humane way - chip calls the cops to throw the "soon to be a rapist" image hamster in the slammer for life...

    Sure, Jaitscsjahjdbvcstuffsomething has a better idea on how to sort the wheat from the chaff...

    What was the title of that novel again? 198something? crazy.gif

  6. Thailand should deal with this whilst the Coup is on! It will be too late afterwards. Many countries have the same problem, but Thailand has an ideal opportunity to cleanse itself of these people - as well as the other long list of things that need to be addressed.

    When certain dictators decided to conduct some ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe, most onlookers condemned them - maybe rightly so at that time, but we hadn't had 9/11 then and did not know so much about the terrorists that we were facing. We know a lot more now and I wouldn't be so quick to condemn new ethnic cleansing because these cold blooded killers are targeting people like me - who doesn't want to be converted to their religion I - or any religion for that matter. I take each day as it comes, without any religion - so why should I fear for my life ?

    I hope I never wake to see a world that does not condem ethnic cleansing (genocidal indiscriminate mass murder).

    Where do you think the hate comes from that leads scum like these two to murder in the name of religion?

    I hope the scum who murdered these two women are caught and punished, but to justify mass killings based on religion or ethnicity because of their barbaric actions is ridiculous and utterly devoid of any semblance of human feeling or understanding of the horror that the words "ethnic cleansing" represent.

    Right! And very often such things are inside jobs - even back in the Wild West, whites would dress up as Sioux or whatever to attack a settler's village of which they knew that the men were out in the fields or hunting, killed women, children and the elderly before they would burn down the place to blame it on the indians. Revenge came swiftly and we know where it all went from there.

    I still believe that the majority of muslim people wants nothing but peace and is not interested in forcing their believe on others. These people (for their own sake) should help to fight and expose such culprits, extremists and separatists if they don't want to be pulled under along with them...

  7. I'm lost for words... Some posters were asking what they are trying to achieve - answer is disturbingly easy; what other motive could be behind a disgusting cowardly deed like this than trying to ignite a civil war in the south? A sickening murder of the innocent in broad daylight is meant to stir up emotions of locals to the boiling point. If the first local grabs a weapon and shoots a separatist in revenge, and the war is on. History repeats itself all over this planet. Difficult times ahead for us all I fear...

    RIP to the poor girls and sincerest condolences to family and friends.

  8. Death penalty is not the solution to rape...

    Another dogooder's dream blahblah - <deleted> hellyeah is the death penalty an absolutely beautiful solution to rape and murder as it protects possible future victims and it should be implemented worldwide, so that each and every one of those lowlifes know they already are half dead as soon as they put their dirty hands on an innocent victim. Best make it mandatory that the corpse of the culprit is to be disposed of in a pit of liquid manure.

    If I'd be the father of that litle girl, I would hand down the sentence personally myself.

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  9. So what does that mean "he was drunk"? Another excuse for rape and murder? Didn't also the swine that raped and killed all those children back a few months ago "Nui" blame it on the alcohol? So what does this exactly mean - he gets a reduced sentence, because he is the poor helpless victim of alcohol?

    I'd say shoot him like a dog and bury him in a shallow grave near the railway.

    However, back to the alcohol: It's just like with any other thing - A gun itself is not dangerous, but perhaps the person who owns it, alcohol in itself can be a good thing and if dosed properly a nice addition when socializing - it's the person in the end that abuses the alcohol, the drugs, the gun, etc...

    if a person is found unfit to use alcohol, that particular person itself should be banned from purchasing, owning and using alcohol, but not the alcohol itself. Plus alcohol should never be allowed as an excuse to crime.

    An alcohol ban will not achieve much - look at the muslim world: Alcohol forbidden and banned, but they chop each others' heads off by the minute. If they could enjoy some booze, perhaps they would calm down a little...

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  10. I agree that lots of work is needed for Thailand to make their way back to the pedestal. Just the fact that so many I have been speaking with says things like "it's only good the US and EU and others are putting sanctions and leaving Thailand, cause we don't need them anyway!", this goes hand in hand with an old statement by someone that the nation needs to be self-sufficient, and while that statement had great points while being spoken, the world has become way more globalized since then. Isolating themselves will bring this nation back to former Burma standards or those of DPRK.

    There is still much good in this nation. I do feel the same annoyance many other here feel, but it's hardly the fault of the whole country, and I wouldn't prefer living in Vientiane or Phnom Penh, of which the last one I actually lived a year in. Things are not better there, and you don't feel more welcome, so Thailand can't be blamed alone. In fact, I find every major tourist hub in the still developing world to be about the same regarding this kind of attitude towards tourists, viewing them for their $$ rather than as guests. But I also find it fairly easy to get by without paying any over-prices in Thailand, while I have more problems with transport and similar in PP and Vientiane, not to speak about Vietnam... However, I guess this goes hand in hand with language and feeling at home. Touts and scamers can feel how new you are in their nation, or even province/city, and will try to rip you off accordingly.

    Also, we all have the tendency to remember people who treated us bad way more than people who treated us good. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to explode from all the talking about me behind my back while walking pass some tuktuk gangs or other people who believe I will not understand what they are saying. I am doing all I can to avoid taxis, not because of costs, but because I prefer people leaving me alone, which works way better on the public transports like BTS, MRT, APL, buses and boats on Saen saep and Chao Praya.

    However, one day when I was about to explode after some idiot came out of nowhere and jumped in the taxi that I had stopped and was speaking with, saying "I'm in a hurry, Thais need to help thais first" to the driver. Wouldn't have been a big deal if it was one of those days when there will be a next taxi 30 seconds later. In this case though, I had waited for 30 minutes already, and I was certainly first in "line" (not that there were any). While I got the next taxi my mood was already destroyed, and I didn't speak very softly or nice. However, the taxi took me in. Noticed my exhaustion and asked if I had been waiting for a long time, if there were many taxis refusing to go by meter, and so on and on. I told him all, and he told me his views. We ended up eating noodles beside my condo before he headed home (and no, I didn't pay for his noodles).

    There will always be nice people and <deleted>. But the <deleted> are the ones we tend to remember more.

    Let's say you walk down Sukhumvit from Soi 3 or so towards Asoke. You hear people "farang this" and "farang that" in a negative tone. it get's a bit on your nerves.

    Then you go visit some outskirt town or village in some remote amper not famous for tourists, you hear the "farang this" and "farang that" again, and you take it as looking down on you, while in fact, many simply just don't understand what they did wrong, simply because they didn't do anything wrong. Words are only words, and the meaning of them is up to the individual. For them it would be normal that pale skin Caucasians are Farangs, Middle-eastern and Indians are Kaek, Chinese, hongkong and Thaiwan are jeen. And the more familiar Asian countries that they know better will be all from khmer to Lao/Pee-Nong etc. Sure it might seem racist for some, but it was not long time ago Sweden, or other western nations would group up people the same way, and it shouldn't come as a surprise some rice-farmers living partly off the grid would still be in that mindset. However, some of us might have gotten too much bad feelings regarding it from BKK or Pattaya already, which makes us hear the word as negative, that's only my theory, and I might well be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

    This is the time when we will have to wait and see. Will the junta succeed in making this a better place, or will it turn into a Police state like Burma used to be (and still kind of is)

    We don't know yet.

    Are 90% of Thais really happy about their new leaders, or are the people who disagree to agree simply being warned and silenced(?)

    Have the military found loads of stashed weapons, or were some of the weapons found planted there(?)

    I'm not saying anyone is lying, and I can see many improvements, like the fact that we finally got money for our rice etc. I am not Thai and I wouldn't hail to either the Suthep or the Reds, so don't come and say I'm a red shirt wannabe for being skeptic and asking questions..

    Only time will tell how this nation will turn out. We can all sit and be cynical or think that we know by looking at history. But in fact we don't know the future. Unless you as well have some magic "mor pee" abilities.

    Thanks for the effort of writing all this - a lot of truth in your words and I strongly agree.

  11. Does promoting "Thainess and Thai way of life" include littering ?

    Yupp, there will be courses on how the leftovers of a typical Thai family's 7Eleven snacks shopping spree have to be distributed correctly to cover the possibly widest area of a national park or beach within the shortest possible time.

    Courses will be split into four categories:

    1) Trashing from a driving local bus at approx 40km/h

    2) Trashing from a driving motorcycle at approx 60km/h

    3) Trashing from a driving car at approx 100km/h

    4) Trashing at zero speed while sitting on a bamboo mat near a waterfall or beach (master class)

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