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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. Not if it has been written correctly. "My mother in law" refers to his wife's mother. "My wife's mother in law" refers to his mother. So he's saying HIS mother is a complete cow. I can relate to that as my mother was the most self centered, selfish, bigoted individual I've ever known.
  2. Not powerful enough. Cars, pick ups, motor bikes should be impounded IMMEDIATELY if the police should happen to stop someone for a traffic infringement. e.g. Plod pulls motor cyclist over for no helmet. Instead of giving a slap on the wrist, impound the motor bike immediately. Tell the motor cyclist where the bike can be collected from impound, BUT the MUST come with a helmet and pay a 5,000 baht impound fee to get the bike back. Failure to do so within 14 days will result in the registration being cancelled and the bike either being sold at auction or crushed, unless an appeal is lodged through the courts within the same time frame. Similar scenarios could be created for offences involving any kind of motor vehicle. As an incentive to plod, they get 10% of the impound fee if it gets paid.
  3. Just download one of the many call blocker apps, and as you receive the calls, don't answer them, BUT blacklist them in the app. Simple really.
  4. Not a case of being too easy, more a case of police having to actually do their jobs.
  5. yes I read the article, and what is the next step to be taken when the visa and your permitted to stay date expires? You have to either get an extension of stay or leave. Therefore, the big picture needs to be considered not just the narrow minded approach you appear to be taking.
  6. Actually it's a very logical statement. Those that already struggle to meet the 800k requirement will more than likely have next to no chance of meeting the the additional cost involved for the 3 million baht ( whether it be self insurance, assets etc ). So I'm inclined to agree. The number of cheats that have to resort to the use of an agent to do their annual extensions should decrease significantly IMHO.
  7. No, the owners shoud be put down at the same time as the dog. Anybody that supports Pit Bull ownership has no <deleted> idea ( even if they own one ) just how dangerous these dogs are.
  8. if you are 60 or older the pink ID card no longer has the 10 year expiry. It lasts until the day you die.
  9. Joe, so what you're saying is a blue book doesn't show a person's name, is that correct. If that's the case, why does my wife's blue book have her name and the rest of her family's names in it, and the address of their house & land. I have to disagree with your reply as I also have a farang friend that owns his condo and he has a blue book, it shows his name and the address of the condo AND he uses it as proof of address for Immigration, DLT, banks etc and he used to it get his pink ID card. He does not have a yellow book.
  10. If he has a blue book then he doesn't need to get a yellow book.
  11. Did you actually read the OP. How can the merc have right of way when it runs a red light. I'd hate to see how you drive and how many lives you endanger if you ignore red lights like the merc did.
  12. nothing to do with being careful. They think it's safe to drive at that speed, BUT from my experience in the north drivers that proceed at around 40km/hr, without a heavy load that would warrant that speed, usually don't have a license, and they seem to think that by driving slow the police won't stop them. Unfortunately, driving that slowly is just as dangerous as speeding.
  13. bought a new car last February. Took 2 months for the white plates to be available. Did not keep any log books and regularly drove out of province and passed through numerous check points in both directions, for 2-3 days at a time while on the red plates, and was never stopped by the police or army.
  14. I doubt that very much. The yanks have even changed the spelling of words because they aren't capable of spelling them correctly AND can't comprehend that some words with the same pronunciation BUT different meanings are spelt differently. e.g Tyre & tire. The lazy yanks use tire for both meanings. Most of their spelling takes the lazy route as it's phonetic. Most of the bastardisation they are responsible for doesn't go back to the language you say was allegedly spoken in England Centuries ago. but relates more has occurred over the past 150-200 years. I wouldn't even call what they speak American English, it's just American. It may sound like english, but it's anything but.
  15. Only yanks, and possibly Canucks, call them crosswalks. Your comment is just another example of how America has bastardised the english language.
  16. Not the case at my local revenue office. I use PromptPay to receive my tax refunds. Have done so for the past 2 years without being linked to a Thai ID card. This year showed my pink id card as I left my passport at home. No issues at all with revenue office personnel processing my tax return.
  17. Every Thai household in this part of the country already grows their own marijuana, including some police & local govt officials, so DPM Wissanu should just rubber stamp A Nut in's previous public comments and legalise it outright.
  18. that's not the lottery. Systems like system 8 are in LOTTO
  19. my son lives in Singapore and he told me about the possible side effects from exercising too soon after getting a booster jab. Unfortunately he didn't tell me until after I told him what had transpired.
  20. Some hospitals are not sticking to the above schedule. My wife had 2 sinopharm jabs and I had 2 AZ jabs. We both received our Moderna booster 2 months after our 2nd jabs. Although I would issue this warning re Moderna booster jabs. Do not do any serious form of exercise for at least 10 days after receiving the booster. I was unaware that exercise soon after the booster could, in some cases, bring on a nasty side effect. 4 days after I had my booster I was participating in the Chiang Rai Road Classic (50km race). At the 40km mark I stopped at a water refill zone and my vision went blurry in one eye and total loss of vison in the other. This lasted for round 1 hour before vision returned to normal. My son also experienced something similar when he went to the gym 2 days after receiving his booster. Like all side effects, not everyone will have them, but this one was rather scary while it lasted.
  21. Have another look at the name of the person (Chalermchai Sri-on) making the statement. I think you'll find it's NOT the guy (Thamanat Prompow) that spent time in jail in OZ for smuggling heroin.
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