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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. why not use a call blocker app and as each of the scam calls are received add them to the blacklist. Those numbers are then blocked My Samsung phone actually gives me a pop up message re suspected spam for every call not in my contacts list. If I believe it to be spam then I just add it to the blacklist. Don't get anywhere near as many spam calls these days.
  2. You obviously haven't been to Chiang Mai Province over the last few years, or if you have you're not very observant. Vaping is rampant amongst Thais in this part of the world.
  3. I agree he should run for PM but unfortunately he can't as he's a convicted felon and has served prison time here in Thailand. Oh and were those Skeltons Red or did you mean skeletons. 5555
  4. that's easy. The song is "Young Girl"
  5. of course you can tell if a person smiles while they are wearing a mask. You can see it in their eyes.
  6. In the early days of the Border Security tv show in Australia I actually met the customs officer that was on the show. I was surprised to hear him say that they only showed the smaller offences on the show. He said that what we saw on the tv show was just the tip of the iceberg.
  7. why would you do that if you're not doing anything that's illegal. That's guilt kicking in.
  8. why on earth would you even consider buying a used car, especially here in Thailand. There's usually no warranty involved and you're only buying someone else's troubles. Remember the old saying "buyer beware"
  9. Is there any reason why you can't do a TM28 with Immigration. This is your way of notifying that you have changed address. You could then report the owner/manager to Immigration for failure to submit a TM30. This workaround worked well for me and Immigration actually completed the TM30 section that goes in my passport and stamped it.
  10. their priority is to protect the influx of Chinese tourists according to the news article from a week or so ago.
  11. Don't be so one sided in youe opinion. I was in Pattaya for Songkran in 2013 and a Russian family were walking past the bar where we ( farangs & Thais) were enjoying the festivities with the water, and the daughter of the Russian was keen to participate and get sprayed with water. The father took exception and punched the young girl that sprayed his daughter. Needless to say all the Thais came to the girls defence and pummeled the father and restrained him until the police arrived. He complained about the water and was told by the farangs and the police that if you are in Thailand during Songkran and come out during the day expect to get sprayed. He refused to apologise to the young girl and was subsequently arrested and put in the paddy wagon. The Russian girl's mother was p'd off about her husband being arrested and started abusing the Thais for having her husband arrested. She was given a good soaking and told to p off. The daughter decided to stay at the bar and joined in the fun for the rest of the afternoon. Unfortunately, this is the way most Russian, Indian & Chinese tourists behave. They think they are superior to everyone else.
  12. never heard of that alleged well known saying. I think you meant "In Head Pull Your".
  13. My farang health insurance, before I moved to Thailand, ALWAYS removed the no claim bonus when a claim was made. That's why it's called a no claim bonus.
  14. "Pacific Cross - cheaper than others, but other reports (on this forum) have reported they do not pay out so readily and can also increase their premiums the following year after paying out on a claim." Of course the premiums you pay will increase after a claim is paid, the same as ALL insurance companies. The actual premium doesn't increase, but making a claim results in losing your annual 10% no claim bonus, which is then reinstated if you go another 12 months without making a claim. As for not paying out readily, you'll find that usually occurs if there is a pre-existing condition with regards to the claim. As an example I'm with Pacific Cross and declared that I had arthroscopies to both knees in 1989. They still consider this to be a pre-existing condition (in my opinion wrongly, as pre- existing conditions are only supposed to be considered as such if they occurred in the 5 years prior to joining the health fund) and will not cover me for arthritis in my knees. The only thing they will cover for my knees is broken bones.
  15. The free annual flu shots is not an incentive. I get mine every year for free, and it has nothing to do with any health insurance. A team from the district hospital comes to our village community center twice a year. First time is to check blood pressure and blood sugar levels of everyone (including farangs) living in the village. The 2nd time is for the free flu shot, again for everyone living in the village including farangs.
  16. you got that wrong Husker. The RTP actually said they would not disclose the nationality of people being arrested and charged with criminal activities, not victims of criminal activities, but generally I do agree they are keystone cops.
  17. It would all depend on what address she puts on her arrival card. If she puts your address then do a TM30 to cover your backside. I've got a friend that runs a guest house/B&B, which is part of his private residence, and he had some friends visit from Canada. They put his address on their arrival cards and Immigration paid them a visit. No TM30 was submitted by my friend as he didn't believe it was necessary. Unfortunately he was fined for failure to notify re foreigners staying at his place. This occurred about 2 months ago.
  18. have been watching the following: Series: NCIS, NCIS Hawaii, Hyde & Seek, FBI, FBI Most Wanted, FBI International, Will Trent, The Rookie, Wednesday, Mayfair Witches, S.A.S. Rogue Heroes, House of the Dragon, The Twelve, Blood & Treasure, Karen Pirie, Troppo, Reacher, Jack Ryan, The Equalizer, Heels, Monday Night RAW, Friday Night Smackdown, AEW Dynamite, AEW Rampage, Black Snow, We Own this City, East New York, Young Wallander, Ted lasso, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, London Kills, The Calling, The Recruit, Vigil, Movies: Detective Knight ( 1 & 2), 3000 years of Longing, Violent Night, Knives Out, Glass Onion-a Knives Out Mystery, A Clockwork Orange, Caligula ( watched these last 2 for the first time ever). There are other series I watch but they are currently on a break. Generally if a new series doesn't get me interested by teh end of the 2nd episode I give it a miss.
  19. have seen this one. It's an excellent series
  20. He didn't have Thai insurance; his policy was with Lloyds Bank in the UK. So a totally irrelevant comment by you supersilverhaze
  21. you're kidding. Yes it has some of teh Addams family humour in it, but it's also a very good whodunnit.
  22. have seen this one. It's an excellent series
  23. try vipleague web site
  24. The PM NEVER stood for election in any constituency so that doesn't apply to him. He was just a member of The PPP and was their nomination for PM. All he has done is change political parties. It is my understanding that a sitting MP can resign from a political party but if he/she wishes to remain a sitting MP then they MUST register with another party within a specific time frame. That's how Thammanat and other remained as MP's after they changed parties.
  25. "He said the people would decide who was best for the job" No they won't unless both actually contest the election, which they won't because they wouldn't get enough votes to win a seat in the parliament. So the decision will be made by whoever sides with the appointed senate, as they will have the majority.
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