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Posts posted by saengsureeya

  1. AFAIK from my own experience, you do have a password to log in to their K-Bank-system. This will never change unless you do want so.

    The OTP-option will come to you by sms; therefore you NEED to submit a Thai telephone number. Beware: changing this number must be done in person at the original branch!

    For most transactions you will receive an OTP.

    The Second Password is another option. It's a password that you can use besides your log-in password. Beware: the Second Password option can not be used for all transactions (ex. adding a billing-account).

    If you are abroad, take care that you keep your Thai telephone-number "alive" and working. A big plus: You can top-up your pre-paid telephone-card with the help of Kasikorn K-Banking rolleyes.gif

    Once you get used to the K-Banking facilities it's a piece of cake and a joy to use.

  2. Wasn't there a free wifi service a few years ago?

    A few years ago they set up a kind of hotspot system but was not free.

    AFAIK it is still up and running in the area enclosed by Beach Road, 2nd Road and, South Pattaya Road and North Pattaya Road.

    5 hours per 3 months.....means a whopping 3.33 minutes per day or maybe 10 minutes per day if you stay 30 days. It's just another gesture of whatever. Anyway, City Hall can state now that they offer free wifi in the city.

    Internet cafe's, hotels and other places offering paid-internet don't have to be afraid of any competition.

  3. Not very long ago there was a message about a Norwegian and his 16yo girlfriend/step daughter who got killed on an overpass NEAR Pattaya.

    This message was moved to the Thailand News section, probably to avoid cheap comments about farangs and girls in association with Pattaya.

    This "event" (the shooting of the doorman) occurred even further away from Pattaya......in Bang Saen which is 44 km.

    Let's move it!!

  4. AFAIK the ESRI map is offered for THB 6300 (Th, My, Sg and Indonesia)

    I managed to obtain the Thailand Street Map V 12.0 for only THB 500; just have to go back to the shop in case an update is released.

    On my GPS there already was a complete version of the European maps installed and the Thai map was just added.

    In Thailand I turn off the European map and in Europe I turn on the European map and turn off the Thai map.

  5. There are consumer rights in Thailand, caught in the Consumer Protection Act of 25xx

    It states that most (non-food) items can be returned within 7 days of purchase upon return of your money.

    Items that go with a one or two year warranty can be brought to a local service center or sent to Bangkok where it will be repaired or replaced.

    In the first case you have to go back to the store where you bought the item, in the second case you'll have to find a place where they usually service the items. You can return them to the store, but then it may take weeks or even months before it will be returned.

  6. Here's some info I came across whilst looking up about Ed-Visa. This an actual official Thai Immigration site for BKK office.


    Very interesting link. Most valuable are:

    - reporting between 15 days prior and 7 days after the original reporting-date

    - leaving the country and re-enter sets the "90-day-counter" on "zero".

    Of course, some if not all immigration-offices will interpreted those rules differently.

  7. Got some alternatives from Foodland.......noticed that the offer on English, Welsh, Scottish beers is very very poor.

    Most available beers are German brands, some Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

  8. A good alternative are the so called Web-cards. Those cards are debit-cards, but suitable for online purchases.

    You deposit a certain amount from your bank-account onto the Web-card and you can use it for purchases.

    Dis-advantage: The amount on the web-card is under no circumstance insured.

    A good example is: http://www.kasikornb...ebShopping.aspx

    do you know if SCB have this service?

    Can't find it on their website, but maybe that their Debet Card (not ATM card) is suitable for online purchases.

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