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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Other than Renee Zellweger's stunt double, what occupation requires somebody to regularly gain or lose 24kgs?
  2. Choosing between Harris and Trump is a bit like deciding which one of your testicles should be slammed in a car door. Either way, the outcome will be painful, not to mention humiliating.
  3. Knew a bloke back home that recycled used veggie oil from restaurants and produced his own car fuel. The exhaust always had a delicious aroma of fish 'n chips. In Thailand, the result would probably be fumes that smelled of generic chilli infused pad-gra-pao. Might lead to more than a few eye-watering motorcycle accidents.
  4. Get a huge suitcase shaped like this. There isn't a check-in chick in the world that knows V= (4/3) × π × (r-t)³.
  5. In their efforts to become less bureaucratic and more efficient, bureaucracies all over the world are constantly forming new departments, divisions, Quangos, NGO's, think-tanks, working groups and committees to determine how to achieve greater efficiency. Invariably, bureaucrats aren't big on irony.
  6. Dougie, you've made my day. The debate should be interesting. Although keeping Kamala away from a microphone without the aid of a teleprompter is probably a better idea. Trump has the ability to repeatedly put his foot in his mouth, but extract it with his next sentence. Kamala, not so much.
  7. Ask Kamala about the significance of the passage of time, ask Kamala about the significance of the passage of time, ask Kamala about the significance of the passage of time, ask Kamala about the significance of the passage of time, ask Kamala about the significance of the passage of time... (can't find a wrist slicing emoji) 🤢
  8. Whatever you buy, be sure to set the audio to mute, so your missus can't listen to the banter between you and your mates while driving to golf. Don't ask me how I know.
  9. The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut has always been two weeks.
  10. I wonder what the octane rating was?
  11. It's called foresight. In about 6 months you'll need EUR500 to buy a cup of coffee.
  12. Women don't know what they really want. Circa 98% of workplace accidental deaths are men. If women were striving to reach an equitable outcome in this statistic, they would have my full support. Until then, women should be made to understand that society and civilization only exists because men built or made virtually everything. When women go on strike for a day, nothing happens. Just ask Iceland. If all men decided to stay home for a day, civilization would end before lunchtime. There's a reason why men don't menstruate.
  13. Would this be a news item if the lad was seen smoking a ciggy? Who here is not guilty of nicking a smoke from their Mum's packet of Player's Plain or Senior Service, and near choking to death? Much ado about nothing.
  14. If "causing harm through negligence" is a crime the BIB are now focusing on, let's hope they do it introspectively.
  15. There can't be much of a workload for a "municipal inspector and operational architect for a local municipal engineering department" in Pattaya. I mean, just look at the results.
  16. Meanwhile, virtually everything the Muppet is wearing, the phones they use to take their propaganda photos, the signage they're displaying, and the mode of transport she used to get there required that black sticky stuff what comes out of the ground. Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful antidote to reality.
  17. I have a multi-purpose vacuum cleaner and dishwasher. Running costs are somewhat prohibitive and it goes on the blink once a month. Luckily, I have a backup.
  18. Windows 10 updates have given me tons of problems. Not recognizing HDD's, opening a file only to be told that it doesn't recognize the format. Suddenly rendering frequently visited websites unloadable, and corrupting the SMP protocol so I can't access my email provider. Restoring back to the previous install always corrects the position. I've turned off auto-updates but somehow, Mr. Gates' crew manage to sneak in a backdoor and it gets updated, albeit less frequently. Try restoring to an earlier version. Once I had to restore back to the original install to fix everything.
  19. OP - take up golf. All life's problems then become trivial.
  20. 555 Maybe you're right. On the other hand, I don't think short fat blokes even know that slim-fit clothes are a thing.
  21. Speaking from experience, he probably should have offered a small social club donation or at least a round of coffees to the BIB for their initial assistance, thus raising his social status. Subsequent visits to the cop shop demoted him to the ranks of annoying Falang and therefore a potential source of leveraged revenue. I'm not saying this is right, but this is Thailand.
  22. Intended or not, a great reference to Shawshank Redemption. I'll give you a pass on the socks and long pants, but only if the socks are the same color as the sandals. Regarding shorts "on a grown man". It depends if the grown man is 5'4", fat, has varicose veined legs, has the aforementioned long jet-black dyed hair and wearing a Chang wifebeater over a pair of stained 100B multi-pocketed baggy cargo-shorts worn past the knees (or worse, ultra-short shorts from the 70's because they didn't read the memo), - or slim, healthily tanned, average height or taller, wearing a clean 4K brand-name slim-fit polo-shirt over matching slim-fit shorts worn 3 inches above the knee. Sans socks and sandals obviously - flip-flops on the beach are acceptable, tasteful shoes and low-cut white tennis socks (or no socks) anywhere else.
  23. I'd have thought he might have found something akin to a fig leaf in a cannabis shop.
  24. Try this supplier. UGREEN (NW153) Cat 8 RJ45 40Gbps 2000Mhz High Speed Ethernet Network Cable - Ugreen Thailand But chances are they probably bought the stuff from China on Lazada.
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