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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I note with interest that the ONS do not record the ethnicity of the offenders. Also interesting to note that the rate of offences was stable or declining until 2013. Sexual offences prevalence and trends, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk) I'm positive the rampant influx of immigrants following Blair's reign is unrelated to these statistics.
  2. They set the retirement age at 55 way back before Y2K when life expectancy was about 65 for men and 75 for women. As the personal tax take from the vast majority of the working population is minimal, and the pensions paid even less, the "retirement age" is not a critical expense on the national budget. In the West, pension and medical expenses are usually the top expenditure for governments coming 1st and 2nd on the list. In Thailand, they are on page 37 of the budget, just after spending on pest control at the parliament building. Therefore in the eyes of the government, the official retirement age is just another irrelevant number.
  3. A late Gen X dad helicopter parenting an early Gen Z "child". Hope the boy is okay.
  4. If you want to skip the insurance drama altogether, don't get an OA. Enter Thailand on a 30 day stamp, then apply for a type O while in Thailand. Type O doesn't require insurance. Much less hassle overall, and the same benefits.
  5. They will be classified as undocumented migrants until election day, then they'll be reclassified as illegal aliens. Doublespeak.
  6. If you have too many hubs, the wheels tend to fall off. Considering 30%+ of all the monies mentioned have been skimmed off as tea money, they haven't done too bad.
  7. Relaxed liberal attitudes to pornography, sex, religion, and family values have made the West what it is today. Whoops.
  8. A practical experiment for a CBDC.
  9. I wonder if there are any spelling mistakes.
  10. His rapid decline over the last four years was obvious to any right-minded person. So now it's Funny as hell to see all the shock and dismay from MSM and elected Democrats. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Cognitive dissonance never ends well.
  11. The feminization of politics and society. Probably the biggest single social experiment in Western history that led to many downstream political and social side-effects over the last century. Treating boys as though they are dysfunctional girls, and telling girls they can do anything a man can do is a recipe for disaster. I don't think it will end well - Oh wait!
  12. Here's a couple of predictions. Following Biden's withdrawal, the DNC will select a totally off the wall, but popular and well known (non-political) nominee. I'm thinking someone a la Dwayne Johnson. Yes, The Rock. Their intention being to pick up the low IQ non-political uninformed voters who are just smart enough to realize Biden is unsuitable and otherwise wouldn't bother voting. The running mate will be a night watchman of sorts, say Shapiro. And if you can get a bet on the Joint Chiefs of Staff at least attempting a military intervention (I hesitate to use the word coup), following Trump's return to the Whitehouse, take the bet. Assuming of course that Trump survives the next assassination attempt. And if you're thinking this could never happen, this is America - you aren't paying attention beyond what the MSM are pedalling to you.
  13. Gamma - I have a question for you. I feel sure that only someone with your incredible insight and intellect will be able to solve this riddle that has caused me many sleepless nights since I first heard it in 1975. Q: How big is a banana this colour? (asked while holding hands apart, as if describing the fish you caught, or the length of a bodily appendage.) A: A motorbike, because T-shirts don't have doors. It's a conundrum.
  14. His legs and hands don't look very ethnically Gambian. My suntan is darker.
  15. Crime of the century. But nonetheless, very expedient. I hope he used his indicators/winkers/blinkers/signal light/flashers - choose your poison.
  16. Let's face it, eating street food in Thailand is akin to Russian roulette. At least the customer could see the nail - she couldn't see the billions of e-coli microbes. All things considered, the nail was probably less injurious to her health than the pork.
  17. Funnily enough, I noticed a severe reduction in my tolerance to alcohol following two injections in late 2021 - but probably just a fortunate coincidence.
  18. I'd imagine the last thing any Thai public official wants is a set of accurate meeting minutes.
  19. Even I can spot a fresh off the boat tourist newbie. Thai girls can spot them because their tongues are hanging out and have a red flashing light on their head. They do stupid things like let three welcome girls join them, buy them all a drink, and before they can even understand what's happening, the Mamasan and four overweight gogo dancers also score a drink on his bin. Then after all of ten minutes, they scrutinize their wallpaper length bin and can be seen to silently mouth "WTFIT?"
  20. Would have been better in 16:9 format. **sigh**
  21. I've never heard of any other government giving out free money to attain or preserve their position of power - Oh wait!
  22. According to other news sources, the total cost is circa 500 billion. That will buy a lot of Lao Khao, Huawei phones, and fake LV handbags.
  23. Your Wise USD account is not "Wise Bank". Go into your Wise app. Click on your USD balance. You will see a partial bank account number in the top box - click on it. You will see the full US Bank details. My routing number is 026073150. A quick google search lists this as Community Federal Savings Bank. Yours may be different. Regardless, he needs to select the US bank that Wise bank with. Edit: I note there is a USD4.14 charge for receiving wire transfers and may take 3 working days.
  24. It doesn't matter if its Thailand or America (or any other country), the only way to make society wealthier is to boost productivity. And that ain't happening anytime soon. Or at least not until they pull the trigger on WWIII.
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