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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. The Hiso's must have all converted their liquid wealth to USD by now - except of course those with pallets of notes in the basement. So it's about time to crash the baht and they can repatriate their money and clip the 20% margin on the way back.
  2. Probably because the green UP arrow was blocking the view of the topics on the right. The unnecessary arrow was originally on the left and blocked the view of the posts, so they moved it to the right-hand side months ago. The ripple effect - swallowed the spider to catch the fly etcetera. Just remove the green UP arrow and problem sorted. This is what happens when 19 year-old "programming geniuses" with ADHD can't keep their fingers out of the pie.
  3. Rugby referees better be on their guard in fascist Victoria.
  4. I tip based on driver skill, ergo usually no tip. Especially if it's an aging manual Mitsi Triton with seven extra bone shaking leaf-springs and the muppet driver thinks chugging up Thappraya Road in 3rd gear at 10klm/h is saving fuel.
  5. Quick answer is yes, if you scrape it down and give it a quick sanding, it will probably see out your tenancy.
  6. There are three principle reasons society is up excrement creek sans paddle. The death of God, the welfare state, and the feminization of society. All have lead to lack of personal responsibility, loss of fundamental morals, and no consequences for bad decisions. But don't worry - help is coming in the form of WWIII.
  7. I explain the concept of a programmable CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to people and get a blank stare. Almost nobody understands the concept the WEF and many governments are about to force on us. Everyone thinks it's just a debit card or a phone app to make life easier. A CBDC is the ultimate form of totalitarian control. Your programmable "money" will be far worse than prison scrip or WWII ration cards. They won't need any type of physical or legislative force to control you. The first thing they'll do is attach carbon credits to every purchase. You'll try to buy a steak or diesel - sorry, you've used up this month's allocation. Or try to buy an airline ticket - sorry you've already used up your credits, but they can be "banked", so in seven years you will have enough for that trip to Thailand. They'll also make your credits appreciate or depreciate depending on fiscal need - sir, you're not spending enough and we need to boost consumption. We'll devalue your credits by 10% each month if you don't meet the spending requirements. CBDC's and the 15 minute city. Welcome to dystopia.
  8. That's an industrial quality USB charger on the table - I want one!
  9. This is one of those "I'll teach you a lesson, bitch" situations, that wasn't well thought through.
  10. No mention of pineapple in the article.
  11. Don't-cha just love Capitalism.
  12. The AFL Aussie Rules final is actually today. No doubt a Sydney Swans and a Brisbane Lions fan having a pre-match dust-up. Perfectly normal, and basically a mandatory Australian tradition - a bit like the family argument after Christmas dinner.
  13. I successfully received my two months deposit back each time, from four different landlords. All involving houses in a Moo Bahn and being 50-60K. One landlord deducted a 2K cleaning fee which was mentioned in the lease agreement. I do know of several blokes who have not received their deposits back. Usually in low rent apartments. And having seen the state they have left these places, I'm not surprised it was withheld. I know dozens of people who have never had a problem recovering their deposits.
  14. Julian, Dick, Anne, George and their dog Timmy would never have put up with this sort of stuff.
  15. A weird story. Texting while in the air? Confusion reigns. Maybe, just maybe, the Polish chick used her phone translator to say to the stewardess "Do you have any Jägerbomb on the plane?"....and it all went south from there.
  16. I'll file this report alongside that of the sad demise of the polar bear population. Oh wait.... the polar bear population has tripled since the 1960's - go figure. 50 years after hunting ban polar bears are thriving, new report shows - The Global Warming Policy Foundation (thegwpf.org) London, 27 February: 2023 marked 50 years of international cooperation to protect polar bears across the Arctic. Those efforts have been a conservation success story: from a population estimated at about 12,000 bears in the late 1960s, numbers have almost tripled, to just over 32,000 in 2023. Despite this dramatic increase in polar bear populations, claims that their numbers are falling due to climate change still dominate most media coverage. Since 2004 we have been told that polar bear numbers in Western Hudson Bay have been steadily declining, but a new study made public in 2023 reveals that this isn’t actually true. In the State of the Polar Bear Report 2023, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) on International Polar Bear Day, zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford provides the details on this explosive news. Among other issues addressed in this year’s report, Crockford explains that population surveys of Western Hudson Bay polar bears completed in 2011, 2016, and 2021 generated lower estimates than a survey done in 2004. However, these differences in bear counts are not statistically significant from each other, which means there has been no negative trend during the last 20 years. Crockford said the consequences of this survey are enormous.
  17. Hands up all those that think people enter politics to make the world a better place? Only two reasons they become politicians. The desire for power and wealth. The fact that anybody seeks political power is the very reason they should not be given that power. We'd have better quality world leaders and politicians if they were randomly selected from the phonebook every 4 or 5 years.
  18. OP, I was bored today so I decided to conduct a semi-scientific a/c experiment for you. I used my indoor/outdoor whether station. Outside temp and humidity on the left, sensor is in a shaded open area. Inside Temp and humidity on the right. The inside sensor is set at 180 degrees to the a/c unit, and about 5 metres distance. Room size is about 45 sq.mtrs. A/C unit is a Daikin FTKM18NV2s at 17,700 BTU. The time/date are not set correctly, but you can accept the time differentials from photo to photo. Here are the readings after the a/c has been turned off for 10 hours and the room has been open to the outside atmosphere (glass sliding doors wide open) for about 3 hours. You will see the inside/outside readings are virtually the same. I then closed the door and turned on the a/c set to 27 degrees. It took 15 minutes to achieve 27.3 degrees and 54% humidity. It stayed at this reading for a constant 4 minutes. That’s when I took the picture. I then set a/c to 24 degrees. It took 27 minutes to reach 24.3 degrees and 38% humidity. It stayed there for a constant 4 minutes. It was then that I escaped outdoors to defrost myself. As you can see at 27 degrees the humidity is a comfortable 54%. At 24 Degrees it drops to 38% According to Wikipedia, the humidity in Antarctica ranges from 55 to 67 %. It’s little wonder you suffer from a dry throat with a setting of 24 degrees and humidity lower than penguins are comfortable with.
  19. I solved that problem - demoted her to the spare room, although she is always "on-call". I have to defrost her before use though. A/c at 22 degrees, thick duvet, full-on pyjamas, and socks. Feels like a fridge when you walk in. I'm actually convinced that a lot of it is mind over matter - they think the lower the temperature the better. I once looked for a hotel hack that can display a false temperature on the a/c. You set it at a desired temperature and no matter what the user adjusts the remote to, it stays at that temperature. Unfortunately all I could find is a hack that works on ducted or cassette systems.
  20. Does your a/c have any special modes, such as a SLEEP mode, or ECO mode? What make and model? Most recent units have settings to help overcome your specific problem, although setting the temperature higher is the better solution.
  21. The brakes failed because the muppet didn't apply his foot to the pedal. The air in air-brakes keep the brake shoes off the drums. When air-brakes "fail" due to loss of compressed air, the brakes slam on. The failed brakes excuse always makes me laugh.
  22. What temperature are you setting it at? Setting it too low at 18-23 means the unit rarely stops cooling and is constantly dehumidifying the air. Set it higher, say 27 degrees. The unit will stop cooling more frequently, and humidified air from under doors and around windows will enter the room, adding sufficient humidity to stop your throat drying up. Alternatively, leave a door or window partially open to allow the same effect.
  23. The story can't be true. Otherwise they would have used them in the Oprah interview, where Oprah had that "for God's sake, beam me up Scottie" look about her while listening to Ms. Harris's utterances.
  24. Whilst I agree with you in principle, I suggest you are being grossly optimistic at 33.333%. Remove the two positive integers and replace with a zero, and we're somewhere close to real world outcomes.
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