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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I'm reconciled to the fact that my Caucasian (with a capital C) grandchildren will actually be a minority by about 2075. Auckland, the largest city in NZ, is only 54% Caucasian. Place Summaries | Auckland Region | Stats NZ And that information is from 2018. Immigration to NZ last year was 225,000 on a population of circa 5M. That represents 4.5% of the population in only one year. New Zealand immigration hits an all-time high as movement surges following pandemic lull | AP News Whites are already a minority in London. You don't need to be a mathematician to see where this is going.
  2. Was at a country wedding party and they had run a wire through the trees and suspended about 30 lights from the cable. On closer inspection, I saw the bulb holders were connected to the wires with two safety pins. I assumed maybe they were DC, but nope. I traced the cable back to a 220v outlet.
  3. Make designated parking areas and employ a Vietnamese bloke (preferably from Ho Chi Minh City) to be in charge. Those guys can cram three bikes into the space for one. However, it would require the mandatory banning of rear-view mirrors - not really a problem as most Thais don't use them anyway.
  4. Follow the West's solution to the economic impact of a declining birth rate - encourage mass unchecked immigration from Africa and India. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
  5. If the woman makes a habit of confronting perpetrators of poor driving, it's a miracle she's survived to be 42.
  6. Branston only 69B at Siambury's.
  7. With the upcoming dedollarization of the USD, maybe baked beans should replace the McDonald's Big Mac International Currency comparison.
  8. Treat the taxman in every country on the globe the same as you treat mushrooms - keep them in the dark.
  9. If the elevator has a British style G button (no pun intended), it's up for debate as to which floor is actually the 13th floor, whether the 13 button is missing or not.
  10. If you have the shipping receipt or other documentation from the PO or courier, that should suffice. They don't want all 5 requests to be met. But this is Thailand. Photographic evidence is now part of the culture. Everybody from coppers to couriers and security guards take photos to prove a task was completed - the clincher being the metadata location and timestamp on the photo. Yesterday I got a delivery from Homepro, delivered by two of their staff. They proceeded to take about 8 photos of me with the delivered articles, me and the delivery driver and the articles, then the other bloke, then closeup pics of the barcode on the 3 articles (all the same), then a picture of me and the building frontage, and then a pic that included their vehicle and the building. All for three plastic bins that cost 79 baht each.
  11. There should be some traceable DNA on some of those leaves.
  12. The ones that think I'm their best mate because I made the mistake of acknowledging them. Now I do a passable impersonation of saying sorry I'm from (insert country) and so sorry I don't speak any English whatsoever in seven languages. The most convincing of which is Ethiopian.🤣
  13. I thought there was an official list of things "not to do" in Thailand. I'm sure paragliding comes right after bungy jumping, riding in a mini-van, and arguing with ladyboys on Beach Road at 3am.
  14. I often wonder if the climate warriors have considered the fact that their mandate to cool the planet necessarily involves reducing the amount of sunshine.
  15. Ever wondered why you think the "other side" are so extreme in their social and political views, but never considered that you might be (or might not be) the problem? I encourage everybody to take this simple three-minute test to measure how far left, right, libertarian or authoritarian you are. Some posters might be surprised how extreme their views are. The Political Compass Most of the people I interact with would define me as a dyed in the wool right-wing authoritarian. On this test I am just right of centre, and bang in the middle of authoritarianism versus liberalism. My views haven't really changed in 50 years and I am, and always have been a little to the left or right on most issues. I haven't changed, but society now defines me as a Neo-Nazi - go figure.
  16. You get my vote for post of the year. Choked on my coffee. Classic!
  17. I thought bragging to your mates that you bought something duty-free died in the early 90's. Nowadays only virgin (not the airline, but in the Biblical sense) flyers are intoxicated by the bright lights of the glitzy brand name shops and are happy to be parted from their money. Coincidentally, virgin flyers also enjoy airline food.
  18. If only it had been a classic VW Combi wagon with a surfboard on the roof, this story could have been so much better.
  19. Bigo Live is a hilarious app. It's a good time filler while you're parked on the throne for 10 minutes.
  20. It's all about perception. If you rock up to a club in a Lambo, it will be assumed a fake Rolex is genuine. Rock up in a Tuk-Tuk and your genuine Rolex will be assumed to be fake.
  21. I wonder what an Ai robot would identify as? Probably not non-binary.
  22. I wish the Press would stop calling this area South Pattaya and refer to it correctly as Little Mumbai.
  23. It's a world-wide phenomenon that taxi drivers/riders are those least suitable to be drivers. They have no other marketable skillset, and so default to lowest common denominator of taxi driver. In years gone buy they would have normally defaulted to becoming farm labourers, ditch diggers, gas lamp lighters, leech collectors, or army cannon fodder. It's the same with politicians of all flavors. Anybody seeking power is more than likely the least desirable person to be given power. Therein lies the core problem with democracy. We'd all have better governance if our leaders were randomly selected from a phonebook, if phonebooks still existed.
  24. I think Joe was set up. His people allowed this early debate knowing full well how miserable it would turn out for him. The MSM, DNC, and WH have been denying his cognitive decline for 3+ years but they all knew the truth. They knew the jig was up and encouraged this debate to allow time for Joe to be deposed and select another nomination. I don't have any skin in the game. But regardless of the future President's political leanings, for God's sake choose somebody who will stay awake behind the wheel. I'd like to think that if they decide to push that big red button, they were at least moderately cognitive and a little smarter than Homer Simpson.
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