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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I agree with your sentiment. But they'll probably apply the Stalinist mentality - losing one child is a tragedy, losing 320,000 is merely a statistic.
  2. Hands up anybody who ever saw a non-Rolex wearing Chinese tourist in a restaurant other than at the 2-Star hotel their tour company booked them into. I didn't think so.
  3. Yeah, I tend to agree. Although I make an exception for a few Scandies who are buff enough to pass the "bad grandad" test and are honouring their Viking heritage. The aging Californian ex-surfer dude - not so much.
  4. Roundabouts won't work due to lack of spatial awareness of the indigenous population. And locals consider traffic lights to be suggestions only. As a contrarian, my solution is to turn all the traffic lights to flashing ambers only. Observation shows that traffic moves much smoother under these conditions. I recall a Saturday afternoon pre-covid. Exited Central Festival, down Second Road, right on to Klang, right on to Third Road and down to Tai. All the traffic lights were flashing amber, and there was hardly a vehicle in sight anywhere. Because everybody had gone to where they were going. All the traffic lights do in Pattaya is move the traffic jam from intersection to intersection - especially when the BIB take control of the switches to "improve" the traffic flow. Oh Brother!
  5. If it had four legs, two wings, or could swim, eat only that. Garnish with salt and pepper only. Cook it yourself with minimal olive oil. Absolutely no sugar or carbohydrates of any kind. Eat as much as you want. You'll enter ketosis in 3-4 days and you'll be cinching up your belt within 7 days. All while never feeling hungry.
  6. Don't wear a wife-beater, especially a beer branded one. Don't grow your thinning hair unfashionably long, and dye it jet black. Don't wear socks, especially black socks and sandals. Instant promotion to hansum man.
  7. And Hardley Davidson fans are pretty upset about this moving to Thailand, plus the fact that HD Bud-Lighted themselves with their woke DEI policies. Big backlash at the recent Sturgis rally, with the HD tent reportedly receiving little attention. Also many reports of biker's unbranding their bikes and removing logos and badges. One guy even machine gunned his bike to smithereens in protest. Their South African born CEO is learning about actions and consequences.
  8. To this day, the institutional smell of boiled cabbage initiates a gagging reflex.
  9. It took the Wall Street Journal a thousand words to say that.
  10. It's virtually irrelevant who the individuals were that sabotaged the pipeline. What is significant, is which alphabet soup government agency orchestrated and paid for it. And that, we will probably never know. All we can be reasonably sure of is that it probably wasn't the Tokelauan Secret Police.
  11. Funny - nowhere in the article does it clearly mention that the native British peasants are somewhat miffed about the government arbitrarily encouraging a significant cultural and ethnic change to their society, with no such mandate from the common man. And this comes from the Daily Telegraph, an allegedly right leaning rag. By this standard, Pravda was neo-conservative.
  12. The only consumer tip I can offer is don't buy a light grey coloured laptop. I've always had black Acer machines that have white letters on black button keyboard. Recently bought an HP with grey on grey keyboard. Even with background lighting, it's a pain in the posterior to use.
  13. Assume that every driver on the road woke up that day with the sole intention of seeking you out and unaliving you - take the appropriate action. In my case, that means that any idea of western "defensive driving" technique is totally worthless and will result in your demise. Drive aggressively, take every opportunity to remove other driver's options to kill you.
  14. So essentially, this bloke has been made a political prisoner because of his mere attendance at a political protest. Magna Carta never guaranteed freedom of expression, and Airstrip One Britain has nothing like the US Constitution. The ancient Bill of Rights doesn't guarantee free speech, and the closest they have is the ECHR which has the "right to free speech within the law". Eight hundred years of common law are being usurped by the Authoritarian political and judicial system. When society has no faith in the rule of law, remarkable things tend to happen. Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me.
  15. Don't know why they're blaming Temu for the downturn in the economy and factory closures. Temu offer the same junk as Lazada, Shopee, Ebay et al.
  16. The debates should be interesting. I doubt any of them will end in TKO's. The second and third events may not even happen.
  17. Maybe the mechanic confused his Ah and Wh with his volts. Or just wasn't bothered that the positive terminal was chafing the frame.
  18. I was born to fire all my guns at once, and explode into space.
  19. "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right." "All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." Orwell, 1984. Translation - In the eyes of the Oligarchs and MSM, Covid didn't really happen, and you can't hold anyone accountable for something that didn't happen. And if you rock the boat about this or any other political malfeasance, you will be unpersoned.
  20. You're confusing The Land of the Long White Cloud with The Land of Saints and Scholars.
  21. Things have changed. It was always understood that unless you could successfully argue the position of two opposing opinions, then you were likely incapable of truly understanding either opinion. As in the old skool debates of being randomly selected to speak for the Ayes or the Naes, regardless of your personal position. Not so much of that in modern political debate - more's the pity.
  22. Only a matter of time until video gaming becomes an official Olympic sport. Idiocracy has been allowed to become the ideology du jour. We reap what we sow.
  23. Nope, the Aussies would beat them to it. Australia is the world's biggest manufacturer of velcro gloves and gumboots.
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 112 seconds  
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