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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I'm guessing that the entire tax take from approximately 50 average wage working individuals will be required to fund this scheme. Extrapolate that out to the entire population and there is a slight problem with the math. I know socialism has it's own version of math, but eventually reality has a way of kicking you in the rear end.
  2. I've used Sophon Broadband for over 10 years. There office is on Pattaya Tai towards the Third Road end. 690 Baht for 20Mbps. Rarely goes offline and then usually because some numpty has toppled a pole somewhere. They are quick to answer the phone and can actually tell you why the system is down. On two occasions (in 10 years) they were unable to resolve my outage issues and were at my house to check the router the same day.
  3. They could solve corruption in a heartbeat by raising sufficient tax to enable the government to pay first world salaries, healthcare, and social security. Increase VAT to 20%. Employ 78,000 tax inspectors to hunt down every street vendor and farm worker to tax them at 40%. Put in place a myriad of new taxes such as a fringe benefit tax, capital gains tax, fart tax for all farm animals. Institute a special carbon tax on all street vendors that sell grilled chicken. Raise fuel, alcohol, and tobacco tax to 80%. Invest zillions in wind and solar farms, and destroy the gas and oil powered electricity generators before there is sufficient replacement capacity. Problem solved, and Thailand becomes a first world Utopia with a perfectly functional non-authoritarian, non-corrupt government, just like my country, New Zealand. Yeah, right.
  4. I thought LGBTQ+ was now old-school and been replaced with 2SLGBTQIAAP+++. (For clarity, the "." is actually a grammatical period/full-stop, and not a pretend gender - at least for now.) Alphabet soup anybody?
  5. I'm waiting for the data revealing how many deaths are caused by secondhand vape inhalation.
  6. The odds of Pita being permitted to become prime minister are akin to the odds of it raining meatballs - very slim.
  7. Had a similar issue years ago - incontinent dog. Tried off the shelf products to no avail as I believe the odour remained in the seat padding. Rented a carpet cleaner and that solved the problem.
  8. Everything in Thailand makes sense if you accept that all Thai bureaucrats and officials are delusional, and firmly believe that denial is a large Egyptian river.
  9. If your proposed tattoo involves any words, don't check the spelling.
  10. Had to force the bloke laying my tiles to use 3mm spacers, and leave a 5mm gap against the wall to be siliconed. He thought I was bonkers.
  11. Times have changed since I was growing up. Not long before it will be a "thing" that kids are scared to come out of the closet and declare themselves as being straight.
  12. "...They told The Pattaya News that they would release the python into nature far away from the residential area." Soi 6?
  13. I wonder if it would have been an offence if he/she was standing up to urinate? It would certainly have made better video footage.
  14. The idiot dropped to his knees and did a Wai as soon as he saw the coppers. Standard Thai protocol to avoid a kicking. If he had the sense to drop and submit, it makes you wonder how high he actually was. More likely just your run of the mill nutcase.
  15. Regarding the cockpit crew, I believe that according to the woke post-modernist newspeak language, cockpit has been politically corrected to flight-deck. Reminds me of the joke about a passenger asking to see the cockpit, but was told that as the flight crew were all female, the cockpit had been renamed.......and not as the flight-deck.
  16. I remember this case. They were importing a hand-held device that was actually a modified golf ball detector. Not sure if they bought them from the English couple that sold them to a good number of governments, but the whole incident was oh-so-typically-Thailand. Here's a link about the matter from 2014. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29459896
  17. Buy a beer in any beer bar, and wait. Within 15 minutes you can depart with a pair of reading glasses, sunglasses, a Rolex, a T-Shirt, a lottery ticket, a box of Kamagra, a wooden elephant carving, a collapsing wooden fruit-bowl......and the girl that served you the beer. The above list is abridged. ????
  18. Toilet paper will be the post apocalypse currency du jour.
  19. I solved my sky-rat problem. I tried the plastic scary owl - didn't work. I tried the spinning CD's - they just annoyed me. I'd given up hope, And then I observed they were routinely landing on the balcony wooden railing, taking a dump on said railing, and then hopping down to ingest the water dripping from the A/C drain pipe. I also observed they usually came in pairs, and narrowed it down to actually only being two pairs of birds that were roosting on the A/C compressors of two long time vacant apartments on an adjacent condo. It seems these two pairs had isolated my balcony as their preferred source of H2O. I covered the pipe outlet so they had no access to the water. After about 5 days they stopped coming. And there has been no pigeon turd on the balcony railing or tiles now for several months. Funny thing is, I've since observed other birds doing the same thing to other condo balconies I can see. I even know where my two pairs of pigeons get their water. Don't know if this will help anybody else, but it's worth a try.
  20. Along with all the scanned passport pages, you may want to type up your own schedule of consecutive dates of entries/departures that clearly explain the stamps in chronological order. I'd also include a column that clearly shows the number of days in the country on each entry, and summarize them annually, and in total. Anything you can do to reduce the chances of a lazy and inept bureaucrat to say "no" is advantageous.
  21. 12.9236° N, 100.8825° E
  22. There's an old saying, oft repeated by my Dad as he got older. "Son, when you're my age, never trust a fart or go past a public toilet". Thailand presents some difficulties. Holding back those frequent un-trustable farts while mincing your way in the general direction of a public building that you pray has a public toilet is a harrowing experience.
  23. Next on the agenda - make the trains stop at railway crossings to give way to motorists. Actually, that's not a bad idea.
  24. I wonder if Chat GPT can think up a good joke for April Fool's Day.
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