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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. The driver was obviously scrambling for an excuse under extreme stress. Personally, I would have gone with the "confused the brake pedal with the gas pedal" option. Marginally more plausible.
  2. I've never been asked for one in over a decade of doing retirement extensions at Jomtien/Chonburi IO.
  3. "Tops" at Central Festival is the best place to buy quality imported chilled Aussie beef. They normally have a range of aged beef. It ain't cheap, but IMHO undoubtedly the best in Patters. Go for the tenderloin if you want the best pan fried steak. The sirloins and other cuts aren't great unless you want to casserole.
  4. Not to mention transgender women, transgender men, and all the non-binaries. Boys and girls, it's a freaking minefield of wokeness out there!
  5. Are you deliberately excluding Eskimos?
  6. Um.....the irony was obviously lost in translation. Pattaya Tai has been renamed Little Mumbai. There are more Indian restaurants than you can throw a stick at. Tourists from the Asian sub-continent walk four abreast on the road holding hands - motorcycle taxi drivers love them.
  7. I stopped reading after "AS PART of the government’s effort to strictly enforce traffic rules..."
  8. I doubt there are sufficient Indian restaurants in Pattaya Tai to feed the encroaching masses.
  9. When I was a kid, "finders keepers, losers weepers" was de rigueur. It did tend to instill a sense of responsibility and self-awareness. Some a-hole once nicked my shoes in the school changing rooms. Solution, nick somebody else's shoes.
  10. Whenever I see "Major-General" in Thai news, I immediately think of the line from Gilbert and Sullivan. "In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral, I am the very model of a modern Major-General." The BIB would have given G&S some great material for a Panto.
  11. OP - are you positive they actually made a withdrawal in the first place. When I order, I get a notification on my bank app (Kasikorn) that says XXX Baht is "on hold" and will only be debited when the food is delivered. If the food vendor cancels, I get a message on the bank app saying the money has been refunded, even though it was never debited. The messages are typically Thinglish grammar and a bit misleading. The first time I got a cancellation, I immediately re-ordered. I received a proliferation of messages from my bank and Grab about the cancellation, re-ordering money on hold, and refund, as well as cancellation and refund of the driver tip on the first order. It was quite confusing, but trolling through the messages and comparing activity on my actual bank account showed that I was only debited once for the second order (and driver tip) that was delivered.
  12. Not quite the same as peeing on your feet to treat tinea.
  13. Personally, I find the disorganized Thai bureaucratic system much less tyrannical than the organized and brutal bureaucracy of my home country, the Democratic Socialist Republic of New Zealand.
  14. It is my understanding that the first 90 day report after re-entering needs to be done physically at the IO. Second and subsequent reports can be done online. Been this way since the online system was launched.
  15. Huge selection of pillows and bedwear at Homepro on Suk.
  16. How many kids of today get clobbered by their Mum for bending two spoons beyond recognition while repairing the puncture on their bike? Nobody!
  17. What does "Teflon Thailand" mean?
  18. The guy has omitted the most important tip of all. When returning home to your Mia from a boy's night out, always double check that your shirt is not inside-out, and you are wearing both socks. Don't ask me how I know.
  19. And even then, only use one hand well below the chin.
  20. Every American is now Googling Q,E.D.
  21. Or your and you're.
  22. The biggest giveaway is their dress sense (lack of).
  23. Maybe he's confusing the birthday issue with getting a driving license. They always expire on your birthday and they "round up" so technically I think you can get a license for 5 years and 364 days.
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