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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Is that why they call them Sausage Dogs?
  2. The Indigenous population are not well renowned for their reverse parking abilities, but when they attempt reverse parking on the "wrong" side of the road, it's a sight to behold.
  3. Good comparisons, but I think of living in Thailand more like a never ending Monty Python skit on rocket fuel. Anything (and therefore, everything) is possible.
  4. Every day is a debacle in LOS. That's why I love living here.
  5. I bet nobody in any government department is capable of driving a manual vehicle. So telling them the joke about engaging your brain before putting your mouth in gear would sail way over their heads.
  6. Do the math. In a country of some 67 million, only 63 speeding traffic stops were made in a day. This assumes that all those stopped were ticketed and had a point removed. Talk about urinating into the wind!
  7. Oh goody. I can get caught drunk driving three times before they take my license away. Actually, as I have a motorcycle and a car license, maybe I can get caught three times on each conveyance.
  8. At the same time you are attempting to load a problem site, run a speed test and see what's happening. Also, try pinging the problem site to see if you get a ping response. If you do, it implies it is the browser that is at fault. Or maybe the sites you're having issues with have a paywall or similar, and Chrome is able to get through it with an extension. Edit: Re the temperature sensor, I think most only upload once every minute.
  9. 8.) And a pocketful of posies.
  10. In another thread, somebody suggested fronting up to the IO in a wheelchair to jump the queue. You could go one better and add a saline drip and a colostomy bag.
  11. I never get mosquito bites, even when those around me are getting bitten. I wouldn't dare to confuse correlation with causation, but I've often wondered if it's anything to do with my blood/alcohol ratio.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Canada
  13. Try installing a paywall bypass extension on Chrome. This gets me into all sorts of sites that may have a limitation on viewability where the sites either limit the number of views before asking you to pay a subscription. or simply say "access denied". https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome
  14. It doesn't matter what color hi-viz jackets they wear, it will still look equally as comical when you see BIB's riding two-up on someone's sister's pink Scoopy.
  15. Branston with the mini sausages for me. Just bought a dozen tins at Foodland in Jomtien. During and after the <deleted>, supplies of many imported European foodstuffs have become erratic and unreliable. My cupboards are chocka with a few hoarded items, Branston beans and HP Sauce included. I bought some HP Sauce in a plastic squeeze bottle, but it somehow seems sacrilegious using it after 60 years of shaking the traditional square bottle. So now I refill my empty traditional bottle from the plastic version. Tradition preserved.
  16. Meanwhile In other non related news, the Pattaya City Council are unable to confirm or deny that the New Year's Eve pisss-up at a brewery will proceed or not.
  17. "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." Orwell, 1984 Somehow I always knew we would end up at the dystopian crossroads of Orwell, Bradbury, and Huxley.
  18. Buyers' remorse?
  19. I gave the Missus' family zilch sinsot. But recently built my Gik a 3M Baht house. It's important to get your priorities in order.
  20. The stupid git was a "Stop Oil" protester. 9/5 on that the muppet used an oil based product to start the fire. Pity the Plod intervened, maybe he was going to do the right thing and make the ultimate ideological sacrifice.
  21. I agree. I suspect we've both been in Thailand too long.
  22. I reckon the student (or teacher) with the cigarette lighter in their pocket is the likely culprit.
  23. This sums it up really. Parody becomes reality.
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