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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

    This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

    Let's see the two of them give up their amnesty after they have been investigated, tried and found guilty.

    The terms of the Amnesty agreement,suggested by Abhisit also applied to Thaksin as well,but not even you would expect Thaksin to agree to a gentlemans arrangment, as you have already changed the rules by omitting Thaksin.

    • Like 2
  2. What was wrong with "Seven Dangerous Days of Songkran"?

    zero accidents - should only miss the mark by about 300

    Maybe this should fall into the same catagory as "there will be no flooding in Bangkok".

    coupled with:

    Yingluck Pledges To Eradicate 80% Of Drugs Within One Year



    And not so many years ago her brother that Thailand is drugfree.

    Yea, it's like one of those Russian Vine Creepers,the more you cut it back the quicker it grows.

  3. "Thaksin, a deeply divisive figure in neighbouring Thailand who lives abroad to avoid a jail term for corruption, is set to address tens of thousands of his "Red Shirt" supporters on Saturday in northwestern Siem Reap province"

    Again, some clarification on this regular attempt by the media at 'historically contextualizing current events" as above......If he is such a deeply divisive figure, how is it that he was able to engineer a significant electoral victory last year, with which he was publically linked. For the Opposition and those who self-servingly coup-ed him out of existence to characterize him as such, are basically communicating the agenda of their minority electoral position in Thailand, for which he continues to be a threat. ...........Also avoiding the coup-based context of his 'jail term for corruption' is misleading. Within that context, an entirely different light is shone on the issue. Winning elections is not corruption, as much as the coupists would suggest otherwise.

    Ask a simple question,Calgary II ,he bought and paid for it. Not difficult to see through the obvious subterfuge ,is it?

  4. He confirmed that Phnom Penh would take care of those expenses as well, though he expected "some of it" might be paid back by Thailand's ruling Puea Thai Party.

    Even Cambodia knows who is really running Thailand.


    Well isn't that the ultimate "P**s take" of the week? how much more is there to follow?

  5. 1,000 people I thought there was supposed to be in the ten's of thousands, I guess they didn't do to well with every thing he gave them,

    April 10, 2012

    Red Shirt Leader Nisit Sinthuphrai said about 50,000 Thaksin supporters are expected to leave for Laos to meet him there as he pays a brief visit to Laos and Cambodia during the festival.

    These numbers can't be right. I'm sure our dear member Cagaryll will update us on precise numbers having counted the busses passing. We may have to wait a bit though, C may still be stuck in the traffic jam or moving to Cambodia to do some more counting there.

    Let me finish with wishing you all good people get a 'wee bit' wet smile.png

    CalgaryII is busy,he had to go,and help make up the numbers,in Laossmile.png

    • Like 1
  6. I have only been in Thailand 1 year,please take this in to account when reading this post.I am amazed at the venomous attacks on Mr T has he caused Farangs living here so much pain and misery.I think the best people to decide if and when Mr T returns are the Thai people themselves.If the prospect of living here under a Mr T governments fills farangs with such dread,the only course of action is too cut your loses and run.If the Thai people decide to elect a monkey to govern it"s ok with me,as long as I can have my visa stamped every year and the price of cigarettes stay the samejap.gif

    i Just did!

    • Like 1
  7. 1,000 people I thought there was supposed to be in the ten's of thousands, I guess they didn't do to well with every thing he gave them,

    Probably he had only small pocket money to pay for only 1000 " supporters "...or maybe were already to drunk from celebrating Songkran

    and got lost on the way...555

    Could it not be that he isn't as popular as his supporters would have you believe?

    Or perhaps on this occasion he has been a bit Kineow,with the attendance cash,and expenses.

    • Like 1
  8. 'Death threat' report disrupts Thaksin's Laos arrival

    The Nation


    Photo : Watcharachai Klaipong

    VIENTIANE: -- Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra was given special protection when he arrived in the capital of Laos yesterday, amid rumours of an assassination threat against him, according to people close to the former leader.

    Red-shirt leader Kwanchai Praipana, a coordinator of the red-shirts' trip to Laos during Thaksin's visit, said yesterday the ex-premier's plane was diverted from Vientiane's Wattay International Airport to a military airport at short notice.

    "The Laotian authorities took Thaksin to Government House. They cited safety reasons and the need to provide special treatment for him," Kwanchai said.

    He said the Laotian government kept Thaksin's schedules in Laos secret and even red-shirt leaders from Thailand were not informed about changes set by Laotian authorities.

    "This is understandable. Their culture is different from ours. The rumours of an assassination threat may have worried the Laotian government so they provided special security measures," Kwanchai said.

    According to a source close to Thaksin, the Laotian authorities changed Thaksin's original schedules for security reasons. Some were cancelled while the times for others were changed. Even people close to Thaksin were informed of the new schedules at short notice, according to the source.

    Kwanchai was among many red-shirt leaders and politicians from the ruling Pheu Thai Party waiting at the Wattay airport yesterday to welcome Thaksin. They included Suporn Atthawong, Jaral Dittha-apichai, Sutham Sangprathum, Sermsak Pongpanit, General Panlop Pinmanee and Sitha Tiwari.

    They were informed of the sudden change shortly before Thaksin's plane landed at Vientiane's military airport.

    There were also Thaksin supporters from many provinces, as well as his Laotian admirers. Most refrained from wearing red at the suggestion of the Laotian authorities who prohibit political campaigning.

    Last night, Thaksin was scheduled to give a lecture on economic matters at a large riverside hotel in Vientiane located opposite the Thai province of Nong Khai. About 1,000 Laotian businesspeople and executives as well as some 300 Thai businesspeople were expected to attend.

    Later in the day, Thaksin was expected to address a gathering of red shirts at the Nong Khai Provincial Stadium through the Skype Internet-based communication network. Many red shirts, mostly from the northeastern provinces, and the movement's leaders yesterday gathered in Nong Khai, just across the Mekong River from Vientiane, in a function held to offer moral support to Thaksin.

    Thaksin is scheduled to offer alms to Buddhist monks and to meet his red-shirt supporters this morning in Vientiane. Thousands of red shirts are expected to gather in the Laotian capital during the Songkran festival to attend a ceremony to offer blessings to Thaksin.

    Before noon today, Thaksin is scheduled to meet with another group of red shirts at Vientiane's morning market. Later in the day, he is scheduled to fly to the southern Laotian city of Pakse.

    According to his schedule, Thaksin will remains in Laos until tomorrow before leaving for Cambodia, where he is scheduled to stay on Saturday and Sunday.


    -- The Nation 2012-04-12

    Unbelievable,a stadium address via Skype,hasn't he the guts,to walk over the friendship Bridge?

  9. Thanks zatoichi, I could nt have, even if I tried to put it succinctly.

    I am not totally a fan of Mugabe, but comments of page one and two was a bit of a low.

    The Thai Chinese don't own all the lands, may be the choice ones. And they invest their profits in Thailand too and no one is bing slaved outright.

    The foreign aid to Africa is all a sham. How much can you give a country like Nigeria to make any impact?

    What utter nonsense,what makes you think the world owes you a living,and you and your country deserve any aid,at all???

    • Like 2
  10. Oh I love it, skewing context and draping themselves in the Armour of self righteousness, the tools of the trade for these people eh Mega, you probably have more first hand experience with it than I, are they all like this? MAJIC, I didn't sneer at the development of the Land of Zimbabwe, I sneered at the fact that you called it prosperity on that grounds alone while ignoring that fact that only the people that stole it prospered from it while the Africans, the other 98% of the people there had nothing to show for it. A nation isn't prosperous when only 2% of the people there prosper. The math ain't particularly tough.

    Now Mercenaries, them I know very, very, well, with going on 7 years in Iraq & Afghanistan. A merc will build only the infrastructure he needs to complete his mission and and sustain himself. Weather that mission be short term or long term, the European Land thieves that came there to exploit the land were on a mission, one that sadly took 200 years before they were finlay uprooted and the oppressed free to govern themselves.

    Now if you wanna bitch and moan about how well a people who were exploited and oppressed govern themselves after 200 years of brutal mercenary rule, then go right ahead and kick folks while their down. But thats not the point I will argue, I know their governing skills need work, it's just been what 20-30years and 1 guy??? that's nothing. America was tearing itself apart damm near 100years on after breaking away from tyranny (only to commit it's own that makes Mugabe's look tame frankly speaking)

    Well, it seems you need to take a bit of leave mate as you seem to be a bit too angry about everything!

    The 'mercs' as you have labelled them who settled in Rhodesia did a little more than build only the infrastructure needed to sustain themselves and complete their mission didn't they. They built an entire nation from jungle. City's and skyscrapers.

    Your swearing and use of the bigot term is laughable in its self. Not only does it detract from your argument but it in fact highlights you as the bigot. No doubt you are the kind of guy that thinks it is in order for the UK Police to have a black police officers federation, but its racist to have a white police officers federation. Your argument has no rational backbone to it, and you and Megaranter can carry on giving each other a stroke as much as you like, it does not change anything. Mugabe was a murdering meglomaniac,

    Can you explain why he has billions stashed in Switzerland or was that part of his failing to come up with a plan before he started killing white AND black farmers as well. Your concept for the retaking of Zimbabwe seems fine, with one problem area, it was Mugabe in charge. He has never had one single intent to care for the country and its people. The country could have rode out any sanctions and there was no need for anyone to starve as they had the means to be completely self sustainable in terms of food. He didn't make his error overnight now did he, as you seem to suggest, he had about 7-8 years to fix the problems and everyone warned him, trouble is as much as you seem to like the fella he didn't give a toss for anything other than his bank balance, Open your eyes.

    Bang on the button Jim,but how do you convince those that have seen the Saviour/Hero,behave even worse than those that run the Country sucessfully before.

    The death of a hero with feet of clay,is always traumatic and hard to accept,and face up to the reality,of wasted blind devotion.

  11. What prosperous economy? A few white farmers. They are just mercenaries, both in Zimbabwe and much of that region, the only infrastructure in that country are one that facilitate the exploitation of the land and the. People.

    Exactly Mega Ranter, and thank you for earlier complement. I'm not a fan of the man either, I recognize he was extremely fallible, and his decision making went from poor to worse after the west imposed sanctions strangled that the life out of any chance of a viable economy. All I'm saying is I appreciate his intentions and I respect were his heart was at when he booted the occupiers.

    And yeah, like you said, Funny how these guys here call the economy "prosperous" when some thieving, migrants that barely made up 2% of the population, lorded over their black serfs and kept all the resulting prosperity to them selves while looking down their noses at the indigenous people there. Yet when Mugabe puts his people in charge, he's a F'ing monster. Or when I break down my respect for his intentions and what he should have done as opposed to what he did, I'm "incoherent and nonsensical" ... lol, F' Logic!

    But you know whats really cool Mega, is that just like Mugabe, allot of these guys with their antiquated bigotry and their backwards attitudes, have more days behind them then they do in front of them. So our future generations will be blessed not to have to deal with as much of it as we did, and nothing compared to what our parents faced.

    And now the land has gone back to Jungle,and no use to anyone,because the people couldn't didn't want to work, well done!

    And since when did Mercenaries,turn Jungle, into arable land ? and over a period of nigh on 200 years? I think you need to brush up on your History,you have as much idea as the "Master Exploiter" himself.

    The "Prosperous" land,which you choose to sneer at,was the "Food Basket,of Africa" and the Exports made Rhodesia / Zimbabwe the envy of Africa,before Mugabe F***** it up,and turned it all back to jungle.

    Because he thought he could control,White Settlers the same as his own people,so those White Settlers,that were spared slaughter,left the Country to it's ignorant devices........The rest is Sadly History.

    Oh I love it, skewing context and draping themselves in the Armour of self righteousness, the tools of the trade for these people eh Mega, you probably have more first hand experience with it than I, are they all like this? MAJIC, I didn't sneer at the development of the Land of Zimbabwe, I sneered at the fact that you called it prosperity on that grounds alone while ignoring that fact that only the people that stole it prospered from it while the Africans, the other 98% of the people there had nothing to show for it. A nation isn't prosperous when only 2% of the people there prosper. The math ain't particularly tough.

    Now Mercenaries, them I know very, very, well, with going on 7 years in Iraq & Afghanistan. A merc will build only the infrastructure he needs to complete his mission and and sustain himself. Weather that mission be short term or long term, the European Land thieves that came there to exploit the land were on a mission, one that sadly took 200 years before they were finlay uprooted and the oppressed free to govern themselves.

    Now if you wanna bitch and moan about how well a people who were exploited and oppressed govern themselves after 200 years of brutal mercenary rule, then go right ahead and kick folks while their down. But thats not the point I will argue, I know their governing skills need work, it's just been what 20-30years and 1 guy??? that's nothing. America was tearing itself apart damm near 100years on after breaking away from tyranny (only to commit it's own that makes Mugabe's look tame frankly speaking)

    Do read some History,you don't get it, 20-30 years of Magabe rule has made the plight of Zimbabwians,worse not better.

  12. I'll be home this year, Thaksin tells supporters

    Thailand's fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra told his 'Red Shirt' supporters on Wednesday that he expects to set foot in his homeland again in 2012.

    "With all your support, I'm likely to return home this year. You probably think I've said often I'll come home. If I can't, please come to get me," he said in video address from neighbouring Laos.



    Straits Times - 19 minutes ago


    "Please come to get me"

    Shell out 500 Bahts a head,and they probably will,....what a pathetic,heart rending,desperate, statement.

  13. Yes you should be pissed off,as I would be,

    Thais have to realise.we westerners also have a culture,

    which does not always welcome unannounced guests without prior arrangement,

    <deleted> isn't it obvious its B****y rude to say the least.

    Is that so hard to understand???

  14. What prosperous economy? A few white farmers. They are just mercenaries, both in Zimbabwe and much of that region, the only infrastructure in that country are one that facilitate the exploitation of the land and the. People.

    Exactly Mega Ranter, and thank you for earlier complement. I'm not a fan of the man either, I recognize he was extremely fallible, and his decision making went from poor to worse after the west imposed sanctions strangled that the life out of any chance of a viable economy. All I'm saying is I appreciate his intentions and I respect were his heart was at when he booted the occupiers.

    And yeah, like you said, Funny how these guys here call the economy "prosperous" when some thieving, migrants that barely made up 2% of the population, lorded over their black serfs and kept all the resulting prosperity to them selves while looking down their noses at the indigenous people there. Yet when Mugabe puts his people in charge, he's a F'ing monster. Or when I break down my respect for his intentions and what he should have done as opposed to what he did, I'm "incoherent and nonsensical" ... lol, F' Logic!

    But you know whats really cool Mega, is that just like Mugabe, allot of these guys with their antiquated bigotry and their backwards attitudes, have more days behind them then they do in front of them. So our future generations will be blessed not to have to deal with as much of it as we did, and nothing compared to what our parents faced.

    And now the land has gone back to Jungle,and no use to anyone,because the people couldn't didn't want to work, well done!

    And since when did Mercenaries,turn Jungle, into arable land ? and over a period of nigh on 200 years? I think you need to brush up on your History,you have as much idea as the "Master Exploiter" himself.

    The "Prosperous" land,which you choose to sneer at,was the "Food Basket,of Africa" and the Exports made Rhodesia / Zimbabwe the envy of Africa,before Mugabe F***** it up,and turned it all back to jungle.

    Because he thought he could control,White Settlers the same as his own people,so those White Settlers,that were spared slaughter,left the Country to it's ignorant devices........The rest is Sadly History.

  15. He had the right idea in the beginning to kick out the land thieving occupiers, but he executed it poorly. Then everything went down a slippery slope, getting worse and worse till the mess that we have now. May the Gods judge him justly. Now that being said I think I may go visit soon to see what kind of opportunities are abound his passing.

    His self centred,phoney, moralistic ideas of Justice soon turned into the Poacher turned Gamekeeper,and that is all Dictaters are about, .............. ME FIRST!

    No need to put a selfish thief,who murdered his people, on a pedestal,he is worthy of nothing,but contempt, and a well earned place in Hell.

  16. It would be nice if they got there story correct, he was no longer PM when the coup took place he had resigned and then tried to reappoint himself as PM. These are the kind of stories the usual suspects grab hold of to re-write history according to Big T


    You are 100% correct,but trying to get a Red Shirt to admit to the truth,is hard work. The story doesn't sound nearly so dramatic,to say that when the Coup took place Thaksin was a nobody, an Ex PM,so the coup,was non confrontational,because there was not a Current Government to eject from Power,as is normally the case.

    Don't expect the Red Shirts to accept the truth,any time soon,it doesn't suit their cause.They lie like the proverbial Pigs in S**t.

  17. Children were starved to death by the west with all the sanctions and propaganda, a leader of a country sees an issue to redress, foreign powers tell him, no you can or else shitface you.the farmers could all have gone to an agreement with their felllo citizens in form of co operatives or any other way instead of running back to their real countries and engineering all the mayhem that crippled Mugabe.

    One man's liberator is another man's anarchist. He said whatever he did was for the good of his people. Most people here only know him from what the western media have said of him. Most of the African continent is in a mess because their leaders want to be seen and talked about nicely by the west. 2% of the population have no right to own 98% of the land. This 2% would not be allowed to own their homes in today's Thailand. He wanted some reforms, some equity, some fairness, and west labelled him a monster and succeeded in making him look like one. South Africa would one day do what he did,may be subtly, but inevitable. Considering the umber of lives lost in Iraq, I bet none of the above posters would toast to GWB death. I wonder how many of you ll live to be 88.

    I do not want to live to 88 if it means intentionally causing children to starve to death, or destroying multiple generations of those that never wanted anything but a chance to live in peace.

    Ahh yes, South Africa and the potential to emulate Zimbabwe's mistakes. So far, the South African rulers understand the value and contributions of South African's minority groups, whether they be Asian, or caucasian. Had Zimbabwe not purged its farmers, who just so happened to be caucasian, Zimbabwe would not be filled with starving people. I think South Africa, for all of its foibles understands and appreciates the importance of its farmers.

    Well your Rhetoric is exactly what Magabe was spouting for years,he always had someone to blame (usually the UK) rather than blame his own incompetence.

    Furtile land,lay unworked,huge amounts of labour unused,a large export industry,which died under his command,once known as the Bread Basket of Africa,but under his leadership couldn't feed his own countrymen. And the thieving of a once rich nation,the asset stripping,that went into his own offshore Bank Accounts,leaving Zimbabe stripped of untold wealth.

    Please don't believe he was a Messiah,the opposite would have been the truth,and if he is now dying,there is no need to mourn,he was not one of the people.

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