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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Illegal copies,and infringement of Intelectual property rights,will never be stamped out,until it ceases to be part of the Thai economy.

    It will not be eliminated until pricing reflects the purchasing power of a median income Thai and not the purchasing power of a median income American.

    Well in my view the ultimate means of controlling copying,would be to make the price of software originals,much more affordable.

    But the big boys act on the basis that a large percentage of users start off with illegal copies,and when their system crashes,they often go out and buy an original,which would be as bug free as the day it was made.

    Manufacturers Greed creates,and encourages cheap copies,no wonder they get ripped off,it's payback time for the consumer to rip them off,and most consumers have no concience,about doing so.

    Then the cycle continues,a new operating system is a must have,because the manufacturer has made the new operating system,or that Office Suite,not fully compatable,either backwards or forward. So it's get your wallet out time,once again. Let's not lose any sleep or shed any tears,over the likes of Microsoft,and the Big Boy Software Developers/Manufacturers.

    So give the consumers a better deal,and stop their Rip Offs,and there will be more chance the customer will buy Originals,but its not going to happen,while charging exorbitant prices.

  2. "The process must be really fair, especially the appointment of people in charge of the process. If things were fair, he would return."

    Meaning = My own hand picked people,doing exactly as I tell them,and a guarantee that I will be declared not guilty on all charges.and the return of my money,unfairly taken from me.

  3. Ones hopes that as the business ethics in China is very different to most of the world (although happily it is the same as Thailands) I hope the good disgruntled people from Scope say who received the tea money, hookers, elaborate gifts to get so far in this process before Thailand took back all their potential profit by charging them import tax. Guess they worked out that even paying tea money to get around that element, it would not be worth the effort.

    Re the poster; I thought I saw this one or maybe my subconscious read it as such.


    Didn't it also say"I will make all Thais Rich in six months" Quote: Thaksin Shinawatra 2011

  4. The mystery is how St. George ever became patron saint of England.

    He was probably a Moor and he certainly never set foot in England.

    He's also the patron saint of Greece, Malta and Georgia to name a few.

    Ghosh thanks for that KB, not a total surprise but who do you think should be the Patron Saint then? How about St Horatio?

    Hmmmm.......difficult to say. My choice would beAlfred the Great. He saved England from becoming a part of Denmark. Trouble is, is that a saint has to be connected to the Christian religion and has preferably died in a horrible way for their beliefs.

    Thomas More, perhaps?

    "Alfred the Great. He saved England from becoming a part of Denmark"

    Together with his brother Ethelred1 who also confronted the Danes.who had pillaged England for over 200 years.

  5. Its another excuse for a p-ss up.

    St Georges Day doesnt exist in England sadly, it never did, and you would be hard pushed to find any person who actually knows the date.

    It will not even get a mention on the news for sure.

    Only St Pats day is recognised and again only becasue of the alcohol involved.

    Traditions in England dont really run any more. Fish and chips has long since died (after the Govt dessicated the fishing fleets 35yr ago) and the national dish for the last 15yrs has surprisingly been chicken tikka masala.

    Well hats off to you sir, obvously not a native Englishman trying to do your bit to shame us Limeys.

    Guess you have been in Thailand too long,Totally out of touch Post of the week.

  6. Just be glad you're not in Pattaya !!!!!

    Bangkok fantastic city !!!!!!



    Why bash Pattaya? Have you lived there?

    I've only smelt it from a distance.... smile.png

    Haha, was that the stench of the actual place or of the dirty old foreigners that fly into psychopathic rages when you mention its little more than a cesspool of Russian wanna be gangsters; daft, randy old farts with hypertension and pug nosed, bandy legged Issan whores?

    And jealous broke,young bucks,desperately trying to make ends meet,in order to stay in Thailand.

  7. Thanks for reminding me smile.png

    A few years ago in the very English county of Oxfordshire I was advised to take down a St Georges Flag I had hung from my window for the same event.

    God save the Queen !

    And did you take it down? or tell them to go away in short jerky movements?

  8. Amway skin products are terrible. I know some people who used it in the villages of Phatthalung and they all had a terrible reaction to it. It all started off by some guy marketing the products on commission to make money. It's quite clearly not safe! :/

    What can be expected from a population,that are quite happy to burn their skin,with cream whitener,in a vain effort to have the same skin as westerners.

  9. Don't rely on the inheritence,you have no idea how many other family members will be making a claim.

    As this 30,000 baht is too much for you to pay,then give what you can afford,and if you lose the "Lady" because you are unable to give in to this demand,then console yourself,it would have happened anyway!

  10. It's not just Amway, the whole problem is endemic here. Family members who decide to become insurance reps and then come around wanting you to ditch your current insurance and buy with them, Amway schemes and others also add to the list of things to use as an excuse to take the dog for a longer walk and lock all money and cards in the safe while your out. I have had the 30 000 baht water filter sales pitch, with ongoing filter costs of about 5-10k per year!! about 50-60% of the cost being in all the different commissions. Sod that!

    Yep! the original snake oil remedys from charlaton,western cowboy days are still alive and kicking,and all it takes is the gullible,and a naive Country,who still believe in Ghosts,and coloured herbal water,as a cure all for every complaint.

    Sad but true!

    • Like 1
  11. I think the simple answer why Thai/Chinese are held in such high esteem,comes down to money,taken from the top down,Thaksin is highly revered,and is very obvious Chinese /Thai,(and so is the rest of his family) it's no coincidence that he and the family,just happen to be highly wealthy.

    Who owns all the gold shops in Thailand? Chinese and Chinese Thais! And most of the large and small businesses too.It would not be too far out,to say that the Chinese and Thai/Chinese appear to own most of Thailand.

    Thais are not Nationalistic,towards Thai/Chinese,and small wonder too, as a large part of Thai origin and roots,is Chinese.

    Wealth creates unwarranted, Respect and Adoration,and a desire to be just like them,and be on the winning side! and have the perceived,ultimate partner by your side.Which raises respect for the Farang (in their eyes)

    Thankfully the ambition to be considered Hiso (wealthy),and have a Hiso wife/Gf (of great intelligence?) and Beauty? doesn't apply to all Farangs.

  12. Lease = rent

    You would have the right to live in the house on the land for 30 years.

    After 10 years, you would be selling the remaining 20 years of usage.

    You would not OWN the house or the land.

    You own the right to use it for a time period.

    It is very difficult to sell a lease with any amount of time on it. VERY VERY DIFFICULT

    If you are in a city like Pattaya, Phuket or Bangkok, put it in a company name, like 10,000 others have.

    If it is upcountry, then look at Isaan Lawyers. They have done a lot of good work for many posters on this board. Unless it is not in Isaan.

    I would suspect that they would do the same in forming a company and putting the land into the company.

    If you choose to move, and 30 years is a long time, then you would be stuck with a prepaid rental for a long, long time. maybe you could find someone to rent it from you monthly, if that is allowed in the lease, but maybe you can't find someone, and then what? It would sit while you are far away.

    The 30-year lease is not a good choice.

    Best of luck to you.

    Agreed,and neither is any other method of trying to circumvent the laws,and finding that loophole, that can be closed at any time,the Thai Government decides.

    The only safe answer is to Rent,or buy a Condo,and have a modicum of control over your life.

  13. When they say " most emigrants still crave is the sociable atmosphere of the good old British pub", I would imagine they are talking about their locals (which would probably be very different to mine) and not British pubs in general.

    Where I am from, after a few amber nectors you accidently walk into the wrong bar, that could easily be the last thing you do!

    Oh! come on chisinth,being extremely melodramatic,aren't we?

  14. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown sold the UK down the river over their despicable governing of the country and in the process of making considerable personal fortunes have created a truely aweful place to live.

    I for one will not be going back bar for the shortest possible must go visit. i certainly won't miss being mugged by a hoody or being fines for putting my rubbish in the wrong colour bin.

    Don't talk about "sold the UK down the river" that happened under Thatcher and Major and an 18 year Tory rule under her band of thieves.

    • Like 1
  15. Whilst it's nice to help people,if you know something that they need answering,there are also some lazy Posters,who like to be wet nursed.

    Lets be fair how difficult is it to access pinned Topics,or do a simple Google search?

  16. Thais + alcohol = disaster

    Actually, Thais + alcohol < (Farangs + alcohol = disaster)

    No way would an event like Songkran end up without major death and injury rates in most western countries, through alcohol, muggings, sexual assaults and fights, although my own country, the UK, would come out worst. I remeber a couple of years ago, soon after Songkran in Thailand, that a friendly water fight was organised on Facebook in London. The whole thing soon deteriorated into a riot.

    Now how can you possibly know the UK would come out worse,there is no way you can compare,because we do not have a Songkran.

    And there is no other UK celebration that accounts for 300 + deaths,as this years Songkran did.

    If you are going to have some Brit Bashing,at least include some comparable facts.

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